5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Pimples are embarrassing and can be frustrating when trying to get rid of them. Doing the incorrect things can cause you to breakout. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some effective ways to get rid of pimples quick. That way, you’ll have healthy, clean, and gorgeous skin.

The 5 effective ways to get rid of your pimples quick are:

1. Eating healthy. One way to get rid of pimples quick is to eat healthy. Try to avoid eating foods that are loaded with sugar, saturated fats, and vegetable oils. Examples of these foods are sugary sodas, cakes, chips, quick food burgers and fries, chocolates, and other junk foods.

The foods you should eat includes whole wheat foods, lean meats (chicken breast, tuna, turkey), nuts, veggies, fruits, and other health foods.

2. Another effective way to get rid of pimples quick is the use of garlic. To get the pimple fighting benefits of garlic, massage it on your face a few times a day for about a week. You will notice a difference within a week of doing this.

3. Drinking water is another way to get rid of your pimples quick. Your body if loaded with toxins, which causes you to breakout. By drinking water, you will flush all of the toxins out of your body. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

4. Another effective way to get rid of pimples quick is the use of apricot juice. Apply some apricot juice onto the area of your body that has pimple. Rub it in for 10 minutes everyday. Or until your pimples are cleared up.

5. Toothpaste is another way to get rid of pimples quick. Apply toothpaste onto your pimples and allow it to stay there overnight. When you wake up, wash it off. This is extremely effective at getting rid of pimples.

Make sure you don’t try to “pop” or squeeze your pimples. That will cause your pimples to spread.

These are some effective ways to get rid of pimples quick. If you have pimples, you need to do something about it. If you wait to try to get rid of them, they will get worse. And could spread over your body, including your back, butt, and chest.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/5-effective-ways-to-get-rid-of-pimples-quick-592631.html

Acne is mostly a teenage problem. But, some adults also suffer from this skin condition. Teenage girls and young women find it extremely unsightly to have them on their face and are always in search of the best acne treatment. What they need to know is that there is no one common cure.

Since each person’s body is different, the type of treatment used for one person may not work for another. It is therefore vital to know the types of acne and treatment before trying out any kind of procedures or products.

The reasons for acne can be many. Typically, teenage acne is caused by the hormonal changes that take place during puberty. Adult acne may be the result of heredity, stress, hormonal problems, diseases, pollutants, cosmetics, or reactions to some medicines. It is essential to find out what is causing your acne to choose the right kind of treatment method. Based on the stage of acne, the different types of acne and treatment include the following.

Stage 1 acne

In this stage, the lesions that appear are called comedons. These are non-inflammatory acne. Blackheads and whiteheads are stage 1 acne. The typical treatment methods for such acne include creams and face washes that contain benzoyl peroxide.

Stage 2 acne

Mild or inflammatory acne known as papules appears in this stage. These look like raised red spots. Topical antibiotics like clindamycin are used in treating this stage.

Stage 3 acne

Pustules or pimples form this stage of acne. Skin eruptions filled with pus can be painful for the person. Topical as well as oral medicines are given to the affected person to cure this type of acne.

Stage 4 acne

This is severe acne accompanied by a lot of small and painful pustules. A kind of Vitamin A derivative is used in the treatment of severe acne. Medication may be needed for a long period of time. But, pregnant women are not advised to take this medicine.

Acne and treatment are handled in various ways. If the acne is treated at a very early stage, topical medicines are usually enough to prevent and cure the skin eruptions. Benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, etc. are the commonly prescribed topical antibacterial and antibiotic medicines. Erythromycin and tetracycline are also given as oral antibiotics if topical treatments do not produce the desired results.

Apart from allopathic medicines, acne can be cured with homeopathy, naturopathy, aromatherapy, laser treatment, and different types of alternative treatment methods. Each one has a different approach to the cure and prevention of acne.

