Sometimes finding a perfect affirmation, just for you, can be a small hard. Here are some fantastic money abundance affirmations that we have used in the past or that other Law of Attraction practitioners have e-mailed to us.

The Universe is unlimited. There is more than enough abundance for everyone in this world. When you start intentionally applying the Law of Attraction, a fantastic affirmation is necessary, and feeling confident in your affirmation is imperative. You want to be able to feel and believe it to be absolutely right. Many people have a mindset of “lack.” A excellent money affirmation can help jump the hurdle of thinking from a space of “lack.”

You’ll also want to find an affirmation that feels attainable. If you choose an affirmation that your logical mind can’t even fathom could happen, then it won’t happen because the Universe will pick up on that thought and feeling. You can start with something small and when that feels attainable take another step toward a larger affirmation. When you take these baby steps your logical mind will become used to the thought of having everything you want, and you will become comfortable with your affirmation.

When you have learned the money affirmation that works best for you, you’ll want to focus on and say it at least five times a day. Make sure to give your affirmation the attention that it deserves. Close your eyes and feel the words leave your lips. Treat the words like a sacred incantation; that when you speak the words, the Universe drops everything and rushes exactly what you are affirming to you.

Make sure that you do not ‘outgrow’ your affirmation. When you feel like the original affirmation just isn’t doing it for you, change to something that reflects your growing positive thoughts and feelings. And when your affirmation has completely aligned with the Universe, you’ll want to bump it up a notch to reflect your newfound life.

Perhaps these affirmations will ring right with you.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 1: I make my own reality and I have unlimited prosperity.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 2: Financial abundance comes to me easily.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 3: Large amounts of money come to me quickly and easily from multitudes of sources now.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 4: I always have abundant amounts of money; more coming in than going out.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 5: Unlimited possibilities and resources reveal themselves to me now.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 6: I am comfortable having money.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 7: Money is excellent and I deserve money.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 8: I feel successful and I am successful.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 9: I have more money than I ever dreamed was possible.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 10: I expect only the best from my financial situation and the Universe provides just that or better.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 11: I have a constant stream of money abundance in my life.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 12: I have my ideal life.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 13: I am able to reckon and feel in unlimited ways.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 14: I have all the answers within myself and I implement them.

Law of Attraction Money Affirmation 15: I am financially free.

These are just a few affirmations to get you started. Delight in making and making affirmations a part of your life. Affirmations are one of the wonderful tools to use in attracting all you desire through the Law of Attraction.

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What is The Law Of Attraction?

Many people stumble upon the Law of Attraction because of financial hardships. Most of us intuitively know that there is something deep inside of us that plays a huge role in the financial path our lives take.

Even though it might be hard to accept, you have manifested whatever your financial situation is through the Law of Attraction.

You might find it amusing for anyone to reckon you would intentionally make a life full of financial struggle, particularly when so many factors like losing a job seem beyond your control. Abundance, but, is just an external manifestation of what’s inside us.

That is also why when many people set out to manipulate the Law of Attraction to bring more money into their lives, they often fail.

Why, if the Law of Attraction is truly universal, doesn’t it work the way you want it to? In fact, though, the Law simply ‘is.’ It’s always there, always working, and always bringing to you exactly what you attract, whether you realize it or not. It’s immutable, and it’s constant.

The problem lies in our understanding and manipulation of the Law; you have to accept that it works.

Well loved books and movies such as The Secret have recently made a fantastic deal of interest in the Law of Attraction, but it is one of the mainstays of the universe and people have really been aware of the Law for thousands of years. It is one of the underpinnings of a variety of philosophies and even some religions.

In other words, it’s not simply a ‘pop culture fad,’ and it shouldn’t be dismissed simply because you can’t seem to get it to work for you. But, the Law of Attraction can be learned, if not manipulated, and you need to learn what it’s all about — its essence.

In fact, when many people start to try to know the Law of Attraction, they don’t improve their finances; instead, many people really see finances get worse.

This phenomenon really gives us a very vital clue about exactly how the Law of Attraction works. You will be missing the mark if you choose you are going to manifest abundance and start forcing your attentions to it several times each day with techniques like affirmations.

Vibrations and the fact that similar vibrations attract form the basis of the Law of Attraction. Even though you are saying affirmations daily, what emotions are you feeling?

