Pregnancy & Childbirth Archives

There is indisputable evidence to show that fertility levels have generally declined over the last few years. Sperm counts are lower and couples are taking longer and longer to conceive. Many believe that the change in our lifestyles is partly to blame, with stress becoming more common and obesity on the increase. In addition, more alcohol is consumed and there is an increase in environmental toxins and additives which many experts feel could be contributory factors.

Sometimes, when couples have undergone conventional testing and there is no “medical” explanation for their infertility, lifestyle is to blame and natural tips on how to get pregnant quick can be all that are needed to help them achieve a pregnancy.

Firstly, look at the obvious. We all know that smoking and drinking and terrible for us. If you are trying to become pregnant, did you realize that both cigarettes and alcohol are not only terrible for a developing fetus, but can seriously inhibit the chances of conception. Smokers have lowered sperm counts and higher levels of hurt sperm. Additionally, nicotine can cause the eggs to become resistant to fertilization. Alcohol can also be terrible for both parties and any worthwhile natural tips on how to get pregnant quick will advise that you should at the very least cut down any alcohol intake to a minimum but preferably to cut it out altogether. Alcohol can hurt the liver, which disrupts the normal hormonal balance, increasing the amount of estrogen produced by men. In women, alcohol can disrupt ovulation and the menstrual cycle and can contribute to miscarriage and birth defects.

Even a daily cup of coffee and a couple of cups of tea can increase the time taken to become pregnant, and so consider swapping to decaffeinated varieties of your favorite drinks.

If you are taking prescription drugs, it is worth checking with your doctor if they can have any effect on your ability to conceive. In addition, recreational drugs are thought to have a detrimental impact on fertility and although the exact impact is not known, research has shown that cannabis can reduce semen volume, sperm count and motility and can hurt the ovaries.

Despite researching and putting into practice tips on how to become pregnant quickly, naturally, some couples still do not conceive after several months. Rather than leaving matters completely to chance, it makes sense to implement a tried and tested method which is guaranteed to work.

Other natural tips on how to get pregnant quick include eating a healthy diet. By eating your recommended daily intake of essential nutrients and cutting out artificial additives, this can quickly help restore your body’s natural processes and help you achieve a pregnancy.

If you want to see details of a holistic system which will eliminate infertility and give you the baby you so want, please visit Natural Tips On How To Get Pregnant Quick


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If you have symptoms which include a foul, fishy smelling odor together with a gray or white watery discharge and irritation around the vaginal area, it is extremely likely that you have the unpleasant condition, bacterial vaginitis.

Occasionally, bacterial vaginitis will disappear as quickly as it came. But, many women find that they suffer from repeated attacks and nothing can seem to shift it, not even antibiotics or over the counter meds. If this is the case, you need to know how to cure bacterial vaginitis naturally.

Recurrent BV means that each time you seem to have got rid of it, all you have done is masked the symptoms, leaving the underlying root cause. It’s a small bit like putting a band aid on-all seems well on the surface, but underneath nothing has changed!

Bacterial vaginitis is caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances the natural lubricants are slightly acidic in nature and this supports the healthy bacteria, maintaining excellent, overall health of the vaginal tract. When this balance is upset, harmful bacteria flourishes and this causes the unpleasant symptoms as detailed above.

If you want to know how to cure bacterial vaginitis naturally, there are a couple of simple steps you can take straight away which should start to restore the natural pH balance of the vagina.

* Firstly, try using some tea tree oil. This very powerful antibacterial oil can help to eradicate harmful bacteria. Add 10-12 drops to a shallow bath or sitz bath and remain in it for around 20 minutes.

* Probiotic yogurt contains live beneficial bacteria which can help to restore the depleted supplies within the vagina. Soak a tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina for a couple of hours.

Prompt action is always a excellent thought if you have BV as although not perilous in the early stages, if left untreated bacterial vaginosis can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. If you want to read further comprehensive information about BV and see guaranteed strategies which will show you exactly what to do, step by step, please visit How To Cure Bacterial Vaginitis Naturally. There is absolutely no need to place up with this embarrassing condition any longer. Act now, and you will have symptomatic relief within hours and be completely cured in 3 small days.

