Facts About Hyperacusis Symptoms Revealed

Unbearable sounds that cause side-splitting headaches, hearing of clicking of mouse and keyboard buttons, mind-boggling unexplainable noises – all these are hyperacusis symptoms. If you experience all these things, then you might be suffering from hyperacusis. Hyperacusis is a medical condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can have a devastating or debilitating effect not only on your personal life but on your professional life as well. Determining the hyperacusis symptoms right at their onset significantly helps treat the condition and prevent it from worsening. Thus, read on and learn about the different symptoms of hyperacusis.

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Hyperacusis comes in two types: vestibular and cochlear hyperacusis. Pain in the ear, discomfort, annoyance, and other emotional reactions caused by certain sounds are some of the cochlear hyperacusis symptoms. Loss of postural control, loss of balance, and falling are some of the vestibular hyperacusis symptoms. These have been associated to symptoms of audiogenic seizure disorder and Tullio’s syndrome. People with vestibular hyperacusis may also experience some symptoms of cochlear hyperacusis paired with vertigo and nausea. There are some cases when the autonomic system of the brain is also affected, and this may result to extreme fatigue, nausea, mental confusion, and loss of confusion. Both types of hyperacusis may also have headache as one of their symptoms.

Other Hyperacusis Symptoms:

Patients with hyperacusis may also experience one or more of the following hyperacusis symptoms:

  1. Symptoms of Tinnitus – around 80 percent of patients diagnosed with hyperacusis also experience symptoms of tinnitus
  2. Extremely Painful Headaches
  3. Mood Swings and Irritability
  4. Phonophobia or dread of social events – people suffering from hyperacusis develop the dread to engage in social events as they dread it would only cause them to be in uncomfortable and embarrassing situation, thereby affecting their life, socially, professionally, and personally.
  5. Panic Attacks and Being Too Much Nervous
  6. Extreme Fatigue
  7. Nausea, Dizziness, and Loss of Balance
  8. Musicogenic Epilepsy – this is a type of epilepsy experienced by people who often have direct exposure to frequency of sound they are sensitive to.
  9. ranquilizer Dependence and Addiction – to buy relief against the pain and discomfort caused by hyperacusis, patients tend to use tranquilizers; but, they tend to be dependent and addicted to these drugs.

One thing you have to be aware of is that the hyperacusis symptoms are different from those of tinnitus. In fact, as mentioned above, tinnitus symptoms are just one of the symptoms of hyperacusis. If you start hearing some ringing sounds like the tinnitus sounds, make sure to consult with your doctor straight away so that he/she can determine whether what you have is tinnitus or hyperacusis. Again, if you want to be treated straight away, make sure to know the different hyperacusis symptoms as this is the very first step to becoming diagnosed and getting the treatment you need to get rid of the terrible effects of hyperacusis. This condition can be devastating and debilitating, but when you recognize the symptoms early, something can be done to prevent it from worsening.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/facts-about-hyperacusis-symptoms-revealed-3853280.html

How to Unblock Blocked Ear, Methods That Work

waste your time searching for methods how to unblock blocked ears all over the internet any longer. The ways how to unblock blocked ear described on the internet as free tips from regular public and the methods described in the forums do not work and some of them will even cause you ear infections. The best ways to unblock your ears is by sticking to the methods that have being proven to work for decades and are safe to perform from the comfort of your own home.

There are indeed a lot of ways how to unblock blocked ear that I will share with you, I have tried different methods to unblock my ears over the time and I now know what works best for me and will work just as well for you also! You do not need to see a doctor to have your ears unblocked, just follow a couple of simple steps that work for me and you will know how to unblock blocked ear yourself.

I am going to describe one of the methods to help you unblock your ear that works well for me.

* Try using your jaw muscles and open your mouth as wide as you possibly can, this slightly stretches the sinuses open and helps release some of the pressure from your ear. Do not stick those cotton tip ear cleaners in your ears to try and clear out the ear wax, this will push the ear wax a lot deeper in your ear and will cause you a lot more distress that can later develop in to an infection. There is a saying, do not stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear! Obviously this means that do not stick anything in your ears, this is the incorrect way to clean out the ear wax and trying to unblock your ears. There are certain methods you should use to unblock your ears safely and they are certainly not by sticking things in your ear to try and unblock it.

Get All My Natural Methods To Unblock Ears Here…

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/how-to-unblock-blocked-ear-methods-that-work-1181877.html

Wrinkle in Time

Each time you look into the mirror, in your subconscious mind perhaps reckon, “Ah! Another new lines,” – “This was not here yesterday,” or the extreme one “I got more wrinkle than Chinese Shar Pei dog!”. Like everything else, of course our body is getting older through time.