If you’re feeling despair, hopelessness, financial desperation, THAT is what the Law of Attraction is picking up on, and it will send you back experiences that will bring you more of that. In other words, more desperation, more hopelessness, and more financial hardship.

This situation can be a Catch-22 for many people. A Catch-22 is a dilemma where a person needs something, but can only get it by not wanting it. This might sound unattainable, but if you know a few techniques related to the Law of Attraction it is possible to willfully use the Law to your advantage and turn your finances around.

First, you have to be fully aware of all your feelings. It’s your emotions that send constant vibrations out to the universe. Since it’s often hard to control your emotions, you can expect that learning to manipulate the Law of Attraction will be a simple task. Just as the ancients had to work on mastering these techniques while undergoing esoteric training, it will take some effort on your part.

If you know this and then you take action, you’re going to be far ahead of most people in regard to the Law of Attraction, when it comes to attracting more abundance into your life. It’s not going to be possible to pretend or trick the Law of Attraction, because it’s your emotional center, not your conscious mind, that sends out these vibrations.

This means, you need to keep your feelings in check when doing your daily affirmations. If you are worried because your bills are overdue or you feel depressed, its best to not work on your affirmations. Otherwise, you will be consciously attracting situations that will cause additional financial distress.

Instead, wait until you have a moment where you feel hopeful, and carefree. That’s when you can work with the Law of Attraction best. Combine positive emotional vibrations and a right conscious intent to manifest abundance. When that happens, you’ll unleash the power in the universe that has no choice to bring you that which you seek, financial reward and ease.

The Law of Attraction is perfectly named. It is indeed one of the universe’s immutable Laws. You can skillfully use this law when you know its properties. This law is always in force. This isn’t something that can be turned on and off, just to be called upon when convenient.

It’s at work 24 hours a day to deliver circumstances that are a vibrational match for the vibrations your emotions send. Anything that occupies your mental plane, like your finances, are where the events will manifest.

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance, you must do more than merely send out positive vibrations relating to finances and money. Skillful use of the Law also requires you to keep your negative feelings in check; when you don’t the positive and negative vibrations will clash and cancel each other out. It is not a task that’s impossible, so don’t give up.

You can focus on being positive by being grateful for what you have already. If you practice being grateful regularly, this is indeed a very powerful way to manifest prosperity and abundance for yourself through the Law of Attraction.

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The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, so it is incredible that so many people are unaware of it, and don’t know how it is working in their lives.  But, it is always working, so you might as well learn to know and master it.  That way you start making a life deliberately, using conscious choice, instead of by “default” – which is what the masses do.  Following the masses is a surefire way of getting mediocre results and an unremarkable life.  If you want a remarkable, exceptional life of deliberate creation, keep reading…

The movie “The Secret” has helped to introduce the concept of the Law of Attraction to the mainstream, which is an incredible first step, but it is by no means a complete education on the topic.  It just gives viewers a taste of what is possible and the results of using the Law, but there is much more to the tale.

People wonder how the Law of Attraction can be so real, so fundamental, yet most people remain oblivious to it?  It does not seem to make any sense.  Reckon of it this way: you are of course familiar with the Newtonian concept of gravity. Gravity influences everything we see, touch, build, or interact with, in a never failing but invisible way.  But do people go around talking about gravity? No, they take it for granted.  Before Newton “learned it” it went completely unnoticed, it was unremarkable.

In the same way, the Law of Attraction has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we scarcely give it any thought whatsoever!  But it exists, and you must work within its rules.  You do not go jumping off building expecting to glide, you expect to see the pavement rising up at you very quickly, with painful results.

In contrast, those who reckon about gravity and its effects turn it around and make gravity their ally and friend.  Reckon about “base-jumpers”.  They happily throw themselves off skyscrapers and cliffs and delight in the fall.  That is because they consciously use gravity to their advantage, and they are armed with the tools that prevent a painful “splat” at the bottom.  They know what is needed to prevent  a landing, and they float to the ground, keen to do it all over again, filled with an adrenaline rush and pride!  That’s living!

Learning about the Law of Attraction is just like that, but you do not have to take the risks that basejumpers do. Once you know the Law of Attraction, you can turn “negative” events around and make them your ally, your friend, and your guide.  Keep working with it until you have completely proven the law to yourself and mastered it, then “painful events” will be replaced by the events you want, the things you want, in your life.  That’s really what it’s all about, getting more of what you want in life, and less of what you don’t, in a conscious, deliberate way.