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 There are many very early pregnancy symptoms and how can you tell if they are a sign of pregnancy? The more of these symptoms you have that are listed below then the higher probability there is that you are pregnant. Read through the list below and see how many of these very early pregnancy symptoms you have.

  Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms:

Most pregnant women have some very early pregnancy symptoms. On the rare occasion some women have no symptoms of early pregnancy except that them miss their menstrual period. Some women are so busy in their lives that they are unaware that their menstrual period was due and forget they did not get their periods.

You missed your menstrual period could indicate you are pregnant.

You menstrual period was late and you only had some mild spotting instead of a proper menstrual flow.

You are experiencing morning sickness and/or vomiting first thing in the morning could indicate pregnancy.

Your food suddenly tastes differently and you now dislike certain foods.

You are suddenly craving certain foods is a very early symptom of pregnancy, which indicates you are depleted in minerals.

Your breasts are tender and seem to be enlarging.

The brown part of your nipple (the areola) is becoming darker and larger.

You notice your energy level is lower and you are feeling tired all the time.

You have more mood swings than normal, which can be a result of sudden hormone changes that occurs in pregnancy.

You are making more trips to the bathroom to urinate and there is not pain associated with urination is a common very early symptom of pregnancy.

You start to experience headaches that can be a direct effect of hormones as a symptom of early pregnancy.

Diagnosis of Pregnancy:

If you are sexually active and have one or more of the above early symptom of pregnancy then buy a home pregnancy kit. Test your urine first thing in the morning when your urine is more concentrated to see if you are pregnant or not. These pregnancy tests are very sensitive and very accurate; a positive test means you are certainly pregnant. A negative pregnancy test may not conclusive especially if you performed it incorrectly or not testing an early morning urine sample.

Now what:

If you believe you are pregnant, seek medical or midwifery advice to confirm pregnancy and discuss your pregnancy plans.

If you are taking prescription medications, say your health care provider immediately that you are pregnant to seek advice about your medication.

While you are waiting for your appointment, start taking a daily multivitamin which has at least 400 micrograms of folic acid in it to prevent congenital abnormalities.

Take adequate mineral supplements to prevent pregnancy complications.

Eat excellent nutritious food and make sure you increase your protein intake.

Stop all alcohol intake and stop smoking cigarettes or drastically reduce, your baby’s life depends on you.

Also see medical or midwifery advice if you are not pregnant and you menstrual period does not come within the next month as you may have an underlying medical condition.

Pregnancy Statistics:

65% of all pregnancies are unplanned.

25% of all pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.

25% of women choose to terminate their pregnancy.

Finding out you are pregnant can be a very welcoming experience in your life or it can also be a time of tremendous stress for you. My book “Birth, A Conscious Choice” offers incredible insights and comfort into pregnancy, miscarriage, adoption and termination of pregnancy. It is not just for pregnant women but for anyone who has had an issue with their mother or a pregnancy related trauma. For pregnancy products, pregnancy one on one coaching and pregnancy information view

You may also be very interested in an incredible message that was telepathically dictated to me for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks ancient. Yes you read correctly! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Down load this INCREDIBLE MESSAGE FREE at

If you wish to question me a personal question about your pregnancy or an issue in your life then visit

Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N.

Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy Success Coach



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Pregnancy And Ovulation

Of the two phases of a women’s monthly cycle, ovulation is the shortest phase, yet the most crucial for those looking for to get pregnant and individuals looking for to avoid pregnancy all together. Occurring on the 14th day of a common 28-day cycle, the ovulation period usually lasts from 24-72 hours. Lets go over the different ways to test for your ovulation cycle. As the ovulation phase approaches, your blood supply to your ovaries increase and the ligaments contract, pulling the ovary closer to the fallopian tubes and allowing the egg, once released, to find its way into the tube. Pregnancy And Ovulation

Just before ovulation, a woman’s cervix secretes a lot of clear “fertile mucous” which is always stretchy. Some women use daily mucous monitoring to help determine if they’re fertile. Mucous monitoring consists of physically testing the discharge from your vagina. By using two fingers, you take a sample from your vaginal area and look at the mucous. If it’s thick, creamy or white in color, and if it breaks apart easily as you spread your fingers apart, you’re not quite at your ovulation cycle. If it looks like egg whites and is extremely thin, allowing you to separate your fingers dramatically without breakage, chances are you’re at your small window of opportunity and ovulation has arrived.

