Acne, most commonly known as pimples, is the bane of nearly every face and the worst nightmare for those too unfortunate to suffer.

It is the most common skin disease today. In United States alone, nearly 60 million people are infected with acne, where 85 per cent of teenagers suffer from it.

Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin’s oil glands (sebaceous glands), which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples or zits. Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.

Contrary to the well loved belief, acne is not just a teenager’s disease. It is a socially bane and can be upsetting and disfiguring in certain cases. It has a significant economic impact, as people spend a lot of money on non-prescription and prescription treatments and therapies.

Acne cases vary from mild to severely disfiguring. It ranges from comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) to nodules and cysts. Here are several acne terms that can help you better know acne.

Comedo or Comedones are simply a plugged and enlarged hair follicle. When a comedo is open, it is usually called a blackhead. When it is closed or deep into the skin, it is usually called whitehead. The whitehead differs in color from the blackhead because the opening of the plugged sebaceous follicle to the skin’s surface is closed or very narrow, in contrast to the distended follicular opening of the blackhead. Neither blackheads nor whiteheads should be squeezed or picked open, unless extracted by a dermatologist under sterile conditions. Tissue injured by squeezing or picking can become infected by staphylococci, streptococci and other skin bacteria.

Papules are inflamed lesions that usually appear as small, pink bumps on the skin and can be tender to the touch. A group of very small papules and microcomedones may be nearly invisible but have a “sandpaper” feel to the touch. A papule is caused by localized cellular reaction to the process of acne.

Pustules are papules topped by pus-filled lesions that may be red at the base. A pustule that forms over a sebaceous follicle usually has a hair in the center. Acne pustules that heal without progressing to cystic form usually leave no scars.

Nodules are solid, dome-shaped or irregularly-shaped lesions. They are commonly characterized by inflammation, extend into deeper layers of the skin and may cause tissue destruction that results in scarring. A nodule may be very painful. Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that may not respond to therapies other than isotretinoin.

Cysts can appear similar to nodules but are pus-filled, very painful and can cause scarring. They are usually described as having a diameter of 5 mm or more.

Although it cannot be known for sure, there’s excellent reason to believe that none of the millions of people who have suffered or are suffering from acne has refrained from picking open or squeezing their pimples. In fact it seems to be one of the most common actions among those people whose faces or bodies are covered with unpleasant-looking red spots. It is also one of the worst possible thoughts. Pimples should never be squeezed or picked open by you. This is a job for a doctor and to be performed only if he deems it necessary. The main reason is that a pimple that has been squeezed or picked open is practically an invitation to every bacteria around to enter your body and cause an infection through the tiny opening in your skin. If you reckon the danger is negligible, you’re incorrect.

At the very least your action is a sure way of causing future pimples to emerge in the same spot. Most likely, by tampering with your pimples in less than sterile conditions will result in permanent scarring, as the hurt skin closes around the gaping hole formerly known as a pimple. While I may seem to joke about it, let me assure you that this issue is very vital. I know that it’s very hard to resist the temptation to squeeze your pimples in an attempt to eliminate at least the worst of them, but you should try as hard as you can to resists.

Believe me, you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with the scars of past acne flare-ups crisscrossing your face. This is why it’s very vital to deal with acne in a decisive manner and prevent the emergence of pimples. The best way of taking care of your problem is to use an acne treatment that can really help your body place an end to basic cause of acne: widespread clogging of pores. The best acne solution around is the ClearPores Skin Cleansing System, the three-part system that takes care of acne both from the inside and the outside and prevents future flare-ups. Try it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

There’s a rather worn-out saying, which goes like this: you are what you eat. Not surprisingly, the cheap soundbite appearance serves as a mask for a deeper truth, since any skin care professional would tell you that diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy skin. Many skin conditions are caused by diets that really starve the body instead of bringing in the much-needed vitamins and minerals.

Your skin cannot function properly without the daily supply of vitamins, among which the most vital are Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B7, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E.