To do that, you need to learn about the Law of Attraction from someone who has mastered it, and who has dedicated themselves to teaching it to others. Steve G. Jones is an author, hypnotherapist, and has a Masters degree in Education, plus a PhD in the harsh lessons of life that helped him to master the Law of Attraction.

Steve has a tale that you would not wish on your worst enemy.  Space does not permit me to go into all the details, but in a nutshell: he built a fantastic life for himself, and then watched it all crumble before his eyes.  Eventually he rebuilt himself, and is once again living the life of his dreams.  He was able to rebuild it because he learned to master The Law of Attraction, and now understands why his world crumbled in the first place – because he unknowingly attracted it! And he wants to help you avoid the same harsh life lessons that he experienced.

He has place together a course called You Can Attract It, in which he coaches people not only on the basics of the Law of Attraction, but how to implement it on a daily basis, to systematically (and unfailingly) build a life of their dreams.  Steve G Jones is a master hypnotist and hypnotherapist with over 22 books on hypnotherapy.  To say that he knows a thing or two about “magnetism” and attracting things is a massive understatement.  There is no one better to learn this information from.  His understanding of education and learning, his understanding of how the mind functions, and his understanding of the Law of Attraction have all culminated in “You Can Attract It” – considered by some to be the most usable resource on the Law of Attraction ever made.

You owe it to yourself to learn more about this course. The foreword to You Can Attract It was written by New York Times Best Selling Author John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the film The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide. And, it isn’t very often that John endorses a product or service, especially relating to the Law of Attraction.  You see, John had to thoroughly review You Can Attract It before even considering to write the foreword. So you can be sure this is going to make a powerful impact if John is endorsing it.

Find out more about the Law of Attraction, and more importantly, find out how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life, to make the life of your dreams.  You Can Attract It is fully guaranteed to help you. Steve Jones’ experience and ability to teach is just what you need.  It’s the “missing link” that so many people are searching for, and now it has been placed right in front of you.  This is no accident – this is the Law of Attraction at work, so don’t ignore your intuition, visit here right now.

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By now, many people are coming to the conclusion that the so-called law of attraction does not work as advertised by its principle theorists. There is a very excellent reason for this conclusion. It is because the law of attraction doesn’t exist. It has even been honestly logically demonstrated why.

Untold millions of people have become enchanted with the poverty consciousness theology known as “law of attraction.” These millions  subject themselves unnecessarily to a permanent posture of want, scarcity, and unfulfillment by being led to believe the path to abundance is found through petitioning the secular entity known as “Source” that will provide them with something other than the everything they already possess. Unknown to these millions, they are already in possession of everything they need to manifest their desires, through their gifts, brought through from the unmanifested void as an emergent phenomenon nested within yet larger and larger emergent phenomenon, extending to the largest emergent phenomenon of all, the universe, The Emergence itself. Their gift they already possess.

The so-called law of attraction is entirely illusory. It is built upon a superstructure not of pseudoscience but upon science fiction. It is not like gravity. It is not an inviolable universal principle. Law of attraction exists only as a belief in the self-replicating and wholly unsupportable logic of attraction, a logic built upon fake claims, fallacies of composition, and tautologies, enfolded logic that cannot be exited because it loops around into itself for its own proof. Attraction is – because it is – because it is – etc. It isn’t necessary to believe in it, because it is. It isn’t necessary to prove it, because it is. It isn’t necessary to demonstrate it, because it is. This is not new consciousness. This is an ancient faith-based consciousness for the disempowered and those seeking refuge from their own disempowerment.

The Principle is an abundance entered existential philosophy based upon the scientific principle known as emergence, the self-organization or spontaneous order arising in natural systems and in human beings as extensions and components of nature. In natural systems, regardless of the size or the complexity of the system, emergent complexity arises through self-organization when an unguided multiplicity of simple elements interact in a multiplicity of simple ways to spontaneously form structures of staggering sophistication and multifaceted design.

When humans mimic this universal tendency of complex systems to self-organize through their own consciousness, a multiplicity of simple experience elements interact in a multiplicity of simple ways to produce thoughts capable of being formed into thought-forms, dimensional intentions brought through from the unmanifested void into reality. As in natural systems where the consciousness of the universe brings forth gifts of abundance without which we could not be, when thought-forms are made dimensional and are brought forth into the world, a gift of human-made abundance is made, and it is with this gift that an exchange is made possible, adding to the products of abundance already brought forth previously.