Another and more well loved way to track your ovulation cycle is to write it down manually on a calendar. Any calendar will do. This is the simplest way to track your ovulation. The day you start ovulating, the very day, count backwards 14 days and mark it on your calendar. This is because no matter how inconsistent your period is (starting on this day, then completely different the next month) your ovulation date will always remain the same. You start your period exactly two weeks after you ovulate. So don’t forget, count backwards, not forward. Another common way to track your ovulation cycle is to check your basal body temperature. This can be tough for some, and flat out complicated for others.

This method is only useful for women who have a regular 30-day menstruation cycle. The test is the one that measures a change in your body’s temperature that occurs after ovulation, making it simpler to predict when ovulation will start on your next cycle. Day one of your chart is the first day of your menstruation cycle. You should take your body temperature right then, record it and then save the thermometer because using the same thermometer each time will help to gain accurate information. The next morning and every morning after that, before, yes before you get out of bed take your temperature again and record the information. Your basal body temperature will rise just after ovulation by about .4F-.6F.

So, the day ovulation occurs you will see a rise, then over the next two days your temperature should climb even higher, making it very simple to see when you are peaking. Peaking is excellent. Now, the tough part about charting your temperature is noticing that your post-ovulating temperature will remain at the new, higher level. When the temperature drops, your cycle starts over again. Like with most fertility charting methods, you’ll need to plot and test in advance, at least 3 months to give you a excellent thought of your exact ovulation date. Pregnancy And Ovulation

The Luteinizing Hormone, also known as LH is what triggers ovulation to start. During ovulation a mature egg is released from a woman’s ovaries and travels to the fallopian tubes. The egg, regardless if its fertilized then makes its way into the uterus. If it is fertilized, conception happens. Besides the Luteinizing Hormone, there are two other hormones that play a crucial role during this phase; Estrogen and Progesterone. During ovulation these hormones are produced, or increase and when they combine together, they make many dramatic changes in your endometrium, because these changes are needed in order for an embryo to implant and start growing.

Ovulation kits are available over the counter in nearly any local pharmacy or grocery store. The best thing you can get from an ovulation kit is a better understanding of your monthly cycle. If you are trying to conceive, these kits could be a fantastic tool. The kits themselves are meant to track your Luteinizing Hormone. A high amount of LH is released throughout your body just before ovulation. Most professionals will tell you to stock up on ovulation kits and test multiple times per day, since the amount of LH in your system fluctuates during this time.

Once you test positive for increased amounts of LH, it’s vital you’re either constantly intimate over the next 72 hours if you want to get pregnant, or avoiding intimacy all together if you don’t. Be careful not to confuse pregnancy tests with ovulation tests since they search for different hormones. Pregnancy tests look for the hormone hCG, while again, ovulation tests look for LH. Monthly supply’s of ovulation kits can become slightly costly, averaging around forty dollars per month. But if you’re striving to get pregnant, it’s well worth the money. There can be complications with a woman’s ovulation cycle.

It can be delayed by stress, illness, medication or heavy increased activity. When women say things like “my period is late” it’s really the ovulation cycle that is late, not their menstrual cycle. This can be confusing if a woman is not charting her cycles. Start charting, you’ll see what I mean. icon smile Pregnancy And Ovulation   How Ovulating Leads to Pregnancy Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting Pregnancy And Ovulation ebook now!

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It’s ironic really, most of us spend most of our fertile lives trying to avoid getting pregnant and so the minute we choose to start a family, we expect it to happen straight away! Although for some couples, a pregnancy will happen within a couple of months, for others, endless months go by and that dreadful sinking feeling when your monthly period starts becomes all too familiar.