There is another type of acne treatment which is very well loved. It is the skin peel method which exfoliates the skin on a microscopic level using chemical agents. There is also the photosynthesis method in which strong blue light is used to cure this skin blemish. Laser treatment is effective for curing the scars left by acne.

All types of acne and treatment methods require that the person keeps his or her face and body clean and oil-free. Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables can flush the toxic elements out of the skin and control the production of sebum which is the main cause of acne. And, remember that any treatment method that you adopt for acne should be prescribed by a dermatologist or doctor.


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/acne-and-treatment-knowing-and-treating-the-different-stages-3829581.html

If you are experiencing pimple redness and want to learn how to reduce the redness of pimples quick, then read this collection of favorite home remedies and tips:

1. Avoid the urge to pick, pop or squeeze a pimple. This could cause the spread of bacteria and you could end up with a permanent scar.

2. To reduce the redness of a pimple, apply ice to the area every half hour. You should hold the ice on the affected area for about 2 minutes. The ice will reduce the swelling and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. Now use a makeup concealer with a tint of green to remove redness and hide the pimple.

3. Apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to the affected area.

4. Apply a drop or two of Visine eye drops to the pimple.

5. Take some ibuprofen and swab the pimple with alcohol. It takes a couple of hours for the ibuprofen to kick it, but it relieves the pain and shrinks the swelling.

6. If you’re in need of a quick fix, applying a bit of toothpaste to the affected area right before bed can help soothe pain and reduce redness.

7. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can reduce swelling and redness.

Remember, the best way to control pimples is through prevention. It is vital to cleanse your skin 2 – 3 times per day to remove dirt, oil, makeup and dead skin cells. A moisturizer should also be used, if you are using any acne products like benzoyle peroxide to maintain the skin’s moisture.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/reduce-pimple-redness-7-ways-to-get-rid-of-red-pimples-quick-649426.html

Different Kinds Of Weight Loss Program

Are you looking for a excellent weight loss program? If you do, then you need to know that there are a lot of things that you need to take into consideration. First of all, there is a need for you to make sure that you will pick a plot that can promise you with long-term results. You should also make sure that it is really effective and safe.

One of the things that you can do is to try the various do- it-yourself plans. These are usually done by people who are very busy and they really do not have the time to go to the gym or visit a professional. This is also much more convenient because you will only need to rely on books, instructional videos, or even through the internet. The only problem is that this can also be very ineffective especially if you are not doing the right techniques.

There are also some people who want to try some of the more well loved clinical methods. This is indeed much better because the sessions are administered by a professional such as a doctor, nurse, dietician, or a psychologist. This is also much safer because these people are professionals and they really know what they are doing

If you want, you can also try some non-clinical methods. This usually involves counseling sessions and it is usually done at least thrice a week. This is administered by a trained professional although he is not necessarily from the medical sector.

Really, most of these are effective. Btu if you are going to adapt a particular plot, you have to be certain that it will really suit your condition.

But most importantly, you should make sure that you will stick to it. The best weight loss program will only work if you will be committed to it.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/different-kinds-of-weight-loss-program-3830283.html

The Acne No More Book by Mike Walden promises that in only 2 months, you can get rid of your acne permanently.

Are you one of the many people suffering from acne? Has it affected your way of life and also your relationships? Have you tried many medications in order to get rid of it but nothing seems to work? Is it such a tragedy that you cannot even look at your own face in the mirror because of acne?

I know exactly how you are feeling because I have suffered from acne ever since I was a kid. My acne was so severe that I lost self-confidence in everything I do. Whenever I was talking to people I was always worried that they are looking at my acne. It came to a point that I was crying nearly every night because of my acne. I have tried a lot of creams and facial cleansers but none of them seemed to work.

Then I came across the Acne No More Book by Mike Walden. All I can say is that after all those years of trying every product out there to cure my face; this is the only one that has worked.

The book taught me a lot of things about my condition and it really helped me know the real causes of acne. After applying the methods contained in the book, my acne was literally gone in 8 weeks! I could not believe it myself. For the first time in years, I was feeling like a new person. It is such a excellent feeling to get rid of something that was constantly dragging me down.