The Principle is energetically positive in its orientation. The Principle relies upon one basic premise: Only gift produces abundance, and only abundance produces gift. Every person has a gift and every person has unmeasurable latent abundance lying within their experience awaiting formation, generation, and expression. Every person is possessed of a unique consciousness capable of combining a multiplicity of simple personal experience elements interacting in a multiplicity of unique ways unlike any other person anywhere or at any other time for the remainder of forever, to produce an emergent gift phenomenon arising from their own unique experiences. Every person is capable of altering the emergent phenomenon of society by making and bringing forth their own, very special gift into existence. This gift is always the same for everyone. Their gift is the most gorgeous thing they can imagine making and bringing to the world.

The Principle disproves law of attraction using its own words, written by its own architects, who supply all the information any person of normal intelligence requires to exit this self-replicating logic to reenter the rest of the world outside the enfolded law of attraction cult where real people are doing real things with their lives by making and bringing gifts to the world, gifts of abundance, gifts of like, and gifts of value. The Principle clarifies this process. It starts inside, not outside. Wanting does nothing to bring this internal abundance into being. It must be brought outward through the creation of gift.

The student of law of attraction need only read the following excerpts to know the “scientific” origins of law of attraction, written by the primary architect of the philosophy, WIlliam Walker Atkinson, some 100 years ago, to know that this “law” is entirely fabricated. Any person who desires to know the origins of law of attraction are invited to read and know that “supposing” something is right does not make it right. Additionally, saying “if” something is right does not make it right. Anyone can say anything, but simply saying it does not make it a fact. Demons, fairies, trolls, and goblins are said to exist, but logic suggests they exist only as imagination.

Whereas the thought of attraction has allowed numbers of people an alternative perspective on the nature and potential of thought, law of attraction, unfortunately, is an imaginary, attractive thought diverting attention away from the real business of life, of finding purpose, meaning, and coming to existential completion upon the destiny path of life. Because this may be the only opportunity to manifest one’s destiny during this lifetime, it is highly recommended to be very, very certain whether law of attraction is real or the creation of imagination and the unexamined passing on of this imaginary phenomenon by other uninformed persons who heard it from someone else.

The following are taken from the book Dynamic Thought, or the Law of Vibrant Energy (1906) by WIlliam Walker Atkinson, the primary source theorist inventing law of attraction as a “scientific” topic. This “law” has never been demonstrated. It never will be demonstrated. It is entirely invention and an illusion. The entire text is online at the Internet Archive for public inspection:

“If you do not like to call this “same thing” by the name of “Gravitation,” suppose we call it “The Law of Attraction,” of which Gravitation, Cohesion, Adhesion, Chemical Affinity, or Chemism are but different aspects.” Dynamic Thought, pg. 141.

“-if Molecular Cohesion, and the vibrations accompanying it, manifest in forms of “Molecular Motion,” – and if Atomic “Chemical Affinity, or Chemism,” manifest in “Atomic Motion” – and if even the Corpuscles (Note: electrons) in their movements obey this same “Law of Attraction” in some form – and if all Force and Energy is but a “Mode of Motion” – then, if all this be right, are we not justified in claiming this “Law of Attraction” is the Basis for All Energy, Force, and Motion?” Dynamic Thought, pg. 148.

“from the above,it follows that: All Manifestations of Force and Energy in Inorganic Substance (viz., both Radiant Energy in its forms of Light, Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, etc.: and also Attractive Energy in its forms Gravitation, Cohesion, Adhesion, Chemical Affinity or Atomic Attraction and Corpuscular Attraction arise from the operation of the Law of Attraction.”  Dynamic Thought, pgs. 154-155.

No physical evidence is or has been supplied anywhere, either during or at any time subsequent to this primary source document to demonstrate this as anything other than baseless supposition. No mathematical equation is or has ever been written to demonstrate this as anything other than baseless supposition. No correlation with anything outside of supposition has ever or will ever be connected that shows law of attraction as anything other than the baseless suppositions of one early 20th Century occultist, modernized for a new audience and a new market of people ignorant of science and energetic systems. Law of attraction simply does exist nor has it ever existed except as a belief in its existence, based upon nothing except pseudoscientific musings, baseless, unsupported supposition, and the power of suggestion that it exists. It does not, just as the following unsupported and baseless inventions also do not exist:

“The mind of a thinker is constantly emitting or throwing off these particles of “Thought-stuff”; the distance and rate of speed, to and by which they travel, being determined by the “force” used in their production, there being a fantastic difference between the thought of a vigorous thinker and that emanating from a weak, listless mind…Some remain around the placed where they were emitted, while others float off like clouds, and obey the Law of Attraction which draws them to persons thinking along similar lines.” Dynamic Thought, pg. 225

“These particles of “Thought-stuff” glide off from the brain of the thinker, in all directions, and affect other persons who may come into contact with them.” Dynamic Thought, pg. 223.