If you want to know how to fall pregnant quick, there are a number of steps you can take to maximize your chances. Although some couples will have a very relaxed approach and leave this very vital life-changing event in the hands of fate, not everyone is willing to do this as your chances of conceiving are naturally diminishing as time goes on.

One very vital element is the timing of intercourse. There are only a limited number of days each month when conception can occur and so getting this right is crucial. The most vital thing to do first of all is to establish when ovulation occurs.

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the first day of the menstrual period. In women with a clockwork-regular cycle, this is relatively simple to determine. For women with irregular cycles, this is less simple, and you may need to consider using an ovulation predictor kit, as this takes away any element of doubt.

For those women wanting to know how to fall pregnant quick, you should have intercourse for two days before ovulation, on the day of ovulation and on the day following. Intercourse before ovulation ensures that some sperm is ready and waiting as the egg is released (sperm can survive for a couple of days) and as the egg can normally only survive for 24 hours, there is small point having intercourse for the purpose of conception for more than a day after ovulation.

It is vital that you know that the timing of intercourse is just one element of successful strategies which can be employed by couples wanting to know how to fall pregnant quick. What is required is a multifaceted strategy to eliminate all possible and potential problems.

There is a holistic system which has been clinically researched over 14 years and which guarantees to help couples become pregnant quickly. Containing secret natural infertility cures, powerful techniques and the step-by-step holistic infertility cure system which is all you will ever need to permanently eliminate infertility within weeks, most women will become pregnant within 3-4 months. This “no stone unturned” system does not use drugs or surgery and has no side effects. But, it is powerful and potent and comes with a 100% guarantee. To see further details, please visit How To Fall Pregnant Quick


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How Can I Get Pregnant Fast?

If you are wondering “how can I get pregnant quick”, then there are a number of things you need to be aware of. First and foremost, you need to know that there is no magic formula which will ensure that conception happens quickly, but rather a number of smaller steps you can take, each of which will influence the odds of a quick pregnancy by a few percent.

Know that if you want to know “how can I get pregnant quick”, then both partners are responsible. It is vital that you look at your own circumstances and those of your partner.

Ensuring you know when ovulation is happening is a excellent starting point. It is vital that intercourse happens at the right time and I would recommend using an ovulation predictor kit. Although other methods can be used, such as the cervical mucous method and basal body temperature, these are not as accurate and I feel the extra cost of a kit is well worthwhile. You are most fertile for two days before ovulation, on the day itself and the following day-so ensure you have intercourse daily at this time.

It is vital to avoid using perfumed products around the vaginal area as these can sometimes be hostile towards sperm and be counter-productive.

Another excellent tip for both partners if you are wanting to know “how can I get pregnant quick” is to take a critical look at what you are eating. Your diet is very vital as a balanced, healthy diet is known to increase fertility in both parties. Ensure that you both have all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements-particularly zinc and selenium. It is worth considering taking one of the specialist supplements, designed for both men and women who are trying for a family.

It goes without saying really that you should both avoid alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and caffeine, as all are known to hinder conception.

There is a holistic system which has been clinically researched over 14 years and which guarantees to help couples become pregnant quickly. Containing secret natural infertility cures, powerful techniques and the step-by-step holistic infertility cure system which is all you will ever need to permanently eliminate infertility within weeks, most women will become pregnant within 3-4 months.

This “no stone unturned” system does not use drugs or surgery and has no side effects. But, it is powerful and potent and comes with a 100% guarantee.

To see further details, please visit Get Pregnant Quick. This will be all you need if you are wanting to know “how can I get pregnant quick”.

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If you have been trying to conceive for some time, it is understandable that you might be feeling nervous and are looking for help on how to get pregnant quick. Very often, just a few simple tips can be all that is needed to help you achieve that much-wanted pregnancy.

