Archive for January, 2010

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Lactaid is a brand of dairy products and dietary supplements designed to help those suffering from lactose intolerance.

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Using coupons is simple, all you have to do is print them from your PC and take them along to your grocery store. Hand the coupons over when you pay your bill and the amount will be taken off the total.

What a fantastic way to save money on Lactaid deals with Lactaid coupons, saving you heaps on the products you need to buy.

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Regardless of what many people believe you really can learn how to win back your ex. In fact you can win back the like you lost in a relatively small time when you use the right approach! Do you know that nearly all relationships can be salvaged or rebuilt regardless of the reasons for the break-up? Regardless of how terrible the situation looks, how much you reckon it is hopeless or how resistant your ex is to mending your relationship, you can learn how to win back your ex with proven principles. These principles work through a step by step method that always gets results! To start you of on your journey of reconciliation I am going to give you a four step formula which will help you in your current situation. Using these techniques will give you quick results. How to Win Back Your Ex – Step 1 Remember that your ex fell in like with you once before, so it is possible to have them fall in like with you again. Mentally retrace the beginings of your relationship. Recall, as best you can, the first time you knew that this special person had strong feelings for you. Doing this will ensure you remain in a positive frame of mind. Do you recall how the two of you behaved at the very start of your relationship? What was the reason for your ex’s interest in you in the first place? How did you treat that like when it was just blossoming? The odds are in your favour that if you do now the very same things that you did then you will get the same results you previously got! That means acting the same way you did when the two of you met should help your ex fall in like with you again! Determine how your relationship changed over time? What things are missing from your relationship that were once there? Are there things in your relationship now that were not there when your relationship was strong? Can you identify what was different in your relationship just before the break-up? Even if your ex has changed and has grown as a person, you will still know better than anyone what he or she truly wants from a partner now! Keep in mind that relationships take work. You are not living in a Disney fairy tale! The principles and steps given in this article have been proven over time to get results. But, you must make a committment to learn as much as you can and you must be willing to perform the action steps you need. Knowing how to win back your ex is only the fisrt step. You must invest your time in really applying that knowledge. The key is to apply what you are learning! How to Win Back Your Ex – Step 2 You are probably feeling nervous not knowing how to win back your ex. This state of mind can be disastrous and lead you to a destructive course of action – begging for a second chance. Never do this! Doing this makes you look insecure and emotionally needy. It is vital to maintain a posture and appearance of confidence and emotional stability. When faced with a similar situation as you there have been people, from all walks of life, who have won back their partner in a small as 24 hours! It is likely that you will need more time than that but knowing that it can be done in one day should spur you on and keep you motivated. If someone else has achieved something then it is possible for you to achieve it also. How to Win Back Your Ex – Step 3 Try a simple technique of visualizing what it will be like when you are back together. This approach immediately lessens your pain and puts you in a very strong psychological place to win back your ex! Through this future-based imaginative exercise you will free-up the mental and emotional reserves necessary to win back your ex. By using this simple method you will start to feel more confident, self-assured and will be much more comfortable and less nervous talking about, thinking about or interacting with your ex. This will affect your appearance and your behaviour making you much more attractive to be around! How to Win Back Your Girlfriend – Step 4 Do not place pressure on him or her. Give your ex partner a small space. By becoming the person you once were or more like the person he or she wants now you will make a situation where she wants to be in your company. Manipulate and use the power of your joint social circles. Be sure that your ex finds out that you are making changes to your life and the things you are doing. But, do not let them know why you are making those changes. Without putting pressure on your ex you will start to make your ex reckon that they have made a huge mistake when they let you go. This is a powerful principle on how to win back your ex quick. Your ex will want what we all want – what they do not have! Take hope; if you really, truly want to know how to win back your ex these proven principles will certainly help!

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Varicocele Surgery Options

There are three types of surgery and one so called “non surgical” procedure. The three surgeries all involve surgical ligation, i.e. surgery to tie off the faulty veins.

I. Varicocelectomy (Conventional Open Surgery)

In a conventional varicocelectomy the doctor makes a two or three inch incision below the groin area or in the abdomen. He goes in and ties off the offending veins. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis (i.e. no overnight hospital stay) using general or spinal anesthesia.

You may need to avoid strenuous activity for several days or even weeks after surgery. Most men are able to go back to work within three to four days.

This is the most common procedure. You may have a hard time finding a doctor who can do one of the other procedures.