Take excellent care of your skin to help combat the signs of aging. Don’t over wash your face; limit washing to twice each day. This is especially right if your tap water contains chlorine or other chemicals used in water purification. Consider having a water filter installed, or use purified water to wash your face, if you find the chlorine irritating. Never wash in very hot water, which is drying.


If you cannot wait to get rid of those firm line on the side of your mouth, of on your forehead, why don’t you have a small trip to botox woodland hills and get a small fix on the area you desired.


Antioxidants help reduce the signs of aging on your skin. These are found in food, vitamins and skin care products. The best sources are vitamin A, C, E. Antioxidants ruin free radicals, which cause cellular hurt, age the skin and cause skin cancer. There is evidence that they work best when combined. For example, vitamins C and E work better together than either vitamin alone. Vitamin A is often found in both prescription and over the counter topical ointments.


Use only mild facial cleansers that contain moisturizing ingredients. Stay away from soap, especially deodorant soaps, which are very drying to the skin. After you have washed your face, pat dry and use a moisturizer. Look for products that are oil free. Water based lotion is best for moisturizing the skin without clogging your pores.


If you need an instant result, have a visit to Los angeles Dysport to have a quick fix on your wrinkles. Now stop brooding in front of the mirror and get something done. Compared to smile, sad facial expressions can add more wrinkles on your face. So keep your chin up and place up a pleased face.


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/wrinkle-in-time-3855734.html

All About Different Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing impairment or deafness is when your hearing is affected by a disease, disorder, or injury. Different levels of hearing impairment are defined by the quietest sound heard. This is measured in decibels. Below are the different levels of hearing loss:

  • Mild deafness - The quietest sounds heared are between 25 and 39 decibels. Mild deafness can cause some difficulty following speech, in noisy areas.
  • Moderate deafness - The quietest sounds heared are between 40 and 69 decibels. People with moderate deafness may have difficulty following speech without a hearing aid.
  • Severe deafness - The quietest sounds heared are between 70 and 94 decibels. People with severe deafness will usually need to rely on lip-reading or sign language, even with a hearing aid.
  • Profound deafness - The quietest sounds heared are 95 decibels or more. People with profound deafness will usually need to rely on lip-reading or sign language.

Many people suffer from different types of hearing loss, such as not being able to hear certain words or not being able to hear properly if there is too much background noise. Below are some of the different types of hearing loss:

  • High Frequency Hearing Loss – This is one of the most common types of hearing loss. Approximately 60% of the sounds needed to know speech are located in the high frequencies. High frequency hearing loss makes speech hard to decipher as many vital speech cues are not heard. High frequency hearing loss is often progressive and people may be unaware that their hearing has deteriorated. The sounds that someone with high frequency hearing loss hears can be described as ‘vowelly’ as the vowels make up most of what can be heard. High frequency hearing loss affects up to 95% of hearing impaired people. Those with high-frequency hearing loss cannot hear sounds like ‘st’ and ‘ch’, so words like stair and chair result in sounding like air.
  • Background Sounds – These sounds are present in many environments and can be a serious source of distraction for people with a hearing impairment. This may be due to the hearing aid that is in use amplifying all sounds, not just the sounds the user needs to hear. This distraction often leads to difficulties in concentration and a lack of performance. Some digital hearing aids amplify sound frequencies around normal speech in an attempt to minimise background sounds. The simulation contains background sounds that are likely to be found in most office and educational settings. Much of it would go unnoticed by people without a hearing impairment.
  • Low Frequency Hearing Loss – A person who has low frequency hearing loss will have difficulties hearing many everyday sounds that are not words such as dogs barking, traffic noise and weather sounds. Low frequency hearing loss also affects the hearing of vowels which tend to be in lower frequencies.

There is now a excellent range of amplified telephones available on the internet to help people suffering from varying degrees of hearing loss. These specialist extra loud phones range on price from as small as £20.99 and can be bought online. Many of the phones are hearing aid compatible and come with adjustable tone and volume controls.

Some of the phones available are specifically designed for people suffering from high frequency hearing loss. These amplified phones have an inbuilt sound equaliser so only the high frequency sounds are amplified. There is a wide choice of phones including corded and cordless phones and digital phones in range of colours including white, black and anthracite.

