If you are a teenager with acne, you are certainly not alone. Here are some recent statistics regarding teenagers, adults, and acne:

* 3 out of 4 teenagers will get acne.

* 90 – 95% of teenagers will have some form of acne in their teen years and into their early 20′s.

* Nearly all people will have some type of acne starting either in their teens, or in later years, as adults.

Acne is a condition that a lot of teenagers are dealing with, and it needs to be understood.

The excellent news is that acne can be treated with conventional methods, such as antibiotics, medications, chemical peels, and laser treatments, and also with natural methods such as diet, herbs, vitamin supplements and naturally based cleansers.

The not so excellent news is that some teens with acne lose their self confidence and become withdrawn and anti-social. Some become so pre-occupied with how they look that the mirror takes up too much of their time and they purposely miss out on social gatherings with their friends. Some feel they will be treated differently and looked down upon, and opt to stay home as much as possible. Some even get depressed and start failing in school, thinking that the acne will never go away and they are doomed to be an outcast. This is faulty thinking and there is no need for it.

As stated above, acne can be treated in a variety of ways, and every teenager with acne needs to discuss treatment options with their doctor, or if desired, a dermatologist.

A Few Suggestions To Remember That Will Help:

* Get Enough Sleep – sleep allows the body to heal and helps the body’s defense systems to function properly.

* Drink Enough Water – at Least 8 glasses per day – water flushes the system of impurities.

* Watch Your Diet – what you eat can either help or hurt you. Studies have shown that teenagers with acne should avoid: hot, spicy foods, high-stout foods, alcohol of any kind, coffee, “junk foods”, too much sugar, and anything fried.

* Don’t Stress Out – about acne, or anything else. Stress causes acne to get worse. If you tend to get stressed easily – try Yoga and meditation, which are very relaxing to both body and mind.

* Get Enough Exercise – exercise makes sweat which expels toxins from the body. Exercise also allows oxygenated blood to nourish your skin cells, and, as an added bonus – it keeps your mood up.

* Don’t Irritate Acne – by touching or squeezing the blemishes. This will inflame the acne and make it worse.

* Use Noncomedogenic products – noncomedogenic products won’t cause skin pores to get blocked, making it less likely for acne to develop. Look for the word “noncomedogenic” on the marks of all hair and skin products.

For More Information On Acne Treatments For Teenagers and Adults Please Visit The Free Acne Help and Information Website at: http://best-infosite.com/acne

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/help-for-teenagers-with-acne-738085.html

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