Complications include hydrocele (fluid around the testicle) and infection.

There is about a 20% chance that the varicocele will recur because some of the smaller veins are not identified and are missed during surgery. There is about a 5% risk of hydrocele formation – a collection of fluid around the testicles, because lymph vessels are indirectly tied off too, so that more fluid is accumulated. There is also a risk of hurt to the testicular artery that supplies blood to the testicles, which means that your testicles will shrivel up and die and you’ll be singing soprano like a girlie man. There will be a scar similar to an appendectomy scar.

Often the surgeon will make the incision in the abdomen rather than the groin because there are fewer blood vessels at this level and they are large and therefore easily identifiable. But, recent anatomic studies have shown that ligation at this level may miss some lateral drainage veins, resulting in a higher failure rate and higher recurrence rates.

II. Microsurgery

Microsurgery (also called microsurgical ligation) is a procedure in which a smaller incision is made. The doctor only cuts the skin and fatty tissue. Because he does not cut the muscle, there is less pain and a quicker recovery. The doctor identifies the varicoceles (swollen veins) through an operating microscope. Large varicoceles are cut and stapled closed. Smaller varicoceles are cut and stitched shut. The operation takes less than an hour and recovery time is small.

The microscope enables better identification of the artery that brings blood to the testicles and preservation of the lymphatics, eliminating the risk of hydrocele (accumulation of fluid around the testicles) after surgery. This procedure has a higher success rate, fewer complications, and leaves a smaller scar.

The operation takes about 45 minutes for a varicocele on one side of the scrotum, 1.5 hours if the varicocele involves both sides.

III. Laparoscopy

This is similar to conventional open surgery and the incision is usually made on the abdomen. High ligations (i.e. in the abdominal area rather than the groin) in open surgery require either large incisions or small incisions with significant retraction (i.e. pulling the veins out of the body), both of which can result in increased postoperative pain and infection.

There is a relatively high incidence of arterial injury while making the incision and a greater incidence of hydroceles following laparoscopy.

IV. Coil Embolization, Radiologic Balloon Occlusion or Radiologic Ablation

This is referred to as a “minor procedure” or a “non-surgical” procedure. It is is not very commonly performed. A steel coil or silicone balloon catheter is inserted into a vein on the leg below the groin and passed under X-ray guidance to the testicular vein. Alternatively, pure alcohol is injected into the veins, causing them to become nonfunctional. After the procedure, the catheter (a small tube) is removed and no stitches are needed.

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and requires no incision, stitches, general anesthesia or overnight admission to the hospital. Several studies have shown that embolization is just as effective as surgery. Patients return to full activities in a day or two. Some complications of surgery, such as hydrocele (fluid around that testicle) and infection are virtually unheard of.

Minor complications such as bruising at the catheter site, nausea or backache may occur, but are uncommon. Infection, hydrocele or loss of a testicle have not been reported after coil embolization. But, there is a danger that the coil could migrate to the heart and cause death. Perhaps this is why this procedure is rarely performed. Also, it is more expensive, less effective and has a higher rate of recurrence (5-11%).

It requires a significant degree of technical expertise, and may not be doable in as many as 30% of patients. Radiation exposure during the procedure may be harmful to the testicles. The amount of radiation exposure is about equal to the amount received during a chest x-ray.

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Background Noise

The influence of background music on working cognitive memory has been a debate and has become a subject that has gotten many psychological researches involved. At the same time, thanks to the advancement of technology, we now can listen to music nearly wherever we may end up going. Background music while studying has become an nearly every day task for students. Many students listen to music while they study.

Do we want our students listening to music while they study?

Other researchers have measured the influence of background music on cognitive performance (Furnham and Allass, 1999), but that is considered as background noise which is playing from a stereo possibly located somewhere around the subject. Our research is measuring their comprehension abilities while the subject is listening to music with their headphones on.

This study was designed to investigate the correlation between individuals who listen to music while reading a passage and compare their comprehension levels to the subjects who read their passages in silence and compare those levels with subjects who read passages while listening to the music they have chosen as their favorite music which in many cases is a type of music that will motivate them.

A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was calculated on participants’ ratings of reading comprehension scores. The independent variable was the music conditions in which the participants read the article under. The dependent variable was the measurement of reading comprehension based on their scores. The higher the score the higher the participant’s reading comprehension level. The analysis was significant, F(2, 55) = 35.98, p < 0.05.

