It is right that having PCOS can make it more hard to get pregnant, but it is still VERY possible. PCOS is the small name for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is one of the most common fertility problems and it plagues an estimated 1 out of every 10 women or 10%. Trying to conceive a child can be a stressful situation alone if it is taking a while, and it can be even more stressful and emotionally draining for a women with PCOS.

PCOS is an endocrine disorder in which small cysts form on the ovaries. Women who suffer from PCOS aren’t born with it. But, it seems to be a genetically-linked hormonal imbalance that develops and starts showing signs during and after puberty. It is very common for women with PCOS to have ovulation problems and even go months without ovulating. It is imperative for women to ovulate to get pregnant, and this is why it is hard for women with PCOS to get pregnant. In addition to cycles without ovulation, a woman who suffers from PCOS may have poor egg quality due to her periods being spaced too far apart.

There are quite a few common symptoms of PCOS, but, symptoms are different and may vary significantly from women to women. Some general symptoms include irregular or absent menstrual periods, excessive hair growth, acne, obesity, high blood pressure, and infertility. It is vital to remember that having these symptoms does not mean a certain diagnosis of PCOS these are just common symptoms associated with PCOS. If you believe you are suffering from PCOS, a medical professional can help you evaluate your symptoms and confirm or deny a PCOS diagnosis.

If you have PCOS or symptoms of PCOS, don’t give up hope, like I said earlier, YOU CAN STILL GET PREGNANT WITH PCOS! In addition to seeking medical help, there are many natural ways to help enhance and increase your chances of conceiving a child even with PCOS. One major way to combat the effects of PCOS is to make significant lifestyle changes. For example, eating nutritiously, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight play significant roles in maintaining regular ovulation cycles. It is estimated that nearly 50% of women with PCOS are overweight, and excess weight for someone who suffers with PCOS presents more symptoms and a harder time conceiving. Even a 5% weight reduction can greatly increase fertility by attributing to more regular periods, more ovulation cycles, and stabilized hormone levels. Furthermore, egg quality can also be enhanced by achieving more regular periods; both a healthy diet and various herbs can aid in having and maintain more regular cycles and healthier eggs.

PCOS has the potential to negatively affect fertility, don’t let it affect yours! There are many ways to help enhance your fertility and conceive a child even if you have PCOS. A few women I know who have really been diagnosed with PCOS have found fantastic help in using natural methods to enhance their chances of conceiving. And, I am pleased to report that ALL of them have conceived and given birth to gorgeous, healthy babies.

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