Vitamin A is one of the building blocks of the body’s immune system. It plays a key role in the formation of intact epithelial tissues, which are the first barrier to infections, and also in keeping white cells healthy to fight bacteria. An insufficient supply of Vitamin A can lead to xerosis, which means “dry skin”. The best sources of Vitamin A are milk, eggs, carrots and spinach.

Vitamin B2 is involved in the regulation of human growth, including the health of skin, hair and nails. It can be found in milk, cheese, leafy vegetables and almonds. According to studies conducted by Doctor Hung Leung, deficiency of Vitamin B5 can cause acne. Doctor Leung has really managed to prove through his studies that regular doses of Vitamin B5 have a positive impact on acne, with milder cases being solved in matter of weeks. This vitamin is common in whole grain cereals, legumes, eggs and meat. Vitamin B7 is used by the cosmetics and health industries in many skin and hair care products. It is also recommended by doctors for strengthening hair and nails. Common sources of B7 are liver and kidney, dairy products and some seafood.

The well-known Vitamin C is not used solely for preventing the loss of teeth, but also to keep skin flexible and strong at the same time. The vitamin is required for the production of collagen in the connective tissues. Collagen is responsible for keeping the connective tissue flexible, yet strong. The best sources of Vitamin C are fruits and vegetables, with the Billygoat Plum (also known as Gubinge or Kakadu Plum) being the undisputed leader of Vitamin C sources (60 times more Vitamin C than oranges).

The body synthesizes large quantities of Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, which makes this vitamin one of the simplest to get. But, the end of summer means an end to large-scale Vitamin D synthesis and the body has to rely on reserves to get through the autumn and winter. Lack of Vitamin D is one of the causes behind skin cancer. Other sources of Vitamin D are fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) fish and beef liver and eggs.

Vitamin E is used in many skin creams and lotions. It is believed to play a role in promoting skin healing and reducing scarring after certain injuries. It can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, wheat and leafy vegetables.

To get a personal look at this matter of hard and long acne suffering, take a look this website called My Acne Solution. The site describes in detail the journey of one lady by the name of Elizabeth Stanton. She suffered with Acne for years, and tried all kinds of acne treatments and medicines. Some of the ones she used are also reviewed, but the emphasis is on the product Clearpores Acne System.

Clearpores Acne Care System

Acne Treatment System Information

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Having A Good Weight Loss Program

If you are trying to have a better figure, it is essential that you adapt a excellent weight loss program. This way, you are assured that you will be able to lose your extra pounds the most effective way. This can also make sure that you will reap more long-term results and this is indeed much more favorable.

There are really a lot of courses that you can choose from. There are those that can be done on your own so you will no longer need to have any trainer or coach. This is usually done at home and it only requires minimal time. This is recommended to very busy people as they only need to rely on books, instructional videos, and the likes. But, this can also be very ineffective especially if you really do not know what you are doing.

It is also a excellent thought if you are going to try those that are being conducted in hospitals or clinics. They are usually administered by professionals so you are certain that it is very safe. They are monitored by physicians, nurses, psychologists, and dieticians.

There is also a non-clinical plot that is being availed by several people. This is also monitored by a professional although he is not from the medial industry. Consultations are usually done thrice a week and it usually involves counseling sessions.

All of these are very effective but it is not suitable or recommended for everyone. This is why it is essential that you will pick a course that will really be suitable for your body type and health condition.

And once you have selected a particular weight loss program, there is a need for you to stick to it. You need to have the commitment and dedication so that it will really work.

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Help for Teenagers With Acne

If you are a teenager with acne, you are certainly not alone. Here are some recent statistics regarding teenagers, adults, and acne:

* 3 out of 4 teenagers will get acne.

* 90 – 95% of teenagers will have some form of acne in their teen years and into their early 20′s.

* Nearly all people will have some type of acne starting either in their teens, or in later years, as adults.

Acne is a condition that a lot of teenagers are dealing with, and it needs to be understood.

The excellent news is that acne can be treated with conventional methods, such as antibiotics, medications, chemical peels, and laser treatments, and also with natural methods such as diet, herbs, vitamin supplements and naturally based cleansers.