If you want to visit the Acne No More homepage, click here.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/acne-no-more-book-by-mike-walden-permanently-cure-your-acne-3620487.html

In the absence of medication that really works, many people turn to trying acne treatments at home for relief. Although some people do have success with medical treatments, not everyone responds in the same way to them, and for some they make the problem worse.

There are so many different home remedies for acne that people report success with, that it is practically impossible to try each and every one in order to determine which is the best. And as with medications, it can also be a case of what works for one person doesn’t work for another. With that in mind, here are a few mistakes you should avoid when using acne treatments at home:

Washing Too Often

People often reckon that acne is a sign of poor personal hygiene, and their response is to become obsessed with washing the face to clear the oil away. The fact is that the oil, or sebum, is produced naturally and has nothing to do with poor personal hygiene.

What’s more, washing too often can really make the problem worse. Because the sebum that allows bacteria to develop and thrive on the skin, resulting in acne, is natural, the skin does require small levels of it to stay healthy. The problem with acne is that the skin makes more of this sebum than is required simply for healthy skin.

By washing too often, the skin will respond by really increasing the production of sebum to counter the frequent washing away of it from your face. Therefore, a excellent balance between regular washing and not provoking any extra sebum production is needed. A excellent rule is to wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild soap.

Dismissing Acne As A Skin Problem

While acne manifests itself as a skin problem, it can be sign that something is not right inside. For teens, this is usually just the normal hormonal changes that occur at that age, and most will grow out of it by their early teens or late 20′s. For adults who continue to suffer with acne, hormonal changes have long since finished and so another cause must be present.

Acne treatments at home for adults need to address what is incorrect inside in order to address the condition of the skin on the outside. This is often found to be an allergic reaction to something in their diet, and can even be down to a poor nutrition in general. In fact, changing your eating habits is regarded, for adults at least, to be one of the best acne treatments.

At home, this treatment can be administered simply by switching to a healthier diet which replaces fatty, oily and processed food products for plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meat and fish. This method of healing problem skin from within is by far the healthier alternative to prescription medication and other acne treatments at home. And what’s more, simply eating healthier does wonders for acne in as small as a few weeks.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/acne-treatments-at-home-common-mistakes-made-with-acne-remedies-3829410.html

Pimples are nothing but a blockage in your skin. These blockages are caused due to various reasons. The main causes of pimples are dust and hormonal change. It’s a quick growing world and people cannot avoid using cars, bikes, bus etc.

Each and everyday pollution is increasing in air and it affects people in many ways. There are pores in skin through which dust can enter a body. It gets accumulated in the skin thus resulting in the cause of pimple.

There are various cells in our body which will be affected because of these dust and all these dead cells combine together and forms a blockage. These blockages generally become thicker at puberty. Even stress is one major cause which causes pimples.

Teenagers face major problem in removing pimples. Pimples are common among teenagers. People who get pimples have sensitive or oily skin and it is really necessary for people who have oily skin to wash their skin properly and use prescribed cream.

How to remove pimples is a common question.

There are different types of treatments available to remove pimples. They are Allopathic, Homeopathic, Home remedies for pimples etc. There are herbal products available which uses natural ingredients to cure pimples. There are various home remedies which can be followed to remove pimples.

They are drinking lot of water and juices, eating healthy food. Tea tree oil and papaya help in the removal of pimples. It is advised to use preventive measures rather than taking pills and cream after you are affected with pimples.

It is advised to clean your face with clean water, drink lot of water and maintain proper diet. It is suggested to start medication as soon as you find a pimple rather allowing it to grow to the fullest and then treating it.

People who have oily skin must make sure they clean their face regularly with mild soap and keep it clean without oil formation. Applying fresh lemon juice over the pimple and then cleaning with warm water is also one suggested method to remove pimples.