The amplified phones that are specifically designed for people with varying levels of hearing loss are eligible for VAT relief. This means that the VAT that is added to the total cost of the phone is discounted. Some online retailers offer this and it normally requires a form to be completed explaining why the customer is entitles to VAT releif.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/all-about-different-types-of-hearing-loss-1043347.html

The Impact of Yoga Postures on Tinnitus

A neurotransmitter of brain, GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid, inhibits all the electrical activity to diminish tinnitus, anxiety, epileptic seizure and depression, which come under the neurodegenerative activities. Many studies indicate that the yoga substantially enhances the levels of GABA and there by reduce tinnitus. The deficiency in GABA worsens tinnitus and by extension leads to stress, emotional difficulty, depression, anxiety and dread.

The tinnitus patients treated with Neurontin and Klonopin reported a significant fall in intensified tinnitus. Yet they had the side effects like sleepiness, nausea, anxiety and dizziness. And it is said that majority of the patients quit from the medication since they are exhaustive of these treatment.

Harvard Medical School with Boston University Medicine School conducted a study on tinnitus patients. The controlled group practiced yoga for an hour with some excellent reading. These people showed 27% of increase in GABA levels. The patients were questioned to focus on the asana yoga, an essential posture in yoga. These postures can be observed by the trainers and corrected, if necessary, unlike the meditation, which is internal state of mind.
Dr. Chris Streeter led the study. She is a renowned neurologist, psychiatrist and yoga practitioner. She is very much content with her initial stages of her studies and the positive influence of yoga on GABA and tinnitus. She is plotting to conduct an extensive study on it to relieve the patients of tinnitus.

Further, the study published by the Rajasthan University of India too emphasis on the impact of yoga on the positive influence on tinnitus, and migraine headaches. When breathing techniques and yoga postures are practiced for five continuous months, they tend to reduce the intensified tinnitus, to a fantastic extent.

Although drugs are prescribed for chronic tinnitus, they either have side effects or addictive in nature. But habitual practice of yoga proved to give relief without any terrific medications.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/the-impact-of-yoga-postures-on-tinnitus-989125.html

The Idea Around Hearing Loss

Studies show that three million children in the US alone have some form of hearing problems. The distress with these statistics is that they tell us how many but not whom. A lot of doctors have a hard time targeting those that really need help with these statistics. According to the American Hearing Society they got the figure by applying the total of children who were tested in certain areas only to the whole school children population. The children in the remaining 24 states which do not have laws that obligate the doctor to screen them for hearing problems might never know if they have problems or not.

Due to the lack of knowledge with the illness that they have, many children will do their best to be part of the normal society. They are often called inattentive, unmanageable, and even stupid. A lot of time children will feel like they are nothing incorrect with them or that frightened to tell anyone. This one case follows a boy and how he was unable to tell people about his condition. Suffering from scarlet fever at age three made him a bit reserved.

It is for this reason that his boy was unable to listen to what his parents wanted from him. As for not following orders this boy would then be spanked. On the other hand his mother would just say he was not a disobedient boy but an absent minded one. One time when his mother questions him to do something she had to shout. Finally his son heard her and did the errand. This lead the mother to believe that when you give emphasis on something the boy will be able to obey.

When school came along, the boy did not have so many friends. Since he was a bright lad he managed to do passing work in his overcrowded class. In the state that the boy lived in it was really up to the people if they wanted to get hearing tests or not. Audiometer tests were given in their school when he turned 9.

Due to the scarlet fever the boy had when he was younger he now had serious hearing problems. He now had a hearing aid which he uses so he can hear what people are telling him. There is hope too that proper medical care will improve his natural hearing.

Often cases will end up not having resolutions. There are some cases that will be hard to treat once the problem is found. Usually the problems lie with the treatment of the hearing loss says a head from the New York League for the Hard of Hearing. Most of the time, getting tested is simple sine all you really need to do is stay for a few minutes then leave. The problem is really the lack of follow up on the people. Permanent impairment will plague many because of this. The person most likely to spot this problem is the mother. They should also do this even before the child goes to school. The best way to go about it is to leave the child in another room and from a distance speak to them and she how they react. Sometime it is hard for parents to accept the truth. One doctor who’s a pioneer in hearing conversation, and helped invent the audiometer more than 30 years ago suggests some tests for mothers to use in simple home checks every few months. With the many sounds of the environment a baby will be able to react to these entire if they can hear well. There is something incorrect when a baby will only show reactions when they see something. If your child has discharges or odors from your child’s ear, or deformities or swellings in or about the external ear canal then they might have a hearing problems. There are no hearing problems for children who are able to hear even if you are not in the same room and you call them. When they start talking it is because they can hear many things or other people talking. A child will not be able to talk if they are not able to hear.