The not so excellent news is that some teens with acne lose their self confidence and become withdrawn and anti-social. Some become so pre-occupied with how they look that the mirror takes up too much of their time and they purposely miss out on social gatherings with their friends. Some feel they will be treated differently and looked down upon, and opt to stay home as much as possible. Some even get depressed and start failing in school, thinking that the acne will never go away and they are doomed to be an outcast. This is faulty thinking and there is no need for it.

As stated above, acne can be treated in a variety of ways, and every teenager with acne needs to discuss treatment options with their doctor, or if desired, a dermatologist.

A Few Suggestions To Remember That Will Help:

* Get Enough Sleep – sleep allows the body to heal and helps the body’s defense systems to function properly.

* Drink Enough Water – at Least 8 glasses per day – water flushes the system of impurities.

* Watch Your Diet – what you eat can either help or hurt you. Studies have shown that teenagers with acne should avoid: hot, spicy foods, high-stout foods, alcohol of any kind, coffee, “junk foods”, too much sugar, and anything fried.

* Don’t Stress Out – about acne, or anything else. Stress causes acne to get worse. If you tend to get stressed easily – try Yoga and meditation, which are very relaxing to both body and mind.

* Get Enough Exercise – exercise makes sweat which expels toxins from the body. Exercise also allows oxygenated blood to nourish your skin cells, and, as an added bonus – it keeps your mood up.

* Don’t Irritate Acne – by touching or squeezing the blemishes. This will inflame the acne and make it worse.

* Use Noncomedogenic products – noncomedogenic products won’t cause skin pores to get blocked, making it less likely for acne to develop. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on the marks of all hair and skin products.

For More Information On Acne Treatments For Teenagers and Adults Please Visit The Free Acne Help and Information Website at:

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Easy Home Remedies for a Beautiful Skin

It is right. There is a multitude of acne treatments available today. Which ones works, which ones don’t, which one is excellent for your specific situation so you will get your skin what it deserves? Often we get fooled by the hype done by the huge cosmetics companies spending billions on fancy ads only designed to sell A PPRODUCT and not THE BEST PRODUCT for you. Well, if you really try to compute all the money you spend this way you may be surprised by how much adds up: the trip to the store, then how many bottles of cleanser, toner, moisturizer, skin exfoliator… O my God, now your bathroom looks like a hospital medicine cabinet!!

Reality is that you don’t need to go expensive or complicated to maintain a gorgeous skin. There are ways, plenty of natural ways, to get that smooth skin you always dreamed of. Moreover, they are not that expensive as the huge brand name ones are!

Simple Home Recipes for a Fantastic Skin

How simple is this:

Recipe #1: one egg, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and one of honey. Mix these three ingredients and apply to the skin! After it dries out gently wipe with a warm washcloth!

Recipe #2: one table spoon yeast, one of baking soda, one of water. Mix thoroughly and apply on your face. After approximately 15 minutes rinse with warm water!

Recipe #3: one tablespoon flour, one of olive oil, a quarter tablespoon orange peel powder, one tablespoon beaten yogurt. Mix until you get a paste and apply on your neck. Allow to dry and rinse with warm and then cold water!

Who doesn’t know about the benefits of cucumber in skin treatments? Slices of cucumber applied to the eyes relieve and refresh puffiness. Also cucumber is a remarkable cleanser when sliced and rubbed on your face. Tomatoes are as beneficial as cucumber!

Recipe #4: Neck and face skin pores cleanser: 1-4 teaspoons limejuice, 1 teaspoon milk and 1 teaspoon cucumber juice. Apply and keep on for about 15 minutes. You will feel fantastic!

Recipe #5: Daily dry skin moisturizer: Honey is fantastic for dry skin! Mix half spoon rose water with a teaspoon honey and you got a daily moisturizer. Use it for 15 minutes before you gently wash it out.

Does it look too simple? You bet it does, but you don’t need to go overboard spending top dollars just to get the same results you can get much cheaper as you can tell. Sometimes things are as simple as they look. You don’t need to blow yours savings on expensive brand name skin care overpriced products. Treat yourself with an inexpensive all natural recipe! Expensive doesn’t always cut it, natural and home made does! Try it before you buy another expensive one. We did!

