Does The Law Of Attraction Exist?

The media has been filled with an immense amount of hype circulating around the secret law of attraction. Apparently, this law has the ability to make the things that you want in your life become more than just a dream, but a reality. Some reckon the secret law of attraction is just another myth of the past. But, before you set back and try to pass judgment on this law, the only way that you can be certain if it works or not is to try it out in your own life. The three basic steps to using the secret laws of attraction are to question, believe and receive. Don’t you reckon if things were that simple someone would have found a way to make thins a reality? Well, some may say that a person has, the movie “The Secret” is teaching a plethora of people how to use the secret law of attraction in a means that will benefit them. The movie makes assumptions that our thoughts give off a means of electromagnetic waves. And as our mind is said to be one with the universe, this means we are capable of telling it what to do. The very first thing one should do when practicing using the laws of attraction is to reckon positive about everything in life. The more negative you reckon, the more negative things will get. The very next step that you need to take in order to test out the secret law of attraction is question the universe inquisitively about the thing that you stand in need of. Believing you have already received is the key. So many people are used to believing in what they physically see and have experienced that they have distress believing in the secret law of attraction. But, as children we have all been told that if we question for something we can receive it if only we just believe. Maybe there were certain ones who knew of the law of attraction but remained silent. Receiving will be your final step of the process. All the while that you are waiting to receive a answer for what you requested you should already believe that you have received what you questioned for currently in your possession. The secret law of attraction may seem outlandish to a few people, but for the people that have mastered the law they are already living the high life. Learn More Here

Recently the secret law of attraction has caught the attention of many. Apparently, this law has the ability to make the things that you want in your life become more than just a dream, but a reality.


Some reckon the secret law of attraction is just another myth of the past. But, before you set back and try to pass judgment on this law, the only way that you can be certain if it works or not is to try it out in your own life.


The secret law of attraction states, that all you have to do is question, believe and receive. But, if things in life were that simple don’t you honestly believe that someone would have found a way to make this a reality?


Some say the movie “The Secret” is a basic thought of the laws of attraction, mainly just reviewing the law. The movie makes assumptions that our thoughts give off a means of electromagnetic waves. These waves really affect our surroundings as well as what the universe decides will happen to us.


The first step in the process to to reckon positive. Negative thoughts will always bring you negative results.


The very next step that you need to take in order to test out the secret law of attraction is question the universe inquisitively about the thing that you stand in need of. Believing you have already received is the key.


Many people have a problem with the belief part that surrounds the law. Even as children growing up we were taught to wish and believe in the things we question for. Maybe there were certain ones who knew of the law of attraction but remained silent.


Receiving will be your final step of the process. Instead of waiting for what you have commanded upon the universe to give you, you should believe that this is already yours.


To the ones who are asleep in life the law of attraction may seem to be a myth, and to the ones who are awake and practicing the law, it is all pure reality on the highest level.



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Living The Law of Attraction

There are two types of laws in the universe:

1. Man made laws, and
2. Natural Laws

If you violate man made laws, you may or may not get caught.
If you violate Natural Laws, you will always get caught, there is no exception.

Natural Laws can be divided into two categories:

1. Physical
2. Mental

Physical laws can be proven by experiment.
Mental laws can only be proven by experience and intuition and by demonstrating their effectiveness in your life.

Mental laws are like physical laws in that they are also enforced 100% of the time. Mental laws, although their physical effects cannot be seen so easily all of the time, such as gravity everywhere in the world, also work 100% of the time.

Whenever your life is going fantastic, it usually means that your thoughts and activities are aligned and in harmony with these invisible mental laws. Whenever you are having problems in your life, it is nearly always because you have violated one or more of these mental laws, whether you know about them or not.

You can always tell if you have violated mental laws by the results you get, either positive or negative.

One of these mental laws is the “Law of Attraction”.  You are a living magnet and inevitably attract into your life, people and situations in harmony with your dominant thoughts.  Your entire world is of your own making.  The more emotion you apply to a thought, the more rapidly you attract people or situations in harmony with that thought into your life.