A post-hoc analysis showed that the participants in the No Music condition outperformed both the participants in the Jazz Music condition and Their Own Music condition; also there was a significant difference between the participants in Their Own Music condition and the Jazz Music Condition where the participants in Their Own Music condition outperformed the participants in Our Music Condition.

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The Typical Deaf Old Person

Uncle Ned can always be counted on to contribute something really unrelated to the conversation, and most attribute it to senility. If not that, he just nods and smiles. Grandma has the talent of hearing only what she likes. No one else gets to talk once Aunt Clara gets started. Familiar with these situations? There are other causes besides senility for these frustrating situations. These circumstances may be attributed to loss of hearing, according to audiologists. Audiologists, people trained to evaluate hearing defects and counsel clients with hearing loss, work with many elderly clients.

People with hearing problems are given more grief by crowds, background noise, and poor acoustics. A few things could make situations worse for them, including falling ill, being tired, and being unable to see the speaker. They may be able to hear soft speech but not distinguish other sounds. In other words, he may hear sound, but it may be incomprehensible.

A hearing aid evaluation is conducted after the audiologist determines whether a client would benefit from a hearing aid. Through this exercise, clients try on different brands and models. Experts used to say that nothing could be done for those with nerve hurt, which is the usual case for the elderly. The development of hearing aid technology has enabled even those with nerve hurt to recover.

Some seniors refuse to believe that hearing aids would work for them, in spite of evidence to the contrary. Others do not want to call attention to their hearing problems with a visible device.

Hearing aids may be beyond the reach of some. Hearing aids start at $300, unclaimable through Medicare or health insurance. Help is available, but, through a private, national lease plot, in which clients pay $15 monthly towards full buy while using the device. Clients need counseling in regard to hearing aids in order to help them re-adjust to sounds in the real world, a job performed by audiologists.

Clients should be informed that previous levels of hearing are not restored with hearing aids. Counseling and information sessions are two of the services offered by the Center for Audiology.

Communication can be handled with ease as long as families and clients comply with the following. When speaking to someone with a hearing aid, try not to shout. When one shouts, the hearing aid further raises the volume, causing pain. There is no shame in wearing a hearing aid. Rather than be embarrassed about it, hearing aid wearers should delight in a sound-filled life.

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3 Reasons You Need an Air Purifier

We always hear about how polluted the air is and the news reports when the air quality is too terrible for people to exercise outdoors. But what about the air inside your home? Indoor air can really be more polluted than that you breathe outside! A home air purifier is the answer to cleaner indoor air for several reasons.

  1. Cleaner Air – as stated above, the air in your home could be more polluted than you find outside. This is because we spend so much time with the windows and doors of our homes closed up tight. In the summer we close them to keep the cold from the air conditioner in and in the winter we want to keep the cold out. As a result the air in our homes becomes stagnant, never exchanging with fresh from outside. Home pollutants such as smoke, pet dander, dust, mold, among others build up to make a stale and often toxic blend of air that we breathe every day. A home air purifier will help to pull the indoor pollutants out, leaving fresh clean air in return.
  2. Healthier Family – Everyone wants their family to be healthy, but they don’t realize that the air in their home could be contributing to illnesses. Toxins that we absorb into our bodies when we breathe can cause many illnesses including serious diseases such as cancer, arthritis, asthma, etc. By using a home air purifier, we can remove the harmful toxins from the air and provide a healthier environment for families to live in.
  3. Relief from Allergy and Asthma Symptoms – Many of the pollutants you find in indoors are also huge contributors to allergy and asthma attacks. Pet dander, smoke, and mold are major allergy and asthma triggers. By using an air purifier you can help to remove those elements from the air and help bring relief to people who suffer from these conditions. You can buy small purifiers that are perfect for personal use. Place one of these in the bedroom of the person who has allergies or asthma to clean the air in their personal space. You will find that they feel better and can breathe better when they sleep with a purifier.

A home air purifier is beneficial in any home and even at the office. You feel healthier when the air you breathe is clean. You can find purifiers at most large department and home improvement stores in a wide variety of sizes and prices. There is a purifier that is perfect for you home.

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How to find a suitable cream for Eczema

Having a child of thirteen years of age who has had Eczema from an early age I can attest to the fact that there are many creams for Eczema on the market. Some are better than others at soothing the effects of Eczema. Having tried various creams such as Betnovate over the years without a long lasting effect we started to believe that we would never find a suitable cream for Eczema. Having exhausted the majority of the more established treatments for Eczema and psoriasis we chose to look at natural remedies.

