Have you watched the “Secret” and got excited in using the Law of Attraction in your life to attract your dreams? Have you tried every technique that the movie suggested and still unable to make the law of attraction work in your life? Are you about to completely give up on this law of attraction thing?

If so, just hold on until you end reading this article and then you will know where you went incorrect and how to fix it easily. You need not worry too much as the majority who tries to make the law of attraction work in their lives fail miserably at the first instance. So it is not your fault really, but you have not received the most vital part of the information that is needed to make the law of attraction work in your life.

The Law of Attraction is a natural law of the universe and it has been working in every ones lives from the day that the universe was made. It is like Gravity, even if you are aware or not gravity works, same with the law of attraction. Although the name was popularized only recently, the law was active in your life from birth.

So, then why don’t you attract what you want in your life. What is the mistake you are making?

If you just look at what the law of attraction says, you would have the answer promptly. What the Law of Attraction says is, “Like attracts Like” or What you focus on expands”.

So did you see how it works? whatever you focus on expands. It can be positive or negative, the law of attraction does not care a bit about what you focus, it just does the job and give you more of what you are focusing at a particular moment. So if you are focusing on not having money to pay your bills, that is what you will get. You get more situations where you do not have money to pay bills. Simply said, you get more bills and less money. Because that is what your main focus has been.

I reckon you may have got a slight thought on how the law of attraction works in your life. The other thing is it responds to your feelings and not to your logical mind. It will directly respond to how you feel about a particular situation. If you are feeling lack and scarcity of not having enough money, the law of attraction picks up your vibration of lack and responds with more lack and scarcity. That is the simple way, how the law of attraction work in your life.

The other reason why the law of attraction does not work in your life is the past conditioning and limiting beliefs you are holding about yourself, your capabilities and various aspects of your life. If you believe that you are not excellent enough to attract excellent things to your life, this will be a major stumbling block in your efforts to make the law of attraction work in your life. Most of these beliefs are not conscious to us and we may not be able to know why a particular behavioral pattern is repeated in our life.

The most effective method to counter these beliefs and past conditioning is to have a silent mind. Though it is simple said than done, it is not impossible. Having a silent mind has tremendous benefits which includes accessing your intuition easily and living your life with effortlessness and ease. A silent mind will not have room for past conditioning and self limiting beliefs because it lives in the present moment and not in the past or future. A silent mind is the most suitable mental state to make the law of attraction work effortlessly in your life and attract all your dreams easily.

The most effective technique to achieve a silent mind is to use brain wave entrainment technology. Brainev is a program using the latest patent pending cutting edge technology known as 3P-DEAP, which make this product much more effective than similar products in the market. You do nothing by yourself, all the work is done by the technology, just by listening to it 30 minutes a day.

This is the most bone idle way to make the law of attraction work in your life.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/law-of-attraction-review-how-to-make-the-law-of-attraction-work-in-your-life-724392.html

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