Toothpaste can also be used to get rid of pimples. People can apply it over night over the pimple and wash it the next morning.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/how-to-remove-pimples-natural-pimples-remedies-611298.html

Having acne on your back can be humiliating and embarrassing. When people stare at your back and joke about it, it could hurt your feelings. Also, trying to get rid of it can be a hassle and frustrating. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some tips on how to get rid of acne on your back.

That way, you will have clean skin and more confidence in yourself.

So, the tips to get rid of acne on your back within 3 days are:

1. The first tip is to wash your back. When washing your back, use a scrubber. By using a scrubber, you will be able to clean off the oil and dirt from your back. Also, you will be able to unclog the pores on your back. The type of soap you should use is a salicylic acid type soap. This soap will help get rid of excess oil that is on your back.

2. After washing your back, the next tip to get rid of acne on your back is to use tea tree oil. Apply the tea tree oil on your back right after you’re done washing it. The tea tree oil will help you get rid of the bacteria that are on your back.

3. Another way to get rid of acne that’s on your back is to use apricot juice. Rub apricot juice on your back for ten minutes a day. Be sure to do this everyday or until you’re satisfied with the results.

4. Using aloe vera juice is another way to get rid of acne on your back. Use aloe vera juice twice a day to help speed up the process of getting rid of your acne.

5. Another way to get rid of back acne is to eat healthy foods. You should try to limit or avoid eating foods that have high contents of sugar and saturated fats. Examples of these foods are sugary sodas, quick food burgers and fries, cookies, cakes, chips, and other junk foods.

Eating those foods will cause your back to become oily. Also, it spikes your insulin and causes a hormonal imbalance. This will cause you to breakout.

So, the foods you should eat are fruits, nuts, whole wheat foods, lean meats (tuna, lean beef, turkey, chicken breast), veggies, and other health foods.

These are some tips on how to get rid of acne on your back. Use these tips now to get clean and clear skin. If you have acne, you should do something about it now. If you don’t, it could possibly spread over your entire body, including your chest and face.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-on-your-back-within-3-days-604884.html

There are no fixed jawline acne causes which normally affect persons in their adulthood and not in the adolescent years of their life. This problem comes as a surprise to most people who thought that their problems of pimples and acne are over with their teenage days and that they could now forget about skin problems.

Jawline acne appears on the jaw line, cheeks, chest, back and buttocks of the person, mostly in women who are past their teens. Unlike the acne in the teenagers, this is a painful problem and has many factors contributing to it. Jawline acne is also deeply embedded in the tissue and not like the acne that bothered the teenager and was only on the surface of the skin. This is a deep lying one and leaves scars that are much deeper too. This is referred to as cystic acne and if not treated immediately can leave terrible deep lying scars which will take a lot of invasive methods to get rid of.

Jawline acne cause in adults and especially in women is because of hormonal problems and hormonal inactivity. This could be brought on by consuming too much of dairy products which contain a lot of hormones. If the jaw line acne cause is diagnosed because of hormonal inactivity, then taking a course of pills for birth control would help it. On the other hand if dairy products are the culprit it is better to avoid them for a while and see if the acne subsides.

Sometimes certain cosmetics can bring this on, so it is better to check them out and see what the reason could be. Jaw line acne cause is sometimes a moisturizer that is too rich and greasy and clogs the pores on the face. Hair sprays and other hair products that are used too close to the face are another cause of Jaw line acne as they clog the pores and cause acne eruptions. Using oil on the hair and especially when it falls over the face for some women is another cause of clogged pores which bring on jawline acne. The base and pancake make up which are sometimes used by women should be avoided if there is a tendency for acne. It is best to avoid using stuff on the face which can bring on the problem of jawline acne and more so when one is prone to it.

Unlike other forms of acne the jaw line acne is not simple to treat and needs more aggressive treatment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics along with external ointments and medications for this problem.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/acne-articles/jawline-acne-cause-the-causes-of-jawline-acne-and-remedies-427659.html

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