The book, The Secret, has been around for quite a long time and has changed millions of lives across the world. If you have read The Secret you know that “the secret” is just another word for the Law Of Attraction. A Very powerful law that allows everyone to be, do or have anything they want.

The Law of Attraction is neutral.  It can help you or hinder you.  Sometimes it is considered a subset of the Law of Cause and Effect.  Sow a thought and you reap an act.  Sow and act and you reap a habit.  Reap a habit and you sow a character.  Sow a character and you reap a destiny.

You can change the person you are.  You can change your dominant thoughts by exercising rigorous self-discipline and self-control and by keeping your thoughts on what you do want, and off of what you do not want.

The universe consists of positive as well as negative energies that surround each and every individual living on the Earth. By thinking positively, an individual himself or herself puts the positive energy on the task. At the same time, a negative thought can provoke the negative energy in the universe. So, the conclusion is that whatever an individual wishes in his or her life, the universe immediately starts working in that direction.

Consider the following example. An individual makes a wish that he or she want to buy a new home. As soon as this wish is made, the forces of universe start building the favorable environment to get the wish granted. But, at the second thought, the individual thinks that he or she might not be able to afford it. This instantaneously reverses the gear and bridges the gap between the individual and his wish.  So, the rules of attraction immediately fail and the reason lies in the thought process of the individual.

Most of the time, you will find experts that criticize the attraction law as nothing more than hype. But, there are some experts who can establish the essence of this law in improving one’s life.

Most people, sometime in their life, come to the realization that there is something missing.  That there must be something more to life that the life they are living today.  Well, the truth is, they are missing something and that is the ability to attain whatever they want in life, no matter what it is.  The attainment of that success can be accomplished through the secret Law of Attraction.

The question arises then, is there any guide that can help one achieve success by following these mental laws? 

Finally, there is a program, “The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force”, that teaches you Everything to Apply the Law of Attraction and get it to work! It is designed to be a fully integrated learning course that will give you the flexibility to write your notes and track your progress, as you listen to each lesson in each section. You can then access the lessons and your notes anytime, anywhere, for instant and simple revision that will enhance your learning and accelerate your results!

Click Here To Learn More About The Law of Attraction

We hear a lot of people saying that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. They say they tried it and nothing happened. Using the Law of Attraction sounds so simple in theory, but when it comes to practising it, it’s not always as straight forward as some might hope. Why then does it seem to work for some people and not for others? The truth is, it’s working all the time, for everyone, but some people are more adept at pulling in the desired results by focusing on the key areas to ensure this law is working for them and not against them.

We all know the definition of insanity – “to continue doing the same thing and expecting different results”.  By following some simple steps outlined in the program, you will be taking responsibility for your own life. Don’t expect anyone else to do it for you. The fastest way to achieve your potential is to follow the program so please click on the link below to get started changing your life!

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Have you watched the “Secret” and got excited in using the Law of Attraction in your life to attract your dreams? Have you tried every technique that the movie suggested and still unable to make the law of attraction work in your life? Are you about to completely give up on this law of attraction thing?

If so, just hold on until you end reading this article and then you will know where you went incorrect and how to fix it easily. You need not worry too much as the majority who tries to make the law of attraction work in their lives fail miserably at the first instance. So it is not your fault really, but you have not received the most vital part of the information that is needed to make the law of attraction work in your life.

The Law of Attraction is a natural law of the universe and it has been working in every ones lives from the day that the universe was made. It is like Gravity, even if you are aware or not gravity works, same with the law of attraction. Although the name was popularized only recently, the law was active in your life from birth.

So, then why don’t you attract what you want in your life. What is the mistake you are making?

If you just look at what the law of attraction says, you would have the answer promptly. What the Law of Attraction says is, “Like attracts Like” or What you focus on expands”.

So did you see how it works? whatever you focus on expands. It can be positive or negative, the law of attraction does not care a bit about what you focus, it just does the job and give you more of what you are focusing at a particular moment. So if you are focusing on not having money to pay your bills, that is what you will get. You get more situations where you do not have money to pay bills. Simply said, you get more bills and less money. Because that is what your main focus has been.

