A neurotransmitter of brain, GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid, inhibits all the electrical activity to diminish tinnitus, anxiety, epileptic seizure and depression, which come under the neurodegenerative activities. Many studies indicate that the yoga substantially enhances the levels of GABA and there by reduce tinnitus. The deficiency in GABA worsens tinnitus and by extension leads to stress, emotional difficulty, depression, anxiety and dread.

The tinnitus patients treated with Neurontin and Klonopin reported a significant fall in intensified tinnitus. Yet they had the side effects like sleepiness, nausea, anxiety and dizziness. And it is said that majority of the patients quit from the medication since they are exhaustive of these treatment.

Harvard Medical School with Boston University Medicine School conducted a study on tinnitus patients. The controlled group practiced yoga for an hour with some excellent reading. These people showed 27% of increase in GABA levels. The patients were questioned to focus on the asana yoga, an essential posture in yoga. These postures can be observed by the trainers and corrected, if necessary, unlike the meditation, which is internal state of mind.
Dr. Chris Streeter led the study. She is a renowned neurologist, psychiatrist and yoga practitioner. She is very much content with her initial stages of her studies and the positive influence of yoga on GABA and tinnitus. She is plotting to conduct an extensive study on it to relieve the patients of tinnitus.

Further, the study published by the Rajasthan University of India too emphasis on the impact of yoga on the positive influence on tinnitus, and migraine headaches. When breathing techniques and yoga postures are practiced for five continuous months, they tend to reduce the intensified tinnitus, to a fantastic extent.

Although drugs are prescribed for chronic tinnitus, they either have side effects or addictive in nature. But habitual practice of yoga proved to give relief without any terrific medications.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hearing-articles/the-impact-of-yoga-postures-on-tinnitus-989125.html

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