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/the-thought-around-hearing-loss-3848294.html

The ear drum is a thin delicate membranous structure situated deep within the ear canal and separates the outer ear canal from the delicate middle and inner ear.Due to its delicate nature the ear drum can get ruptured by various causes even a slap on the ear can rupture the ear drum.

See Article on Ear drum-What is the ear drum?

What are the causes of an ear drum perforation[ ear drum hole]?

Infection of the middle ear Eustachian tube dysfunction[ the eustachian tube is a tube which connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx[back of the nose]

Injury- slap ,fall on the side of the head,injury with ear buds[See Article on Ear buds and You] ,injury with sharp objects inserted into ear,sports injury,motor vehicle accidents,head injury can injure the ear drum and produce an ear drum hole

Lightning injury

Very loud sound

Blast waves from gunshots, fireworks, explosions can produce an ear drum perforation Pressure changes- such as in diving or air travel can injure and rupture the ear drum due to pressure inequalisation between the middle ear and the external ear canal

Can the ear drum perforate due to a cold[upper respiratory tract infection]?

Yes it can! During a heavy or prolonged “cold “,infection can be transmitted to the middle ear from the nose via the eustachian tube .Fluid collects in the middle ear and since the middle ear is enclosed in a narrow bony crevice fluid build up in the narrow area stretches the ear drum which can easily burst at the peak of fluid accumulation.The ear drum perforation is preceded by ear pain and the perforation can even relieve the pain to some extent as the fluid build up is released.This may give the patient a fake impression that all is well but tell tale signs are- presence of bleeding due to the rupture of the ear drum [ this may be only a few drops or as a blood stained ear discharge ],some amount of Hearing loss .

Other symptoms which may or may not be present in ear drum perforation are


Dizziness,  Imbalance ,mild Spinning sensation[vertigo]

Ear fullness

If there is severe middle ear infection also the ear drum can perforate due to pus accumulationin the middle ear which can place presure on the ear drum, thin the ear drum and perforate it.

What are the signs and symptoms of an Ear drum perforation due to injury?

A slap or fall on the side of the can produce an ear drum perforation.Symptoms in such cases :- Ear discomfort

Ear pain[need not be present]

Ear fullness

Hearing loss [may not be noticeable sometimes]

Tinnitus [sounds in the ear]

Ear discharge [blood stained ]- very mild as to be unnoticeable often

Bleeding – usually only a few drops

What are the symptoms of an ancient ear drum perforation?

You may be having an ear drum perforation for sometime [mostly due to previous ear infection which has not healed]- what are the symptoms in such a case?

Ear discharge on and off – especially when there is a ‘cold’[upper respiratory infection] or there is some water entry into the ear

Hearing loss [ often denied and goes unnoticed as the other ear if normal makes up for the Hearing loss ]

Tinnitus [may or may not be present]

Dizziness [may come and go]

What is to be done in a ancient ear drum hole?

You need to meet an ENT Specialist and get your ears evaluated.

In the presence of an ear drum perforation not only can the hearing deteriorate but there is always a risk of serious infection.Sometimes if the ear drum perforation is small medical ear drum closure is possible with special direct otoendoscopic medication application.

Sutureless ear drum surgery is a sophisticated daycare procedure which can be performed with ease by an ENT specialist with specialised qualification in the same.

What is to be done if you suspect an ear drum perforation[recent] in yourself or your child?

Do not let water enter the ears till your suspicions are cleared

Do not place oil or other liquids into the ear canals

Continue all cold medications you or your child is already taking

Visit your ENT Doctor at the earliest as timely treatment gives the best results and prevents complications.

Read more:Ear Drum

ear drum perforation Diagnosis

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/ear-drum-perforation-hole-in-the-ear-drum-causesline-of-action-by-ent-surgeon-bangalore-3506560.html

How to Cure Blocked Ears Naturally

If you are searching for methods to cure blocked ears naturally then I can certainly help you out today! Having clogged ears can be very annoying, I know what it’s like. Every time you catch a flight to go for a holiday or a business trip your ears always block up on descent and stay blocked up to a few days. Knowing how to cure blocked ears naturally is a huge advantage to have since this can really save you the frustration of having blocked ears all day, affecting your hearing quality and preventing you from enjoying your holidays or just every day activities.