I reckon you may have got a slight thought on how the law of attraction works in your life. The other thing is it responds to your feelings and not to your logical mind. It will directly respond to how you feel about a particular situation. If you are feeling lack and scarcity of not having enough money, the law of attraction picks up your vibration of lack and responds with more lack and scarcity. That is the simple way, how the law of attraction work in your life.

The other reason why the law of attraction does not work in your life is the past conditioning and limiting beliefs you are holding about yourself, your capabilities and various aspects of your life. If you believe that you are not excellent enough to attract excellent things to your life, this will be a major stumbling block in your efforts to make the law of attraction work in your life. Most of these beliefs are not conscious to us and we may not be able to know why a particular behavioral pattern is repeated in our life.

The most effective method to counter these beliefs and past conditioning is to have a silent mind. Though it is simple said than done, it is not impossible. Having a silent mind has tremendous benefits which includes accessing your intuition easily and living your life with effortlessness and ease. A silent mind will not have room for past conditioning and self limiting beliefs because it lives in the present moment and not in the past or future. A silent mind is the most suitable mental state to make the law of attraction work effortlessly in your life and attract all your dreams easily.

The most effective technique to achieve a silent mind is to use brain wave entrainment technology. Brainev is a program using the latest patent pending cutting edge technology known as 3P-DEAP, which make this product much more effective than similar products in the market. You do nothing by yourself, all the work is done by the technology, just by listening to it 30 minutes a day.

This is the most bone idle way to make the law of attraction work in your life.

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Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction is both the most fascinating and the most misunderstood. Fascinating, because as humans we naturally want a tool to help make the life of our dreams, and the law of attraction can certainly help us to do that. Misunderstood because, unlike a tool that we can pull out and use now and again but is otherwise inactive, the law of attraction is operating in our lives constantly and independently, whether we are consciously aware of it, or believe in it, or not.

In other words, there is no need to engage the law of attraction, it is already at work in your life and always will be. So long as you are alive and breathing, the law of attraction is at work. This is fantastic news! You are already using the law of attraction to make everything in your life whether you realise it or not. The results that you are experiencing: your career, finances, relationships, health, home, community, and so on, are a direct result of the law of attraction and your interaction with it in the form of thoughts and feelings.  

If you’re not making the kind of life you want though, chances are you are making by default, allowing the law of attraction to bring you more and more of the same. Unfortunately, we weren’t handed a life manual at birth and, for many of us, our parents were not aware of the law of attraction and so did not teach us.  At Attract Like Magic we are dedicated to helping you know this powerful universal law and how you can start to use the law of attraction to consciously make the life of your dreams. On the Attract Like Magic site, and in upcoming newsletters and articles, we will explore everything to do with the law of attraction and provide tools that will help you to harness its power.

But in order to really know the law of attraction, you first need to know another of the universal laws, the law of vibration.  

Law of Vibration

According to the law of vibration everything is made of energy and has a distinct frequency or vibration. With the advent of powerful enough technology, science now agrees. Quantum physicists have shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy.

In other words, at the quantum level, everything is comprised of energy and empty space and what makes you, your home, your car, the chair you’re sitting in, seem solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up.

Not only does your body and all that you consider to be “you” have a distinct and unique vibration (or more correctly a mix of vibrations), but your creations, in the form of thoughts, also have distinct vibrations which affect or blend with your overall vibration.

In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you – your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly ‘empty’ space and they, in turn, affect you. That’s why, when you walk into a room where there was an earlier argument, you can sense it. We even use terms like “terrible vibes”, “you can feel the tension”, and “you could cut the air in here with a knife” to describe it. In each case what we are referring to is the energy imprint of the earlier occupants.

