If you are trying to have a baby, there’s nothing more disheartening than the all-too-familiar feeling as you start your monthly period yet again. But, there some top tips for getting pregnant quick which might help to speed things up for you, but bit is vital that you know that it can take time but it will happen naturally for most couples given time.

Around 80% of normal healthy couples will conceive within the first year. Out of these, 25% will conceive within the first month, 60% will be pregnant after 6 months and 75% after 9 months. After a year, 80% will have conceived. After 18 months, statistics show that the figure has risen to 90%.

So what does this mean to you? Well, the statistical evidence is based on normal healthy couples, so why do some conceive quickly and others take such a long time in comparison? There are a wide variety of factors which can affect a couples ability to conceive, including diet, lifestyle and physical fitness. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that mental well-being can affect the odds.

In general, unless you are aware of any particular issues affecting your fertility, it is thought that making several small changes can really help and that this multifaceted approach can be exactly what is needed to make the difference between conceiving in, say, 2 months or for conception to take a year or more.

Try to follow these tried and tested top tips for getting pregnant quick and this rather “trying time” could soon be a thing of the past!

* Ensure that you know when ovulation takes place. Try using an ovulation predictor kit which is much more accurate than the cervical mucous method or the basal temperature method. Have intercourse two days prior to ovulation, on the day itself and the day after. This will ensure that it maximizes the amount of sperm available to fertilize the ovum when it is released.

* Eat a healthy diet prior to trying to conceive. This applies to both parties. Ensure that you have a proper intake of all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Eat plenty of low stout proteins and avoid processed meats and foods with artificial additives. It is best if both parties avoid alcohol and smoking is a huge no-no. It also goes without saying that non-prescription drugs should be avoided.

* Ensure that the man keeps his testes cool. It is a known fact that overheating can be a cause of a man producing less viable sperm. Wear boxer shorts where possible rather than tight fitting briefs.

* Try to relax! I know it’s simpler said than done, but statistics show that being tense can adversely affect fertility and this is surprisingly one of the best top tips for getting pregnant quick. It’s a well known fact that couples who “forget” about trying to conceive often manage to become pregnant within weeks, and this can happen even after infertility treatment.

Despite researching and putting into practice various pieces of advice, some couples still do not conceive after several months. Rather than leaving matters completely to chance, it makes sense to implement a tried and tested method which is guaranteed to work.

If you want to speed up the process naturally and see details of a holistic system which will eliminate infertility and give you the baby you so want, please see Top Tips For Getting Pregnant Quick


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/simple-tips-for-getting-pregnant-fasthelping-infertility-naturally-1253421.html

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