We had been advised that Aloe Vera could be used for Eczema by our grandparents. This advice fell on deaf ears as we had always believed in medical science.As there is no actual cure for Eczema we thought that we would try a natural alternative.

Many case studies have shown that Aloe Vera is a natural nutrient for revitalising the skin.It has been used for thousands of years for this purpose.It has the natural ability to penetrate the skin and nourish the developing skin cells in the lower layers which promotes healthy skin. it seems to be the perfect cream for eczema with its ability to moisturise and heal the skin. Aloe Vera has been proven to be a much safer alternative to using Steroid cream as they have been known to cause harmful side effects.

The natural antiviral, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera have convinced me that it is a excellent source for a cream for Eczema.


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Constant ringing in the ears is called tinnitus.  Estimates are that over 36 million people in the US alone suffer from this scourge.  If you live with this on a daily basis, forgive me for preaching to the choir.  I want to look at some ways to reduce and eventually eliminate the noisy din that follows you everywhere you go.  Like you, I managed to buy this symtom of hearing difficulty.  I know firsthand what it feels like to finally get to a place that should be silent only to be forcefully reminded that silence is not possible for a tinnitus sufferer.  Have you seen the Youtube video with the small trumpet player blowing his horn just outside ear canal?  It is a fantastic graphic, but it is also a sad reminder of the misery that we suffer.

If you have tinnitus, the first thing you need to do is make sure that there are no medical complications involved with your challenges.  See a competent Ear Nose and Throat specialist who is qualified to make a proper diagnosis.  There are a number of physical complications that can be identified as possible causes so it is best to eliminate these possibilities.  My family doctor of years ago simply told me to live with it; right, “a life sentence.”  Not what I wanted to hear.  So, find the right diagnosis.

Someone once told me that attitude is everything.  The saying goes, “whether you reckon you can or you reckon you can’t, you are right.”  When it comes to tinnitus that saying is particularly right.  When my doctor told me to “live with it” (ie. forever), I pretty much gave up hope of ever being able to find a cure.  It went even further than that, I became very skeptical when I heard about any type of cure.  Especially when it was an ad on the radio pushing a “Pill” that would instantly make the noise go away.  I am still skeptical of those types of “cures” but I have now changed my attitude about the possibility of a cure.  It is possible, I have read some of the testimonials and I believe that it is possible.  Also, a really negative attitude will stop you from even trying to find a cure or believing that it may happen for you.

The change in attitude is necessary so you can stop from obsessing on the sound!  By focussing on the possibility of a cure you can start the process of eliminating the dreadful noise.  Why? You say skeptically.  Here is why.  Over the last 10 years medical technology has been able to really see the loop of sound going on in the neural pathways of your brain.  It is just sitting up there in your brain going around in circles.  By reducing the amount of mental energy you are sending to that loop you will stop re-inforcing the strength of the loop itself.  You might even be able to bypass it altogether, making a new auditory pathway to that part of the brain that translates noise into intelligent information that we act upon.  It is called brain plasticity; a google search will give you boatloads of information on it.  A cure is possible, not necessarily simple, but possible nonetheless.

Along with the check-up you will probably want to know what the range of frequency is most affected.  This means a trip to a hearing clinic to get your ears tested.  Have you ever been in a crowded room, had someone speaking to you right across the table and not been able to know what they said?   The person speaking in a normal tone of voice may be speaking at the same frequency that the ambient noise in the room coupled with the ringing in your ears is really drowned out.  Sometimes I’ve had to nod at them as if I understood what they said even when I had no clue.  One of the therapies for tinnitus involves the use of a noise generator to diminish  your sensitivity to the frequency you are hearing.

You already know that you should avoid loud noise sources and wear hearing protection.  Tinnitus is a symptom of other health issues so you will want to make sure that you look at the problem with a wide lens.  Be sure that your diet is healthy you should also take vitamin supplements.  Excellent breathing techniques will help you to become more relaxed. The relaxation will reduce stress which can also play a major part in the overall tinnitus cure process.   Constant ringing in the ears does not have to disrupt your life.  It can be diminished and even cured.