One of the most fundamental things which some couples overlook is the fact that you must know precisely when ovulation takes place. In a fertile woman, nearly without exception, ovulation will happen 14 days before the first day of the next period. Now if you have very regular periods, this will not be a problem. But, if your periods vary even by a day or so each month, it is worth using an ovulation prediction kit to accurately pinpoint the very day of ovulation, as many couples do not realize just what a small window of opportunity exists each month for conception.

Another factor worth bearing in mind when trying to learn how to get pregnant quick is that when delays in conception do occur, the issue can lie with either partner equally, whereas there can be a tendency to believe that as the woman is the one who carries the baby, the problem will naturally lie with her.

One way both partners can really help to boost fertility and therefore get pregnant quick is by ensuring that you both follow the principles of a healthy diet and avoid known harmful substances, such as alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs completely. It is also worth checking whether any prescription medications you are taking have any contra-indications as far as pregnancy is concerned.

Rather than using a one-dimensional approach, it is well known that the couples who achieve pregnancy the fastest tend to be those who use a multi-faceted approach, using many tips in isolation.

There is a holistic system which has been clinically researched over 14 years and which guarantees to help couples become pregnant quickly. Containing secret natural infertility cures, powerful techniques and the step-by-step holistic infertility cure system which is all you will ever need to permanently eliminate infertility within weeks, most women will become pregnant within 3-4 months.

This “no stone unturned” system does not use drugs or surgery and has no side effects. But, it is powerful and potent and comes with a 100% guarantee. To see further details, please visit How To Get Pregnant Quick


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What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus. The most common place for implantation to occur in an ectopic pregnancy is in the fallopian tubes, hence the moniker “tubal pregnancy”. But, the fertilized egg may also implant in the ovary, cervix or abdomen. It is extremely rare for an ectopic pregnancy to result in a live birth.

Because the egg implants itself somewhere other than the uterus, it is not able to develop properly. As the egg grows, it stretches the organ in which it has implanted itself. Eventually, this organ, most likely the fallopian tube, will burst, increasing a woman’s risk of hemorrhaging, which requires immediate medical attention.

Signs of Ectopic Pregnancy
On the surface, symptoms of ectopic pregnancy mimic those of pregnancy, making it hard to notice the warning signs. In general, though, typical ectopic pregnancy symptoms include:

  • late period
  • irregular vaginal bleeding
  • lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting
  • pain in the abdomen, shoulder, bladder and/or bowel

The most notable signs of ectopic pregnancy are sharp, stabbing pains, particularly in the abdomen. If you have had a positive pregnancy test and notice any of these tubal pregnancy symptoms, make an appointment with your health care provider straight away.

Diagnosing a Tubal Pregnancy
Due to increased awareness about ectopic pregnancies, more prenatal health care practitioners are screening their female patients for this pregnancy complication. This increased vigilance is part of the reason why maternal death rates are declining despite the fact that ectopic pregnancy numbers are going up.

In order to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, your health care provider will first administer a pregnancy test (if you do not already have a positive pregnancy test). Once a pregnancy is confirmed, a blood test will be performed to evaluate your levels of hCG. In a healthy pregnancy, this hormone doubles roughly every two days until the 11th week pf pregnancy. But, in tubal pregnancies, hCG levels increase at a much slower rate.

In order to determine how your hCG levels are rising, your health care provider may monitor your levels over a period of days or she may calculate what they should be based on your last menstrual period and the approximate length of your pregnancy. Blood tests done to measure the level of progesterone in your system may also be helpful as an ectopic pregnancy often produces lower than normal progesterone levels.

An ultrasound is commonly done in the early stages of pregnancy to see how the fetus is developing. During this routine procedure, your health care provider will be able to see not only your uterus, but also your fallopian tubes and ovaries. During this exam, it is possible for your health care provider to see whether the embryo has implanted in the right location or not.

Treating an Ectopic Pregnancy
Because it is unlikely that the embryo will survive when it is implanted somewhere other than the uterus, and due to the risk of organ rupture and possibly maternal death, ectopic pregnancies are normally terminated. So long as your fallopian tube has not ruptured, this can be accomplished through the use of methotrexate, an injection drug that dissolves the embryo, allowing the body to reabsorb it. This is often preferred as it is a noninvasive procedure and helps to reduce the amount of scarring to your reproductive organs.