“Besides the operation of these particles of Thought-stuff emitted during the production of Thought, there are many other phases of Thought Influence, or Thought in Action. The principle phase of this phenomenon arises from the working of the Law of Attraction between the respective minds of different people.” Dynamic Thought, pg. 227

“In the first place, it is a fact well known and accepted by investigators that the generation of Thought and the manifestation of Mental States occasions a “burning up” of brain matter, and the consequent production of a form of energy of high vibratory power. Physiologists recognize this fact, and the textbooks make reference to it”. –Practical Mental Influence, William Walker Atkinson, (1908)

Thought-stuff, thought-waves, thought-particles, and a “burning up of brain matter,” just as all underlying suppositions forming the entire law of attraction superstructure, are all categorically fake, undemonstrated, and wholly fabricated fictions of fantasy.

Law of attraction is a poverty consciousness philosophy sharing roots with other wealth as theology teachings such as Full Gospel, Word of Faith, and the Pentecostal Prosperity or Health and Wealth Gospels most famously championed by the televangelist Oral Roberts and The PTL Club’s Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. These philosophies all derive from early 19th Century Christian Science, Religious Science, Church of Divine Science, and the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement.

“So I say unto you, question, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone who questions receives, and everyone who seeks finds; and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10, The Bible.

In the modern version, rather than the supplicant petitioning God or Jesus for their wants to be manifested, (question, believe, receive) a more secular “Source” is the object of prayer, establishing law of attraction as yet another theology espousing Deus ex machina, or God in the Machine. Rather than God or Jesus that brings miracles, it is now “Source” bringing miraculous abundance to the impoverished and disempowered. The formula used in both theologies is exactly the same using different words, and the results are exactly the same: nothing.  Because wants are scarcities or what a person does not have or that they lack, wants describe the contours and topography of an individual scarcity. Wants are anything which a person is lacking. Constantly thinking of wants only leads to further disempowerment:

“The prevention or disruption of this eternally offered Stream of Well-Being can be humanly prevented or artificially disrupted in only one way: By choosing thoughts of the absence of like, or Well-Being, or abundance. By choosing thoughts of lack.”

-Esther and Jerry Hicks, Law of Attraction calendar, 11.6.96, pg. 219

There is only way to disrupt this eternally offered stream of well being: to remain as a supplicant and a beggar arriving into the universe with only impotent wants and thoughts of lack to exchange with the ceaseless abundances produced by nature and by other human beings.

There is only one way to join into this ceaseless flow of well being and abundance: By producing a gorgeous and precious gift, a product borne of the emergent phenomenon of intelligence, creativity, and consciousness. Every person has such a gift lying in wait inside their emergent experience. This gift is always the same for every person. This is The Principle.

Your gift is the most gorgeous thing you can imagine making and bringing to the world.

It is time to bring your gift into being.

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Who hasn’t heard of the law of attraction? It’s a huge phenomenon that is continuously taking the world by storm. It has worked like a charm for many people who knows how to use it right.

But amidst all the success tales, many individuals still can’t get the law of attraction to work for them. There are some law of attraction mistakes people tend to make, without being aware of it. If you’re one of those who can’t manifest their desires, then this article is for you.

The law of attraction is very simple to apply in your life. But, it is also simple to misunderstand it. If you want to know common law of attraction mistakes so you can avoid them, read on…

Law Of Attraction Mistake # 1: Breeding Ingratitude

One of the most common mistakes is ingratitude. After all, the law of attraction is based on gratitude. When you’re not grateful for what you have, you tend to attract a lot of unwanted negative energy into your life.

This might require a real shift of attitude for some people; but unless you find it in your heart to thank the universe for what you have, you’ll find the universe a small less generous in return.