Similarly, you may have gone to someone’s home, office or business where, as soon as you entered, you felt the “excellent vibes” that filled the place. That’s because, over time, a place becomes imbued with the energy imprints of the dominant vibrations of the people who live or work there. So a home, for example, can literally become filled with like or tension or rage or sadness or any other emotion, and that home will feel that way to a visitor even if none of the regular occupants are at home at the time. If you’ve ever entered such a place you may even have noticed how you just relaxed and felt excellent in response to the “excellent vibes” around you. Of course, the extent to which you take on the vibrations of the people and things around you is up to you – but for most people, this is not a conscious choice.

So, you are giving off vibrations every second of every day. You are also simultaneously receiving and translating the vibrations of everything and everyone around you. If we use the analogy of television, you are both a television transmitter, beaming out your own unique station, and also a television set or receiver, able to tune in to all the stations or frequencies being broadcast around you. Sometimes we refer to these incoming vibrations as intuition or “gut feelings”.

So how do you know what your vibration is at any moment?

Simple – question yourself how you are feeling.

Your emotions are a quick and handy guide to your vibration in any moment. If you feel loving, you are vibrating at the frequency of like; if you feel mad, you are vibrating at the frequency of rage; if you feel curious, you are vibrating at the frequency of curiosity, and those vibrations are received by everything and everyone around you. You are also, through the law of attraction, bringing to you more experiences that will match this vibration so when you feel mad the law of attraction will bring to you more experiences that will elicit the feeling of rage, you will attract mad people and find yourself in the middle of mad situations.

Have you ever had a day where you felt lousy, but tried to pretend that everything was OK to family, friends or co-workers? It doesn’t work does it? Your friends, family or co-workers know straight away that you are not how you are pretending to be. They may question if something is incorrect, or comment that you don’t seem to be your normal self. They pick up on the incongruence between what you are saying and your vibration. Because we are not used to explaining in terms of vibrations, they may attribute their knowing to something more mundane like tone of voice or body language, but even people without the full use of their senses can detect this type of incongruence.

To sum up, you are sending out vibrations every moment of every day. Those vibrations are a mix of your thoughts and feelings and they affect everything around you. At the same time you are also receiving and translating the vibrations of everything around you (which can, in turn, affect your vibration by how you react to them). Now that we know vibration, let’s look at how it interacts with the law of attraction.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction, simply place, means energy attracts like energy. You may also have heard it expressed as “like attracts like’, “that which is like unto itself is drawn” and even “thoughts become things”.

The law of attraction is at work in your life every minute of every day. Your vibrations are constantly being broadcast to, and received, by the universe. This activates the law of attraction which then matches your vibrations and attracts to you similar vibrations in the form of people, things and situations in your life. In other words you are always making your life through your thoughts and feelings. The conditions in your life, whether they are what you want or not, are always a match to your dominant vibrations.

The law of attraction, like all the universal laws, operates whether you are aware of it or not, or believe it or not. The often-used terms “what you focus on grows”, “careful what you wish for (cause you just might get it)”, “birds of a feather flock together” and “you can’t get enough of what you don’t want” are all examples of ways that we describe the law of attraction in action.

So, the question becomes – if your life is not how you would wish it to be, how do you change it? And the answer most often given by law of attraction and personal development teachers is a simple one – change your thoughts.

Simple – yes, but not simple. Here’s why.

Somewhere between 94 – 98% of all thoughts are subconscious, that is, below or out of conscious awareness which means that only 2 – 6% of your thoughts are ever conscious. So, even if you managed to change all of your conscious thoughts to be positive, that still leaves an dreadful lot of subconscious thought, at least some of which would be negative, vibrating away in the background without you even being aware of it! If you’re having distress making what you want in life, chances are your subconscious mind is at fault.

In our next article we will explore the subconscious mind and how it can interfere with your Law of Attraction efforts.

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Notice that I didn’t use the word “secret” since that work is way too overused and what I mean by “the key” is just another way to saying a method to making the law of attraction work for you. I’m going to try to clarify it not a pseudo, new-age, quantum physics, or over complicated way of the law of attraction. I’m going to just try to clarify it in the best way possible, in the simplest manner I can, so you can start using the law of attraction and apply it in your life.

The definition of law of attraction basically says that you will attract anything you reckon about.