If it is not possible to use methotrexate, the embryo may be flushed out through a salpinostomy or removed through laparoscopy. But, if the organ in which the embryo has implanted itself ruptures, an emergency laparoscopy must be performed to remove both the embryo and the organ, most likely the fallopian tube.

Once the embryo has been removed, you will receive follow-up care and monitoring. This is done to ensure that your hCG levels return to zero. If they do not go down, you may receive further treatment with methotrexate to dissolve any lingering embryonic tissue remaining in the tube.

Affects on Fertility
Experiencing a tubal pregnancy can affect your future ability to get pregnant. If scarring, trauma or hurt has occurred to your reproductive organs, either because of the pregnancy or methods used to treat the ectopic pregnancy, it can make it more hard to conceive in the future. Additionally, experiencing an ectopic pregnancy puts you at risk of suffering another one in the future.

But, just because you have had one ectopic pregnancy does not automatically mean you will be infertile. While losing a fallopian tube does reduce your chances of pregnancy to about 40%, pregnancy is still possible. Many women who have had a tubal pregnancy are able to successfully conceive again within a year of their ectopic pregnancy.

If you are concerned about your fertility, speak with your health care provider about what you can do to preserve your fertility as well as increase your chances of pregnancy after a tubal pregnancy.

Are You at Risk?
Certain factors can place a woman at increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy. In numerous incidents, a tubal pregnancy results due to a blockage or narrowing in the fallopian tube, preventing the fertilized egg from traveling to the uterus. Factors that can increase your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • STDs
  • Pregnancy over age 35
  • Previous surgery on the fallopian tubes
  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • Use of certain ovulation medications

Moreover, if become pregnant while using an IUD, you have a significantly increased risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

Click Here To Learn How To Treat Infertility Naturally; Without Drugs or Surgery

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What is implantation bleeding?

It is not unusual that some women experience implantation bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. Any vaginal bleeding outside implantation bleeding of pregnancy is classified as a threatened miscarriage, meaning the pregnancy is threatening to miscarriage. About 25% of all pregnancies are really miscarried but 50% of all threatened miscarriages settle down and a normal pregnancy happens.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

Implantation bleeding occurs very early in pregnancy as a direct result of the fertilized egg (your growing baby) burying and snuggling its way into the lining of your womb. Implantation bleeding occurs about 10-14 days after the egg has been fertilized or when conception occurred. This is also around the time when your menstrual cycles would be expected.

Signs of Implantation Bleeding:

Signs of implantation bleeding can vary from one pregnant woman to another. It normally mild in nature and is much lighter than a normal menstrual period.

The color of implantation bleeding:

The color of implantation bleeding can vary form bright red to brown implantation bleeding. Bright red implantation bleeding means that there is an active area of bleeding within the womb and blood is flowing from the site of implantation to the vagina very quickly. It may indicate that implantation has just occurred.

Brown implantation bleeding is the color of ancient blood. When you get brown implantation bleeding it normally means that when the fertilized egg buried it way into the womb, a small blood was released. The bleeding that occurred at the moment of implantation stayed in the womb for some time so by the time you see it on your underwear or when you wipe yourself it showed up as brown implantation bleeding.

How long does implantation bleeding last?

Most cases of implantation bleeding last for a few minutes to a few days. If implantation bleeding lasts more than a few days then it may be a sign of vaginal infection or a threatened miscarriage.

How heavy is implantation bleeding?

Heavy implantation bleeding is unusual. The only thing you might notice with implantation bleeding is a pinkish or brown discharge when you wipe yourself after you go to the bathroom.

Cramps with implantation bleeding:

Cramps with implantation bleeding can happen. You may even experience cramps with or without bleeding. The reason you may experience cramps with implantation bleeding is because as the fertilized egg buries into your womb, it caused the muscle of your womb to contract. These contractions press on nerve endings and may result in mild to moderate menstrual like pains for 24-48 hours.

