Many people who have pimples are left with marks or holes in their skin after the pimple is gone and are looking for solutions to remove a pimple mark. These pimple marks are caused by acne scarring.

There are a number of ways to remove scars caused by acne. Acne usually starts at puberty when your body is most actively producing hormones that makes excess seburn in your skin. This stage can pass, but it is not uncommon for marks to cosmetically affect your appearance.

There are multiple ways to treat scars, including natural remedies, over the counter products, products you can obtain through your doctor as well as dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser techniques. Cost is obviously a consideration as well as how deep the scars are.

Some of the things you can do that will help naturally repair scars are to drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, apply vitamin E oil or take a vitamin E supplement orally. Rosehip seed oil can be an effective remedy, not only for scars, but for removing wrinkes. It can be applied twice a day. Rose water mixed with sandal wood can also be applied overnight.

If you don’t want an acne scar home remedy or over the counter acne product, there are also medical procedures that usually offer quicker results.

Dermabrasion can be done by your dermatologist and is also offered in many beauty salons today. This may offer quicker results than the natural remedies, but it can leave your skin very irritated, may take multiple applications and may not work if your scars are very deep.

Chemical peels are another alternative that can be offered by either a dermatologist or a salon. Peels use chemicals to peel layers off of the skin. Keep in mind that some people experience allergic reactions to chemical facial peels.

For deep acne scarring, many people are looking to laser treatments to resurface the skin. This treatment uses a beam of light to ruin unwanted scar tissue and is performed by a doctor. The cost of this treatment depends on whether you are treating a few scars or your whole face. A whole face treatment can cost a few thousand dollars.

One thing to remember with dermabrasion, facial peels using chemicals and laser acne treatments, is that these techniques are much more invasive and can cause pain and irritation. Some laser treatments may require anesthesia, if the scarring is very deep. You can also expect to take a week to ten days off of work for this procedure.

There are many ways to remove pimple marks caused by acne scarring, but the method you choose will depend on a number of factors including the severity of your pimple mark and how much you are willing to pay.

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Darn!  It’s terrible enough for some people to have to deal with acne breakout problems on the face, but for those of you who suffer with acne constantly breaking out on the buttocks, I feel your pain.  And what about that acne’s nerve?  I mean, it doesn’t care. It doesn’t discriminate. It has no sympathy.  It will affect anyone at any age, race or gender at anytime and anywhere on the body – including the butt.

Pimples on the butt are an annoyance that you are constantly reminded about every time you sit down, or go to the bathroom, or take a shower, or place on a bathing suit, or whatever.  They’re just there and you know it and you want them gone.  I’m sure it’s disheartening when you find that your butt is sometimes literally covered with zits, even between the butt cheeks at times!  These zits are unsightly and embarrassing, and they can also be very sore when they get inflamed – can’t they?  And you’ve tried everything to get rid of them.  You’ve tried scrubbing and scrubbing them hard and long, you’ve tried popping them, you’ve tried different over-the-counter and prescription medications, you’ve tried eliminating chocolate, just about everything you can reckon of, but they still seem to hang around.

What Exactly is Acne?

The most common form of acne develops when hair follicles on the skin become blocked with dead skin cells, coupled with the over-production of oil secretion by the sebaceous glands under the skin.  When pores are blocked, oil builds up beneath them, causing bacteria to grow and multiply. Because of this, the affected area becomes inflamed and produces acne lesions or pimples in the form of pustules, cysts, whiteheads or blackheads.

What Causes Butt Acne?

The causes of acne on the buttocks vary but some common causes include irritation from non-fragrance free detergents or fabric softeners, stress, hormonal changes (not just women, men can have hormone fluctuations too), or perspiring under tight-fitting clothing.  When you perspire with snug clothing on, perspiration from your sweat glands, your natural body oils and bacteria can clog pores and cause acne to start.

#1 “Get Rid of Butt Acne” Mistake

The largest mistake that you can make when trying to get rid of acne on your rear is to overdo scrubbing the affected areas and not following an effective cure regimen.  Do not scrub, scrub, scrub.  This will only cause more irritation and encourage the bacteria and infection to spread and to fester.

What Can You Do?

Part of an effective butt acne cure regimen includes gently exfoliating the affected areas, by using a loofah or acne cleansing sponge to lightly wash your bottom, as opposed to abrasively scrubbing it.