I truly believe that if you apply the law of attraction right, then it the law really works.

There are probably and, I’m going to say, an infinite amount of examples, ways, scenarios, questions, problems that someone could go to disapproving the law of attraction.

For example, money and financial freedom is probably one of the most vital, most talked about issue in our human lives. It is something that affects all of us in ways and how our current situation is. It is something that most everyone needs and wants to have.

So taking the law of attraction into this, I would probably imagine the most common conflicting question one would question might be, “If someone sits in a chair all day and manifests thoughts about making a million dollars, will he or she ever get it?”

Well from a practically perspective, the answer becomes quite obvious. No.

If one sits in a chair all day and does not take action then it will be impossible for them to make a million dollars because they are doing nothing.

In a practical objective world, the law is that actions produces results. Would you disagree with that?

I take the time to pick lemons from a tree, make lemonade, then set up and stand and sell a drink to someone passing by for $1. The action I took to selling lemonade produced the result which was making $1.

I mean if the law of attraction worked wouldn’t everybody started getting what they wanted? All you would have to reckon about is what you want and it will start gravitating to you via universe or genie. But, thousands of people complain that they are thinking about what they want, but aren’t getting it.

· I’m attracting weight loss in my life but I’m still overweight…

· I’m attracting like in my life but I’m not still single…

· I’m attracting a new car in my life but I still drive my ancient, junkie car…

· I’m attracting happiness, but no matter what I always feel depressed…

These are all legit reasons and I know why people would be in awe or praise the law of attraction but end up finding themselves in a conflicting, frustrated situation. I used to be the same way thinking, “Hey if I can use the law of attraction, I can attract anything in my life and viola, I’ll get it.” But nothing ever happened and I got frustrated saying the law doesn’t work, it sucks, etc.

The truth is the law of attraction is meant to be a tool to help you get what you want, it’s not some genie that pops out of nowhere and hands you what you want. But there are sometimes where you will get what you want instantly using the law of attraction (we’ll get to that later).

I’m a practical person myself. I believe in that when you do something, something happens. When you add 1 and 1, you get 2. And if you don’t take action, unfortunately, you won’t get results no matter how hard you reckon about getting what it is that you want. You may get lucky, and somehow it may be delivered to you someday, but why would you take the risk letting something outside of your being control when you get things. That’s silly. Do you want to wait five years until you get a new car? Do you want to wait ten years before you attract a loving spouse? Not really, right?

In today’s society, humans want to have instant gratification for whatever they want, they want it now! That’s why the law of attraction in the past few years has been so well loved. It has nearly brainwashed the entire new culture of people to believe that by using the law of attraction, we can more or less get what we want quickly without doing anything. This sounds excellent!

The truth is the law of attraction, more or less, operates as a law in subjective reality. This means the law works really works in one’s mind. I would say that the law of attraction is absolutely everything in one’s mind because one might argue that everything in the universe from your perspective, or anyone else’s perspective, is just a thought – a thought – that’s all it is.

What does this exactly mean? It means that anything you are thinking about, at any second, is exactly what you are getting.

Now you may laugh and say, “I already knew that,” as I first did when I someone told me about the law of attraction and how whatever you reckon, you are getting. I didn’t believe it because I started to place everything into question, especially , from an objective and materialistic standpoint. Why am I not getting this? And “this” usually was with something materialistic – a t-shirt, money, better grades, etc.

And even from an emotional standpoint like why am I not getting happiness or joy, it was just a completely incorrect approach. It was until months to a year later where I thought about the law of attraction it absolutely works wonders in a subjective reality. And when I got it, it just clicked. Being a practical person, it really felt awe-inspiring, but scary at the same time. Why didn’t I reckon about this before?

And how you need to treat the law of attraction should be form a subjective standpoint, because if you try to place it in an objective standpoint, I can nearly guarantee that you will get frustrated and nothing will make sense. So how does this work? It’s just what is stated above.

Anything you are thinking about, you are getting. To really know, you should always keep this in your mind: be conscious of what you are thinking about in the moment.