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Basic Facts About Hearing Problems

While hearing loss is typically associated with the elderly, people of all ages can suffer with this condition. In fact, hearing loss can be present at birth, which may have a direct impact on the development of a child if it is not diagnosed and treated early. Hearing loss may be either small term or long term, and it may or may not be successfully treated medically.

In the majority of cases, patients diagnosed with hearing loss are prescribed hearing aids to help restore their hearing and offer them a higher quality of life overall. Read on to learn more about types and signs of hearing loss as well as methods of treatment.

There are various signs that accompany hearing loss. A child who is having difficulty hearing or that may be suffering from complete hearing loss will have difficulty speaking or understanding rudimentary language signals. A sign of this is not turning their heads when their name is called or even following the simplest directions. Their speech may be unclear and hard to know. You may see that a child turns up electronics like radios and television to a high volume. Any signs of these types of behavior warrants an immediate visit to a hearing specialist for a complete battery of the appropriate tests.

When a grown-up suffers from loss of hearing, their speech or other cognitive responses won’t be as affected as a child’s would. He will often question those around him to repeat what they just said. This person may or may not be able to hear the phone, the doorbell or may even have distress hearing high pitch sounds like sirens.

If someone has hearing loss, they’ll try extra hard to read people’s lips when they’re talking, so that they can know better; they might also not hear jokes, so they won’t laugh as readily. The ultimate humiliation is when the individual starts to avoid social settings because he is self conscious of his hearing difficulties. When these warning signs are present the adult should address the problem with a visit to a doctor.

Part of an evaluation will involve a determination of the cause and the type of hearing loss a patient is dealing with. Your diagnosis will depend on which part of the ear is being affected by the hearing loss. Once the source is pinpointed, an appropriate treatment can be recommended. Conductive hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss results when sound cannot be properly transmitted from the outer ear to the inner eardrum and middle ear. An obstruction to the ear canal or other specific cause is often to blame.

If you have hurt to your inner ear, you may suffer from sensorineural hearing loss. With this type of hurt, there is no treatment and the hearing loss will be thought of as long term. Unilateral hearing loss refers to hearing difficulties in one side only. When unilateral hearing loss is experienced by children, they can have difficulty with academics, with social situations, and with their development. Unilateral hearing loss is not always simple to diagnose and sometimes a root cause cannot be found.

By isolating the category of hearing difficulty, the specialist can suggest the right approach. If it is conductive hearing loss, it will probably be treated easily, although a professional will need to perform the treatment. For instance, a health care provider can remove a wax blockage, which can adversely affect one’s hearing.

Hearing aids are devices that go in or around your ear. They help the ear pick up sound by amplifying it through a speaker. In more severe cases, a cochlear implant may be an appropriate treatment. This procedure involves removing the hurt parts of the ear and substitutes healthy, operational tissue which may enhance hearing.

No matter who you are, you can experience hearing loss; but, you can get help. Those of you who reckon you have hearing loss should immediately seek out an audiologist so you can address the potential problem.


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Hearing aid treatments come in different forms and it does not take a mathematician to know that they also come in different prices. It can be quite a challenge to determine the best hearing aid prices because the solutions differ in so many ways from another – not to mention that these treatments come in various brands and styles. Prices would normally differ according to the style of hearing aid that you want – whether it is completely canal, half-shell, full shell, open fit or behind the ear. As if these were not enough, the kind of hearing loss treatment that you will need also depends on the degree of your hearing loss.

Click Here For Best Hearing Aid Prices Limited Free Trial!

So how will you determine if you are getting the best deal for a hearing aid? It helps to check different reviews on different hearing aid devices. Reviews on different hearing aids often give a full analysis of these varying solutions. If you browse through them, you will be able to get a honest thought of how they perform in the market and the range of prices that they command. You will also be able to learn more about their advantages and disadvantages.

Typically, hearing aid prices would range from a small less than a couple of hundred dollars to nearly ten thousand dollars. The behind the ear types are often the most affordable while the half-shell types are often the most expensive. Whether a device is digital or analog will also have an effect on the price.

Before you choose to buy a hearing aid, it is recommended that you gather as much information as you can about the different solutions available. Information on available options will make it simpler for you to determine which among your alternatives presents the best deal.

With the price variations on hearing aids, make sure that you have sought the advice of your doctor before you finally choose which one to buy. There is no point in getting the best hearing aid prices when the devices you have picked are not compatible with your kind of hearing loss. Moreover, it is always a plus when the device you choose has a money back guarantee in case the results will fail you.

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