Be sure to shower as soon as possible after perspiring heavily.  Also, while exercising or doing other physical activities which cause you to sweat, be sure to wear cotton clothing that fits loosely.  This will allow your skin to get more air and hinder the development of acne in undesired places, like your behind!

Do not pick or squeeze the pimples on your butt, this will cause them to become infected.

Follow an effective skin care regimen for your behind, just as you would your face.  Note, the key word here is effective.  So find one that really works.

Acne or Keratosis Pilaris?

If you have a bunch of red or white bumps all over your butt, and possibly the legs too, that seems to be a small hard pimple rash, but you’re not really sure.  It could be a condition called – Keratosis Pilaris.  This condition develops when hair follicles become blocked and get inflamed because of the over reproduction of keratin proteins in the skin cells.  This causes bumps to develop which usually seem to be worse in the winter months, more so than in the summer months. Also your doctor can prescribe Erythromycin 2% to help with the symptoms, but it probably won’t clear it up completely in most cases.  Be sure to inquire about this type of butt acne at your next doctor’s visit.

Like I said earlier, I feel your pain. I’m Audrey Malone and I have been acne-free over 4 years now, and I had cystic acne on my face and I had breakouts on my body and butt too. And you know what? It has all completely cleared. You will find out how you can clear your acne too by visiting: You don’t have to suffer anymore.

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Your Hormones, Your Specific Acne

Hormones Play a Part in the Development of Acne

Many teenagers suffer from the effects of acne through their high school years.  This is unfortunate for young adults face many other challenges at this time.  The teenage years usually start with a simple birthday celebration and end with another birthday party, but those years in between those two birthdays can be very hard.  These teenagers find the academic requirements increase during this time, and many want to experience more independence.  This is a time when young people try to find their place in the scheme of things more seriously than at any other time.

Medical Scientists Study this Frustrating Condition

Medical scientists have studied acne because it remains such a frustrating problem for young people.  Acne hormones seem to contribute to this problem in some of the latest findings.  There are now natural acne hormone treatments that seem to provide some relief to those that suffer from acne.  The theory behind these treatments seems to suggest that there is an imbalance in the hormones in those with acne.  These treatments aim to treat the acne hormones present internally that cause the outbreaks on the skin.  The proponents of these treatments suggest that the problem is not external but internal. 

Acne hormone treatments treat the outbreaks on the skin with medicines, herbs and vitamins.  There are some natural acne hormone treatments that use herbs and other natural substances to right the imbalance of hormones in those that suffer from acne.  There are other treatments that are taken orally to right the imbalance of acne hormones in the body.  Although there are specific treatments for the imbalance of the hormones causing acne, there are also other steps that have been suggested for treating this condition.  One of these suggestions is to simply drink plenty of water.  Another suggestion is to avoid chocolate and caffeine.

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No one wants to get up and look in the mirror to see acne pimples staring them in the face. Come on, it is horrible. So what if you have a special function to attend, or a party to go to but you have pimples on your face? Don’t be frightened; you will find ways to get rid of acne pimples nearly overnight and below you are gonna learn a number of the tips.

Firstly, you’ll need to wash your face having a salicylic acid based cleanser to get rid of the excess dirt and oils from off your face. Be gentle when washing your face though,  because you don’t want to irritate the area and make it even worse. Pat dry having a towel , clean , of course after you’re via washing.

Next, get an ice pack and locate it on the pimples for about to minutes. Please take a one minute break and then place the ice pack on the pimple for another two minutes. Continue doing this for around 15 minutes.

After you have finished with the ice pack, you can then apply some gel like toothpaste onto the pimples. Just use a small amount and be cautious not to get any of the toothpaste into your eyes. Leave the toothpaste on overnight and rinse well with warm water and then cold in the morning.

Using the above mentioned tips is very effective to get rid of pimples quick.

In conclusion, the above are just a few acne treatments that work, and we are about to reveal a best way on how to get rid of pimples quick and also naturally. Do you want to end the pimples and get rid of acne within 7 days? Well then the ACNE No More will be the must read. Follow this link to find out the secret.

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By adapting a certain weight loss program, there is a greater chance that you will lose the extra pounds and you will have a better figure. But, when picking a plot, you should make sure that it can promise you with long-terms results. This is essential because quick results can never really help you out.