So why don’t you make the first go? When you wake up each day, be grateful that you are alive. When you see the sun setting down, be grateful that you have sight. When you hear something gorgeous playing, be grateful that you have the opportunity to hear it. Do this everyday and gratitude will soon come naturally to you.

Law Of Attraction Mistake # 2: Impatience

A lot of people reckon that the law of attraction is like a genie in the bottle, that the universe will be able to give you your dream home in just a matter of seconds.

While the concept does seem to work like that, you can’t exactly place a time frame on the process. As one blogger puts it, the more patient you are, the better the results will be in time.

When you feel impatience with the universe, you’ll start sending off waves of negativity. That will automatically place your wish on hold.

Law Of Attraction Mistake # 3: Having Small Faith

The law of attraction works on faith. If you don’t believe it will happen, it will never happen. If you reckon you believe, but still in your heart there’s some tinge of doubt, it would still be very hard for you to manifest your dreams.

If you have not experienced success during your first tries, you should not be disappointed. Instead, you should keep moving forward towards your goal.

The law of attraction does not always work the first time, especially if you keep making the same mistakes. So if you fail this time around, why don’t you read about the other law of attraction mistakes in this article and see which areas you can improve on?

Another way you can strengthen your faith is by reading more about the law of attraction in books and online. There are a lot of incredible right-to-life tales about the law of attraction that will leave no doubt in your mind about its power.

Law Of Attraction Mistake # 4: Determining How It Will Happen

The universe is not something you can really command. You can’t expect what you want to happen the exact way you want it. Your dream home might not be something you have to work for. It might end up to be part of your fantastic-grandmother’s will or something you will win in the lottery.

Once you start dictating how you expect your desire to manifest, you are cutting off other avenues for which that desire can enter your life. The way the law of attraction works is that you question for it, and let the universe give it to you in the way it intends to.

Law Of Attraction Mistake # 5: Limiting Beliefs

We all have certain beliefs that we’re not 100% conscious of. These beliefs might be hidden deep inside of us, emerging only at the most crucial moment. These beliefs may not necessarily be harmful, but they may also be a hindrance to the law of attraction.

One of the most common limiting beliefs is the thought of “I don’t deserve this.” Once this thought enters your mind (or your heart even), the universe will interpret is as “I don’t want this.”

Part of the charm of the law of attraction is that it encourages you to open yourself up to the universe. Don’t be held back by these negative beliefs. Instead, assure yourself that you are, indeed, worthy of having such a gift.

To get rid of these limiting beliefs, why don’t you try embracing more of life? Read about how every one of us truly deserves a pleased ending. Get rid of all your drama and angst. 

The law of attraction is very powerful indeed. It has the capacity to give you whatever you want. But, there are a lot of law of attraction mistakes you can make if you’re not careful. Most of these mistakes deal with negativity. But, these are pretty simple to deal with as long as you stay aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions. And as long as you’re open to change and improvement, you too can harness the astonishing powers of the universe. 

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The Law of Attraction and Money

You may have been hearing more and more recently about the so called “Law of Attraction”. If not you may have heard of Jerry and Esther Hicks and Abraham, popularised on the Oprah Show.

What got my attention was that what was being said really had a lot in common with some of my latest readings on quantum physics. These readings suggested that at a quantum level the very act of observering an event changes the event. So we are really having a vibrational effect on our environment simply by observing it.
For those of you not familiar with the Law of Attraction that Hicks and Abraham have popularised I will provide a VERY simply description.

What is the Law of Attraction
The thought is that there is a Law of Attraction, a fundamental Law of the Universe which amongst other things makes like attract like. We interact with this law and make things that weay or may not want in our lives simply by thinking or focusing on them in a particular way. This is sometimes referred to as manifesting or using the law of attraction or making your reality.

The Law of Attraction, Money and Happiness
Of course for many people the first thing that they want to use the Law of Attraction for is money and happiness. When it comes to the Law of Attraction, money and happiness understandable are on top of the adgenda.

To really know how the Law of Attraction and money interact it’s most vital to know that the law of attraction is just that. A law, it doesn’t change, it is very consistant. But we change and our intreptation of what is happening to us changes also. This can lead to a cycle were poor thinking, begets poor experience, which in turn leads back to poor thinking. This reminds one of the phrase “the poor get poorer whilst the rich get richer”.