What to do if you have signs of implantation bleeding:

Don’t panic if you have any of the above signs of implantation bleeding. Remember 50% of all cases of implantation bleeding end up in a normal pregnancy.

Know your blood type. Depending on your partner’s blood type and if you are a rhesus negative blood type then it may be necessary to have an Rh-immune globulin injection within 24 hours of any pregnancy bleeding.

If you suspect you may be pregnant and your bleeding is from implantation bleeding then do a home pregnancy test. This home test should remain positive. If it is positive and you do not know your blood Rhesus factor, then call your provider for consultation for possible Rh-immune globulin.

Never insert a tampon, douche, or have sexual intercourse while you are bleeding.

Keep track of whether the bleeding is increasing or decreasing and how many pads you are using.

If you feel your pregnancy bleeding is heavier or lasting longer than the above ranges then call your health care provider for consultation immediately.

Bleeding during pregnancy is scary. Your dread is picked up by your unborn child. Intra uterine dread can stay with your child for a lifetime, so constantly reassure your baby that he or she is wanted and loved. Want to know more about how pregnancy is like from your babies viewpoint then check out my Birth, A Conscious Choice. at

You may also be very interested in an incredible message that was telepathically dictated to me for humanity from my son when he was seven-weeks ancient. Yes you read correctly! I have the ability to communicate with baby’s emotions from inside and outside the womb. Down load this INCREDIBLE MESSAGE FREE at

If you wish to question me a personal question about your pregnancy or an issue in your life then visit

Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N.

Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy Success Coach

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Tricks to Get Pregnant Fast

We spend so many years of our adult life trying to avoid becoming pregnant, that initially, we reckon that as soon as we stop using contraception, a pregnancy will occur. But, this is not always the case and many couples are dismayed to find that month after month, there is that sinking feeling as yet another pregnancy test registers negative and yet another monthly period arrives.

There are various tricks to get pregnant quick which you can place into practice and very often it is a multifaceted approach which brings the fastest results. But, at the heart of any system to help you conceive are two issues which cannot be ignored which are integral to any tricks you can use and they are pinpointing ovulation and the timing of intercourse.

Without getting these two aspects right, then quite frankly, no other tricks to get pregnant quick will be of any use.

Women ovulate 14 days before the first day of the menstrual period. Now if your cycle is very regular, pinpointing ovulation is not hard. But, if your cycle is irregular, this can be much harder. There are methods to help you determine ovulation, such as monitoring your basal body temperature first thing on a morning and looking for the dip and peak around the middle of your cycle which heralds ovulation. Some women prefer to use the cervical mucus method, whereby the elasticity of the normal vaginal discharge is monitored and “clear and stretchy” means that ovulation is occurring. But, both of these methods are somewhat open to interpretation and I strongly feel that the investment in an ovulation predictor kit is a wise one. These kits will accurately pinpoint ovulation.

Once you know your cycle and when ovulation is occurring, you must time intercourse to coincide as you can only get pregnant around the time of ovulation. Intercourse should happen for the three days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation itself and for a day afterwards. Although the ovum usually only survives for up to 24 hours, sperm can live for up to 72, so this is why intercourse should happen before the release of the ovum.

Other simple tricks to get pregnant quick for both parties include eating a healthy diet which is rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements (particularly zinc and selenium) and avoiding known harmful toxins, including tobacco and alcohol. It also goes without saying that you must steer clear of illegal drugs and take advice from your pharmacist if you are taking any prescription medication.

There is a holistic system which has been clinically researched over 14 years and which guarantees to help couples become pregnant quickly. Containing secret natural infertility cures, powerful techniques and the step-by-step holistic infertility cure system which is all you will ever need to permanently eliminate infertility within weeks, most women will become pregnant within 3-4 months. This “no stone unturned” system does not use drugs or surgery and has no side effects. But, it is powerful and potent and comes with a 100% guarantee. To see further details, please visit Tricks To Get Pregnant Quick


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