It is a excellent thing that various courses are constantly being developed. One of the most common plans is the do-it-yourself style. This is usually adapted by very busy people who do not have the luxury of going to the gym or visiting a professional. This is also recommended to people who do not have the luxury of time. In this plot, a person relies on books, instructional videos, or on any information that he learned from other materials.

There are also some courses that are being conducted by professionals such as doctors, nurses, dieticians and psychologists. Sessions are usually done in a hospital or a clinic so the venue is more conducive. This is also much safer because the people administering the course are experts and knowledgeable. This is much better if you have a rather delicate condition.

It is also a excellent thought if you will try some non-clinical methods. This is usually administered by a professional although he is not from the medical sector. This is usually done at least three times a week and it involves counseling sessions.

You should know that most of the available courses are effective. But, when picking a plot, you should be certain that it is really suitable for your body type and health condition.

Also, you need to be certain that you will religiously follow your selected weight loss program. It will be useless if you do not have the commitment and dedication to stick to it.

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Many of my clients are often looking for products to prevent and to battle acne.  They often question me why many of the products that they buy in the store and buy from advertisments on tv do not work and often make the problem worse and why the products that I recommend always work.


There are many reasons for this.  But, the main reason for this is the active ingredients in these products.  In most or all of these products the main ingredient is benzol peroxide or some agent that dries the skin out.  So what do you reckon about that?  Benzol peroxide simply dries out your skin.  Often this results in fantastic small term benefits (one week to a couple of months) but in the long run your skin will suffer.  How?


To start with, benzol peroxide simply dries out your skin.  Therefore, in the small term, you skin will be less oily and will seem to have less acne.  But, your body will soon adapt to this and will simply start to produce more oil.  So once your body gets used to this ingredient (which is pretty soon) you will require a higher concentration of benzol peroxide and, if not, you acne will simply come back, and even stronger than before.


Secondly, the small term results may be fantastic but in the long term this drying out will leave lots of dead skin and lots of open sores which is not only painful for you but this will also result in a whole new problem: acne scaring!


In order to have the best acne results make sure the ingredients do not hurt your skin.  Rather look for something to purify your skin like the products that can be found at and this purification will make your acne disappear in the small term and also have fantastic benefits in the long term. 

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Get Rid of Pimples on Forehead


Forehead pimples are irritating you – right?  Well cheer up because you can get rid of them at last.

First of all, let me tell you that the forehead is part of what is called the “T-zone” of your face.  The T-zone is susceptible to being more oily and thus can be the cause of pimples.  So pimples on your forehead are probably the result of the forehead being more oily than the rest of your face.

How Do These Pimples Form?

Pimples on your forehead are formed when dead skin cells clog the pores. Then the excess oil that is secreted by your sebaceous glands builds up behind the clogged pores underneath the skin.  This serves as a breeding ground for bacteria to form, which causes the pimples.

Treating Forehead Pimples

An effective treatment starts with a excellent skin treatment regimen, and must include the following: 

  • Steaming to open the pores
  • Sloughing to exfoliate
  • Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet
  • Applying acne medication


Even if you have had the pimples on your forehead for a while, if you follow the right skin care regimen, you can get rid of it.

What Else Can You Do?

  • Keep your hair and hands off of your forehead (even at night when you are asleep).  This introduces more oil onto your forehead and leaves dirt and bacteria as well.
  • Use an astringent.
  • Do not pick the pimples.
  • Do not apply makeup to the forehead

Forehead Pimples and Your Diet

Remember, a well-balanced diet is vital for your overall excellent health, and this also applies to having healthy skin (even on the forehead).  A diet that is rich in foods containing excellent sources of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients is vital for clear skin and eliminating pimples.

So here is the deal, treating the pimples on your forehead with a excellent daily skin regimen and eating a excellent diet is a step in the right direction to improving the skin on your forehead, but if you are seriously looking for a remedy to really cure your forehead pimples, you can find it by visiting:, a well loved site that offers what you need to be acne-free.  I’m Audrey Malone, and I had the severe acne that was cystic and now my face is completely clear, and yours can be too.

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How to Cure Pimples- 5 Ways to Cure Pimples

Pimples can be a hassle to get rid of. They are embarrassing, will lower your self-esteem, and are frustrating to deal with. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some ways on how to cure pimples. That way, you will be more confident, and have clean and clear skin.