Immediate Use Law of Attraction Money Tips
The first immediate use law of attraction money tip is therefore to simply to focus on gratitude for what is excellent financially now. This will eventually lead to a thought that makes your feel a small better, follow that thought until you find another that makes you feel a small better still and so on. This will improve your vibrational state regarding whatever is happening financially.

The second is to stop often during the day and consciously try to reckon a thought that makes you feel a small better than you do currently. Sounds simple hey?

Daily Use Law of Attraction Money Tips
Setting aside time everyday for your Creative Workshop or Creative Period. A time (15-30mins) where you visualise the outcomes that you want to manifest in your everyday experience, focusing on feeling like those desired outcomes have already been achieved.

Long Term Use Law of Attraction, Money Tips
When plotting over the longer term break down large financial tasks into smaller ones that will form the “next logical steps”, one after another, from where you are now.

Spend “creative” time everyday focused on the feeling of having made it or having achieved the larger task. Spend more time everyday though focusing on the feeling of having just achieved that which is your next logical step forward from where you are now. In this way you are smoothing the pebbles from the road and ensuring logs don’t fall up ahead.

As we have said, it is a law. The law of attraction; money, fame and fortune come to those who harness this law. We hope that the information above has helped refocus you on using the law of attraction in your life. Lastly we found a site that may be of interest to those who really want to immerse themselves in learning about the Law of Attraction. This is a site were three teachers featured on the movie “The Secret” will teach you The Science of Getting Rich. It seems a fantastic way to learn about The Law of Attraction and Money

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Do you truly know the Law of Attraction well enough to obtain what you desire in your life? Take this quiz and find out.

The Law of Attraction sounds simple, doesn’t it? But unless you know some key facts about the Law of Attraction, you may struggle to obtain what you desire. This small quiz will let you know if you know and are applying the Law of Attraction to attract into your life your desires.

You have been applying the Law of Attraction your whole life and probably didn’t even know it, but to become aware of the Law of Attraction is an vital step to obtaining the life you so deserve. Many of us believe that just thinking positive thoughts will help us attain all we would like out of our lives. But there are some basics you should know about applying the LOA. Take this quiz to see how LOA savvy you really are.

Law of Attraction Question One:

You have one of those days when everyone seems to be agitated and impatient. Why is this happening?

A. It’s just one of those days when everyone is being mean to me

B. I don’t know why but I just want to get home to get away from people

C. It is a direct result of my past thoughts and feelings

Law of Attraction Question Two:

Besides like, what is the best feeling to emit in applying the Law of Attraction to obtain positive results continuously?

A. Competitiveness

B. Boasting

C. Gratitude

Law of Attraction Question Three:

Why does the Law of Attraction bring you what you want AND what you don’t want?

A. Because the Universe brings me every feeling and thought that I have back to me

B. Because the Universe decides what is best for me

C. Because the Universe brings me what I MOSTLY focus on, whether it is a “want” or a “don’t want”

Law of Attraction Question Four:

Why is it vital to have a clear detailed image of what you desire?

A. Because it helps me to imagine much more easily

B. Because that is what the Universe wants

C. Because the Universe brings to me what I focus on and if my picture is unclear, the Universe has to fill in the gaps and my image may come to me distorted and different than I thought

Law of Attraction Question Five:

Is repetition vital in the Law of Attraction?

A. Not really, just my positive thoughts will get me what I want

B. Yes because it helps me remember what my want is

C. Yes because the more I focus on my want (repetition) the better picture the Universe has to attract to me

Law of Attraction Question Six:

What causes a child to lose their natural ability to intentionally apply the Law of Attraction?

A. They just grow up

B. Getting a few knocks from life

C. Their ‘family and friends’ environment and their own perception of life

Law of Attraction Question Seven:

Which of these circumstances affects the abilities of applying the Law of Attraction?

A. The phases of the moon

B. What state my physical body is in

C. Listening to the opinions of others

Law of Attraction Question Eight:

When you come up to a problematic situation, what should you do when applying the Law of Attraction?

A. Look at the problem and see why it is problematic to you

B. Do nothing

C. Focus on the solution which is the want and don’t focus on the problem which is the don’t want

If you answered mostly A’s or B’s, you want to study much harder if you are to apply the Law of Attraction from a positive state. Try finding reliable information on the Law of Attraction to help you along so that you can intentionally make your ideal life.

If you answered A’s, B’s, and C’s, you’re on your way to learning about the Law of Attraction. Study this quiz and know why the answers should all be C’s. Keep finding answers so that you can live your life in ease at all times.