If you reckon about it, it makes total sense in a different way – not in a mathematical way or in a practical way. It’s outside of that. 1 plus 1 equals 2, but in this reality, 1 plus 1 equals anything you want it to be. If you reckon 1 plus 1 equals 3, then it equals 3. You are attracting 3, and you are getting 3. Stop trying to make sense of it because if you say, it’s impossible for 1 plus 1 to equal 3, then that’s exactly what you are getting. If you reckon it’s impossible, than it is impossible and you are right.

If you try to solve this problem, and you become frustrated, then you are getting frustrated. You are attracting frustration, and you are making your own frustration. Does this make sense?

Physical things that happen in your life and the law of attraction are not a function of each other. They are two different worlds, and it’s vital that you step outside of the box. Reckon of everything in your life as a thought. This shouldn’t be scary, even though it freaked me out at first, but it’s worth experimenting because if you get the law of attraction down, your way of going about things about life will change dramatically.

For the better or for the worse, that’s up you. If you can have anything in the world or be anything in the world, which option would you want to pick?

So know you know that the law of attraction works in a subjective reality, meaning that your current thought at this very moment is exactly what you are getting, than you can use it as a powerful, powerful tool to applying it in the objective world, an objective world where physical things become your reality because that is what you have truly chosen.

Let’s take a look at the examples from previous.

If someone told me:

· I’m attracting weight loss in my life but I’m still overweight…

I would answer, “Okay… that’s exactly what you are getting then. You are overweight because you just said it. And even if you really didn’t believe that yourself, are you really attracting weight loss? Or are you just attracting the words “weight” and “loss.” If you’re attracting the weight loss, maybe you are getting weight loss but just not in the way that you thought you would. And if you really thought about the right meaning of weight loss, you wouldn’t be sitting here doing nothing. You would take action. In addition, you should be attracting the action it takes that leads to weight loss such as running on a treadmill, going to the gym, eating healthy, etc.”

If someone told me:

· I’m attracting like in my life but I’m not still single…

I would answer, “It’s a excellent thing that you are intending like in your life. Be patient and question yourself are you really thinking about attracting like in your life or do you feel any doubt that you can’t or cannot. Is there something from the past that has made you want this and are you carrying thoughts from that past into your being right now. You need to eliminate all negative thoughts. In addition, thinking about being a loving person or a person that easily can be loved by others will help you find like. You will get there.

If someone told me:

· I’m attracting a new car in my life but I still drive my ancient, junkie car…

I would answer, “Well, stop imagining yourself ever driving your ancient, junkie car if you have any thoughts about that. Every time you are driving you’re car, you should be imagining yourself driving the car you want. If you keep having those dominant thoughts, your feelings will take over and you will start to take action to getting the car you want.

If someone told me:

· I’m attracting happiness, but no matter what I always feel depressed…

I would say, are you really attracting happiness, or are you saying you are attracting happiness but really inside you are feeling depression? There is no faking happiness. If you feel any, any sort of doubt that you are not pleased, then that is what you will get. Sometimes you will be able to change your emotions just by thinking about your thoughts instantly and that is what you will attract. But, you must realize that they have to be your dominating thoughts and you have to have faith and patience that happiness will eventually come to you.

If you really reckon about it, it is truly what you want, your body will take action subconsciously. The results will come to you when you know what it is that you want. You can make it an simple path by attracting an simple path or a hard path by attracting a hard path. If you are groaning right now because you didn’t like that answer, then I can’t stop you that has just become your reality.

But if you reckon hey maybe I this makes sense and may help you, then it will. Or anything else you reckon about from what you just read, than it is. Your answer does not affect me, it is only affecting you.

I just want to get the message out to you to be conscious of you to have the ability to choose, intend, and manifest whatever it is you want in life. It’s a cross path between subjective reality and objective reality that’s why the law of attraction is so hard to clarify for people who don’t get it.

I hope you start to reckon, really reckon about every single thing that goes on in your life and take a moment to step back and realize that you are attracting or getting what you are currently thinking about.

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