We spend so many years of our adult life trying to avoid becoming pregnant, that initially, we reckon that as soon as we stop using contraception, a pregnancy will occur. But, this is not always the case and many couples are dismayed to find that month after month, there is that sinking feeling as yet another pregnancy test registers negative and yet another monthly period arrives.

There are various tricks to get pregnant quick which you can place into practice and very often it is a multifaceted approach which brings the fastest results. But, at the heart of any system to help you conceive are two issues which cannot be ignored which are integral to any tricks you can use and they are pinpointing ovulation and the timing of intercourse.

Without getting these two aspects right, then quite frankly, no other tricks to get pregnant quick will be of any use.

Women ovulate 14 days before the first day of the menstrual period. Now if your cycle is very regular, pinpointing ovulation is not hard. But, if your cycle is irregular, this can be much harder. There are methods to help you determine ovulation, such as monitoring your basal body temperature first thing on a morning and looking for the dip and peak around the middle of your cycle which heralds ovulation. Some women prefer to use the cervical mucus method, whereby the elasticity of the normal vaginal discharge is monitored and “clear and stretchy” means that ovulation is occurring. But, both of these methods are somewhat open to interpretation and I strongly feel that the investment in an ovulation predictor kit is a wise one. These kits will accurately pinpoint ovulation.

Once you know your cycle and when ovulation is occurring, you must time intercourse to coincide as you can only get pregnant around the time of ovulation. Intercourse should happen for the three days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation itself and for a day afterwards. Although the ovum usually only survives for up to 24 hours, sperm can live for up to 72, so this is why intercourse should happen before the release of the ovum.

Other simple tricks to get pregnant quick for both parties include eating a healthy diet which is rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements (particularly zinc and selenium) and avoiding known harmful toxins, including tobacco and alcohol. It also goes without saying that you must steer clear of illegal drugs and take advice from your pharmacist if you are taking any prescription medication.

There is a holistic system which has been clinically researched over 14 years and which guarantees to help couples become pregnant quickly. Containing secret natural infertility cures, powerful techniques and the step-by-step holistic infertility cure system which is all you will ever need to permanently eliminate infertility within weeks, most women will become pregnant within 3-4 months. This “no stone unturned” system does not use drugs or surgery and has no side effects. But, it is powerful and potent and comes with a 100% guarantee. To see further details, please visit Tricks To Get Pregnant Quick


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/tricks-to-get-pregnant-quick-1390041.html

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