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Even Your Skin Needs to Take Vitamins

Your body isn’t the only thing that needs to be healthy; your skin has to be healthy, too. Some people may not be aware of this, but a lot of vitamins are essential and helpful in improving your skin’s health.

Let us start by discussing the Vitamin A. You have probably heard discussions about how excellent this vitamin, more specifically beta-carotene, is for the eyes, but aside from this, it is also excellent for the skin. Vitamin A is vital in repairing and protecting the skin tissues. A lack or even a small drop in the required amount of this vitamin will immediately be manifested by the body, especially by the skin itself. Flakiness and drying of the complexion is a excellent example the signs of vitamin A deficiency. To avoid these consequences, it is best to take foods that are filled with vitamin A, such as fruits and vegetables.

Aside from food supplements, the external application of Vitamin A is also a plus. These supplements can be taken in the form of lotions and creams, which help control the quick growth of acne, wrinkles and unwanted facial lines. Aside from these vital benefits, Vitamin A also helps us avoid psoriasis, the symptoms of which include the swelling and scaling of the skin. Retin-A, which is a derivative of Vitamin A, is used in the formulation of retinols. Retinol is an over the counter drug that is used as a treatment for aging. Topical retinol with Vitamin C is also found to reverse skin changes, which are caused by photoaging and chronological aging.

The next vitamin on our list is Vitamin B for Vitamin B Complex. The most vital “B” to remember in Vitamin B complex is Biotin. This nutrient is responsible for the formation of the nails, hair, and skin cells. Biotin is found in various types of food such as eggs, rice, oatmeal, and bananas. Even the human body makes its own biotin.

But, the fact that our body produces it doesn’t mean that you should stop taking food and other supplements rich in Biotin and the entire vitamin B complex. A lack of this vital nutrient may result in dermatitis or skin inflammation accompanied by itchiness and redness of the skin. Hair loss is also another symptom for vitamin B complex deficiency.

There are now available creams in the market which contain B vitamins. These creams help restore or bring radiance to the skin as it moisturizes skin cells and improve the entire body’ s skin tone. Aside from biotin, Niacin is another B vitamin which helps bring back moisture to the skin in nearly less than a week. They work by relieving dry and chaffed skin. It also serves as a skin lightener which can clear up blotchy skin.

Vitamins C and E are also excellent for the skin. Individually, vitamin C helps protect the skin from skin cancer normally caused by very long and frequent exposures to the sun. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is responsible for the reduction of wrinkles and photo hurt. A 400 mg dose of natural Vitamin E every day would help prevent this hurt and enhance the skin’s texture. Together, these two vitamins work in reducing DNA hurts in the skin cells. This fact made researchers come to the conclusion that antioxidants help defend the body’s skin cells from further DNA hurt. The vitamins C and E also lessen hurts brought about by free radicals, which are detrimental byproducts of pollution, smoke, and exposure to too much sunlight. These free radicals gorge down elastin and collagen fibers that are vital to the structure of the skin.

There are formulated lotions, which include a combination of vitamins C and E to help restore lost vitamins and to make your skin healthier looking. Excellent sources of vitamin C include broccoli, bell peppers, citrus fruits, cauliflower, and other green leafy vegetables. There are also a lot of vitamin C supplements available as over the counter drugs, of which it is enough to take a 500 to 1,000mg tablet a day. For Vitamin E, nuts, olives, asparagus, vegetable oils, and spinach are excellent sources. Unfortunately, you cannot make your vitamin E supply depend only on taking these foods. It can be supplemented by creams, lotions, and pills, of which the required amount is up to 400 units a day. An excessive intake of vitamin E may also be harmful.

Lastly, the skin also needs vitamin K. Vitamin K does not do much for the skin, but it has one major benefit. This benefit is manifested by the reduction of dark circles formed under the eyes and the appearance of bruises. It can also be combined with vitamin A to form a potent formula for lightening the circles under the eye.

Skin Product Reviews < - - -

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