You may have been hearing more and more recently about the so called “Law of Attraction”. If not you may have heard of Jerry and Esther Hicks and Abraham, popularised on the Oprah Show.

What got my attention was that what was being said really had a lot in common with some of my latest readings on quantum physics. These readings suggested that at a quantum level the very act of observering an event changes the event. So we are really having a vibrational effect on our environment simply by observing it.
For those of you not familiar with the Law of Attraction that Hicks and Abraham have popularised I will provide a VERY simply description.

What is the Law of Attraction
The thought is that there is a Law of Attraction, a fundamental Law of the Universe which amongst other things makes like attract like. We interact with this law and make things that weay or may not want in our lives simply by thinking or focusing on them in a particular way. This is sometimes referred to as manifesting or using the law of attraction or making your reality.

The Law of Attraction, Money and Happiness
Of course for many people the first thing that they want to use the Law of Attraction for is money and happiness. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, money and happiness understandable are on top of the adgenda.

To really know how the Law of Attraction and money interact it’s most vital to know that the law of attraction is just that. A law, it doesn’t change, it is very consistant. But we change and our intreptation of what is happening to us changes also. This can lead to a cycle were poor thinking, begets poor experience, which in turn leads back to poor thinking. This reminds one of the phrase “the poor get poorer whilst the rich get richer”.

Immediate Use Law of Attraction Money Tips
The first immediate use law of attraction money tip is therefore to simply to focus on gratitude for what is excellent financially now. This will eventually lead to a thought that makes your feel a small better, follow that thought until you find another that makes you feel a small better still and so on. This will improve your vibrational state regarding whatever is happening financially.

The second is to stop often during the day and consciously try to reckon a thought that makes you feel a small better than you do currently. Sounds simple hey?

Daily Use Law of Attraction Money Tips
Setting aside time everyday for your Creative Workshop or Creative Period. A time (15-30mins) where you visualise the outcomes that you want to manifest in your everyday experience, focusing on feeling like those desired outcomes have already been achieved.

Long Term Use Law of Attraction, Money Tips
When plotting over the longer term break down large financial tasks into smaller ones that will form the “next logical steps”, one after another, from where you are now.

Spend “creative” time everyday focused on the feeling of having made it or having achieved the larger task. Spend more time everyday though focusing on the feeling of having just achieved that which is your next logical step forward from where you are now. In this way you are smoothing the pebbles from the road and ensuring logs don’t fall up ahead.

As we have said, it is a law. The law of attraction; money, fame and fortune come to those who harness this law. We hope that the information above has helped refocus you on using the law of attraction in your life. Lastly we found a site that may be of interest to those who really want to immerse themselves in learning about the Law of Attraction. This is a site were three teachers featured on the movie “The Secret” will teach you The Science of Getting Rich. It seems a fantastic way to learn about The Law of Attraction and Money

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Related posts:

  1. Law of Attraction Review- How to Make the Law of Attraction Work in Your Life?
  2. The Law of Attraction Quiz Series, Understanding and Applying the Law of Attraction
  3. Law of Attraction – The Key to Making it Work
  4. The Law of Attraction
  5. Are you a Novice or Master user of the Law of Attraction?

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