There is a 5 year ancient boy who seems to have the lack of hearing. This boy is not capable of responding to any sound around him. During his test loud noises were made by his doctors and standard tests were administered.

The doctor said the boy could not hear. Trying to be certain about the conditions of the boy is one professor who works at the Communicative Disorders at the University Of Wisconsin School Of Medicine. If one is diagnosed with hearing problems even if in reality another thing is incorrect, medication and treatment that he or she is receiving has been useless all along.

How children are tested is that sounds are made and how they react to it are observed. The brain waves of the child are studied when sound is played. Earphones will help send the sounds to the child. An average response computer is the one responsible for telling us what the brain wave activity is really saying.

The purpose of the EEG is so that the brainwave will be amplified and then represented through a graph. The purpose of the computer now is to come up with the average number of how the brain reacted to the sound. The excellent thing about this procedure is that it will be able to get all the responses no matter how small. There are also other ways of finding out what is incorrect with these children says the professor. Associates of the professor in the University of Wisconsin also shared their interest with the research made.

It is the top priority of the doctors to test children early one so that there is more time to right and remedy their speech. Other times, infants will undergo the test as well. Testing of hearing in babies is hopefully going to push through with the use of electric brain response tests.

There are greater chances for a normal life for a kid whose hearing disabilities are seen earlier then usual. Without being able to hear, it follows that they are not able to talk naturally. Accordingly, the professor goes on to saying many efforts are placed in trying to know the way hearing develops in children. What causes hearing problems is also part of the research they are looking into. The best way to carry on with the research is to know how normal children respond to sound and then see how child with hearing problems do also. In their research, they will be testing normal children and young adults first and later high risk children whose medical histories indicate that they may develop learning or hearing problems. In line with the research the professor and his team are looking into the responses and reaction of children just right after they hear the sound. They want to determine what hearing thresholds or abilities are in infants and at what age the brain’s responses to sound stabilize.

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