There is a range of methods how to cure blocked ears naturally offered on the internet but unfortunately most of those do not work so you really need to be careful with what you choose to try to unblock your ears. I am going to give you a couple of free tips to show you how to cure blocked ears naturally from the comfort of your own home. I know how annoying it can be to have clogged ears, and in some cases the ears can stay blocked after a flight or a swim for over five days if you don’t do something about it!

You don’t need to have such inconvenience so try this method. Use your jaw muscles and try to open your mouth as wide as you can, this slightly opens up the sinuses in your ears and releases a small pressure. Sometimes when you do that you will feel a small crackle inside your ear, this is caused by slight release of pressure. What ever you do, do not block your nose and blow to try to clear your ears, this is very perilous method and can cause a lot of complications and place your ear drums and middle ear under extra pressure and cause complications! There are several more ways how to cure blocked ears.

Click Here For All Natural Ways To Cure Your Blocked Ears Now

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/how-to-cure-blocked-ears-naturally-1181879.html

Crusher Combat hosts wrestling tournament

Rugby pitch to turn into wrestling ring

HIGH SCHOOL: Wrestling legend still recruiting in 2010

Chess tournament heads outdoors

HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING: Esquimalt, Reynolds and Bulldogs medal at season opener

Vancouver Island South

Rugby pitch to turn into wrestling ring

Published: December 10, 2010 9:00 AM

Updated: December 10, 2010 9:04 AM

Fighters from across the Island will converge on crusher Combat Sports Sunday, Dec. 12, for its second “Be First” freestyle submission wrestling championship.

“Spectators can expect to see some of the best skilled grapplers on the Island, all in one spot for the whole day, all for $10,” said Keri “crusher manufacturer” Scarr, professional fighter and co-owner of Combat Crusher Sports, based in Langford.

As most tournaments are on the Mainland, Scarr says this is a fantastic opportunity to see the best fighters from Island gyms competing all in one place.

“We’re trying to offer an opportunity for fighters to compete on the Island, network, gain exposure and learn something new,” she said. “We’re the first ones to give it a go, and it’s a heck of a lot of work.”

With up to 50 athletes in as many as 20 divisions, spectators can expect to see a wide range of grappling skills.

“We have beginners and advanced fighters, 10-years-ancient and up,” Scarr said.

Fighters won’t have to wear their Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi (outfit) to the competition, allowing them to fight in their favourite training gear.

The youth and women’s division will kick things off at 10 a.m. Men’s beginners will take to the mats around 11 a.m. and advanced fighters will follow around noon.

The main event will be the final event of the day. Youth rounds are three minutes each, while adults fight for five minutes. It is a single-elimination tournament.

“Most of the winning competitors from our last tournament in June are registered to fight to maintain their their champion status,” Scarr said.

Medals, trophies and prizes will be awarded. Registration for the event closes today (Dec. 10), at 10 p.m. and costs $36.60.

Admission is $10, and fighting starts at 10 a.m.

crusher machine Combat Sports is located in the industrial park at 149-2956 Westshore Parkway.

For more information visit  http://www.crushercenter.com/

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/crusher-combat-hosts-wrestling-tournament-3855386.html

They say experience is the best teacher so the best person to know how to cure tinnitus but the one who has suffered from it. Thomas Coleman, a nutrition specialist, health consultant, medical researcher and a former tinnitus sufferer, has finally found a way to cure tinnitus holistically. His twelve years of suffering from tinnitus and diligent research work has resulted in his 250-page ebook called “Tinnitus Miracle” that outlines a 3-step method to relieve one from the tinnitus’ ear ringing and headache symptoms.

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His 3-step unique system helps one eliminate tinnitus within 2 months with instant relief in as small as seven days. Thomas Tinnitus Miracle ebook provides information on how to cure tinnitus without the benefit of risky surgeries, expensive medications, and audio or psychiatric treatments.

This program was based not only through his personal experience but is also backed by 45,000 hours of clinical research which has been verified to effectively cure tinnitus by many people who have tried this system.

Tinnitus Miracle provides details of a holistic approach on how to deal with tinnitus through a combination of healthy lifestyle, excellent food, natural supplements and treatments, and relaxation methods. By dealing not only with the physiological side but also with the psychological part of the problem, he was able to devise a way to completely eliminate tinnitus from one’s life.

Tinnitus is not an simple disorder to deal with. Even a surgery could not be an assurance that it will be completely cured. The only way to cure it is through a complete and holistic method that takes into consideration not only the physical aspects of tinnitus but the psychological side of it as well

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/tinnitus-miracle-thomas-coleman-tinnitus-miracle-review-993629.html

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