If you answered mostly C’s, you are on your way to having everything you desire through the Law of Attraction. Keep studying and finding methods that work for you in attaining what you deserve in life. You have the knowledge now go out and use it to make a wonderful life for yourself through the Law of Attraction.

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The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is ultimately not about control (although I do reckon people try to use it to control their fate) – it is about accepting a flow of excellent that comes from God. The thought is that this is available to everyone, and anyone can accept it at any time and their life will start to flow more. The law of attraction is an age-ancient concept, but has recently gained immense popularity as more people realize there must be a better way to live. This site is dedicated to the concept of manifesting with the law of attraction using meditation, positive thinking, creative visualization and positive affirmations for a better life. The Law of Attraction is a very powerful force which affects our lives. We attract into our lives what we focus on and place our emotions and attention on.

The law of attraction is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in multiple ways. The Law of Attraction is merely doing its work to deliver what you’re thinking. You reckon of debts? The Law of Attraction is very simple and fun to learn because you are deliberately gaining what you really desire. The law is in force in our lives right this moment and whether we’re aware or not, we are really attracting jobs, people and positive situations into our lives.

The Law of Attraction is bullshit and I wasted my personal time to really watch it (was I attracting bullshit at that time? In example, if we come up with the case that the law did not work, the blame goes on US! The Law of Attraction is not some magic art form, nor is it some ‘method’ by which you can improve yourself with pumps and drugs; it is simply about harnessing what is already available to you. The law is based around the laws of the Universe which state we were born with the in-built knowledge that we make our own reality ? The law of attraction is more powerful if you open up and allow yourself to receive the abundance that the universe supplies to you. If you reject your blessings, you are stopping the flow of prosperity and decreasing your attracting force.

The Law Of Attraction is not as huge a Secret, as the hit movie would have you believe. Having been in existence since the very beginning of time, it is an unyielding, never bending, unbreakable Universal Rule. By becoming conscious of our thoughts and our beliefs, which are repeating thought patterns, we can gain mastery over our lives. The law of attraction is natural law. But, people’s approaches to it are entirely different, unique.

The Law of attraction is at work at all times, for each of us, without exception. Once you learn that you are in fact attracting every element of your life to you, you can start to manipulate this process and make your life by design — that is when things start getting really fascinating. The law of attraction is a positive fact that one’s mental disposition attracts similar external circumstances and events. In other words, your mental intentions and attitudes draw people and things of like intention and attitude to yourself. The law of attraction is not new. Its all about the first step in becoming successful.

The law of attraction is always at work and negative thinking equals fatal attraction! The Law of Attraction is spiritual  and Universal, and works on all the planes of life, from the physical to the spiritual. Its operations are uniform and constant, and we may take the phenomena of one plane and thereby study the phenomena of another plane, for the same rule applies in each case – the same Law is in operation in the same way.
The Law of Attraction is the universal law that determines how everything on this planet works. It is a law that works 100% of the time, for every person, without exception.

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The secret pays is not some blip on the internet where it’s here today and gone tomorrow. But instead the secret pays is a powerful affiliate program which is over 10,000 members strong. The Secret Pays is based on The Law Of Attraction principles and does work. I saw it a couple of years ago by chance. The Secret Pays is an online wholesaler of just about any digitally downloadable software and how-to product on the internet. Our mission is to make the largest online network of successful first time and seasoned money makers through the sale of a massive collection of profit pulling products.

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If some of you have already read various books about Law of Attraction usage, then you have no doubt already had a dabble at trying to receive something with the Law of Attraction.

Now you may have been chuffed at the result that happened afterwards, but more than likely nothing happened and you are trying to work out why the Law of Attraction is not working for you. Many give up due to the disappointment of not receiving immediately but one needs to perserver and believe.

As you may imagine it is all about knowledge and practice. Everyone can tap into the what the universe has to offer.

Well you may not be aware, but there is really a mastery to its usage and many users are at a level of knowledge where they can class themselves as Master, and are of course reaping the rewards huge time. How do they do it? Do you see others that always get what they want? Well you may have guessed it, they are more than likely mastering the Law of Attraction. Some master it without even being aware that they are doing so.

Now that you have found about the Law of Attraction, you can now proceed to learn about the advanced techniques and learn how to succeed where others, even yourself, failed in the practice before.

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