The 5 ways to cure pimples are:

1. Toothpaste is way to cure your pimples. What you should do is apply a small drop of toothpaste onto your pimples. Allow it to sit there overnight and when you wake up, you can wash it off.

2. Another way to cure pimples is to drink water. There are a lot of toxins that are in your bloodstream, which will cause you to breakout. So, when you drink plenty of water, you are able to flush out the toxins from your body. You should drink at least 8 cups of water.

3. Glycerin or sorbitol soap is another way to cure pimples. An example of this soap is neutrogena. Make sure you wash your face at least two times a day. This soap is gentle and will be effective at helping you get rid of your pimples.

4. Another way to cure pimples is to apricot juice. Apply apricot juice to your pimples for ten minutes a day. Do this everyday or until you are satisfied with the results.

5. Healthy foods is another way to cure your pimples. Foods that are loaded with sugar, saturated fats, and vegetable oils will cause you to breakout. These foods causes an imbalance with your hormones and an insulin spike.

An example of these foods includes cakes, chips, sugary sodas, quick food burgers and fries, chocolates, and other junk foods.

The foods you should eat are fruits, veggies, whole wheat foods, nuts, lean meats (turkey, tuna, lean beef, chicken breast), and other healthy foods.

Make sure you don’t squeeze or pop your pimples. If you do, you will irritate them and cause them to spread. Also, don’t touch your skin with oily or dirty hands. This will irritate your skin and pimples, and will cause a severe breakout.

These are some ways on how to cure pimples. Use these tips to cure your pimples the simple way. If you don’t do something about your pimples now, they will spread. Your pimples could spread over your whole body, which includes your butt, chest, and back.

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Most cases of acne are mild and so it is common for people to treat themselves with over-the-counter non-prescription medications. If such medicines are used together with a excellent regime of skin care, then this form of treatment is often very effective.

So just what sort of over-the-counter medications should you consider?

One of the commonest treatments for mild acne, and one which is used by literally millions of people every day, is benzoyl peroxide which works in part by attacking the bacteria which is a factor in causing acne in the first place. It also works by removing dead skin cells which would otherwise block the pores of the skin and provide the ideal environment for pimples to develop.

Benzoyl peroxide is not a new medicine and has been around for very many years now so that we have brilliant evidence of both its strengths and weaknesses. Fortunately, it has few side effects although it can dry out the skin and will also ‘bleach’ fabric so it does need to be used with care. It also comes in various strengths (typically 2.5%, 5% and 10%) and it is vital that it is used in the right strength. Start at 2.5% and only go up in strength if this does not appear to be effective and you are not suffering any undue side effects. Many people believe that if a 2.5% strength will do the job then a 10% strength will work four times as well, but this is not the case.

Salicylic acid is another commonly used medication and, as this is the active ingredient in aspirin, it is also a very safe treatment. Salicylic acid is often bought in pad form and can help to break down both blackheads and whiteheads. In addition, it slows down the shedding of dead skin cells within the follicles which makes the build up and compaction of dead skin cells less likely. Finally, it helps to remove dead skin cells preventing a build-up of bacteria within the sebum, or skin oil.

Salicylic acid should not be used alongside other treatments unless your physician or dermatologist recommends additional treatment, as this can cause skin irritation.

A third option is resorcinol which can be useful in some cases, especially when combined with compounds such as sulphur. Resorcinol breaks down hard skin helping to remove dead skin from the follicles to prevent clogging and a build-up of bacteria. Rosorcinol should not be used with any form of astringent like alcohol.

A final and forth option is alcohol and acetone, which many people would describe as an ‘ancient-fashioned’ treatment. Alcohol acts as a mild antibacterial and helps to remove oil from the surface of the skin, while acetone also acts as a degreasing agent to clean the surface of the skin.

The problem but with acne is that the excessive skin oil which contributes to the problem of acne lies below the surface of the skin and it is here that, in the presence of dead skin cells, white blood cells and bacteria, that acne forms. As a result alcohol and acetone are of only limited value.

One final point to note is that a treatment which works for one person will not necessarily work for another person and so, with the exception of alcohol and acetone which really should not be recommended these days, it is a question of trying each medication in turn for a reasonable period of time to find the one that works best for you.

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