Hemorrhoids in pregnancy can turn an otherwise healthy pregnancy into a nightmare. Read on to see why pregnant women get hemorrhoids and what you can do to prevent or relieve hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

As a certified nurse midwife I have treated many cases of pregnancy and hemorrhoids. It was not until I personally experienced hemorrhoids during pregnancy that I understood how painful these small monsters can be.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins on or around the anus. The veins within the anal canal become swollen because of weakened vein walls allowing blood to pool. This causes the walls of the vein to expand making the visible ball on the outside of the anus called a hemorrhoid.

What causes pregnancy hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy requires a woman to increase her total blood volume by 40% to accommodate her growing baby nutrition and circulatory needs. This increase in blood volume requires that the pregnant woman’s blood vessels relax and expand to hold the extra blood. This is one of the major reasons why pregnant women are prone to blood clots, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women are also prone to constipation due to extra fluid absorption and relaxation of the bowels.

Constipation combined with the increased pressure on the rectum and perineum due to the growing baby is another reason for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Types of pregnancy hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

You can’t see or feel these hemorrhoids, but straining or irritation from a passing stool can injure a hemorrhoid’s delicate surface and cause it to bleed. You may notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl water. Because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemorrhoids usually don’t cause discomfort. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. If a hemorrhoid remains displaced (prolapsed), it can cause pain and irritation.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

These hemorrhoids tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemorrhoid and form a clot (thrombus) causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed. The pain of hemorrhoids may be comparable to being stabbed in the rectum by a knife or hot poker.

What can you do to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

The excellent news is that hemorrhoids usually improve after the baby is born. In the meantime, there are a number of things you can do to treat hemorrhoids. Any one or more of the following may help relieve hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

Take a warm bath with baking soda or place baking soda (wet or dry) on the area to reduce itching.

Use witch hazel to reduce swelling or bleeding.

Use Tucks Medicated Pads.

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Drink prune juice.

Do not delay going to the bathroom.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

If you are suffering very terribly from pregnancy hemorrhoids please consult with your obstetric provider for hemorrhoid medication.

Mangosteen and minerals, 2 ounces twice a day has helped many pregnant women relieve inflammation and pain from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Mangosteen is a fruit that has been used for hundreds of years as an all natural, pregnancy safe anti-inflammatory and a pain blocker. Mangosteen also supports you body to the demands of pregnancy.

Wondering where to get more information about a high quality mangosteen and mineral product then go to my pregnancy web site at http://www.VemmaMidwife.com

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If you wish to question me a personal question about your pregnancy or an issue in your life then visit http://www.PregnancySuccessCoach.com/Ask_Hannah_Section.html

Hannah Bajor. C.N.M.,M.S.N.

Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy Success Coach








Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/hemorrhoids-in-pregnancy-are-embarrassing-and-painful-tips-to-relieve-hemorrhoids-during-pregnancy-472616.html

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