In any aspect of business, marketing plays a critical role. A kick-butt marketing campaign effectively makes brand awareness and communicates specific principles of the company. No matter how excellent and creative your products or services are, without an effective marketing strategy your business won’t be any excellent.

But contrary to well loved belief, making a excellent marketing campaign doesn’t cost a lot. You simply need to find out the cost effective means of promoting your business. A excellent marketing strategy to consider is business cards. In an instant, a excellent business card will give you effective visual identity and promote your products and services to people. Even the most successful business owners today still make use of business cards despite the growth of Internet marketing. As an amateur and startup business, you might want to follow the strategy of these huge-time businesses to effectively get excellent market exposure.

Before you launch your own business card campaign though, there is one vital factor you need to consider: printing technique.

Today’s modern technology has basically provided businesses with a lot of options when it comes to printing. From the quality to the look and cost of printing, there are a wide variety of choices. Among them are the following:

Offset printing. This is the most common process used by businesses that have large quantities of business cards to print. But unless you have a lot of cards to print, offset printing is not a excellent choice because of the costly set up fee.

Digital printing. Many printers use this method when it comes to business cards. Some uses inkjet printing while others use laser printing. For small print runs, digital printing is a cost effective choice to print cheap business cards because of its low set up cost.

Letterpress. If you want a sophisticated and professional look for your business cards, then this is the right printing method for you. Letterpress printing makes indentations on each letter or image printed on paper giving your card a unique and high-end feel. But because letterpress printing is a bit costly, it is not advisable to use in smaller print runs. The end result though is a custom, elegant appeal.

Engraving. Business stationery and wedding invitations are often engraved for a more captivating look. But this can also be used in business cards. Engraving uses plates that are engraved with metal gravers. When the plate is inked, the ink fills the engraved lines. The result image is a raised, inked heavily image.

Thermography. This type of printing is used when you want to achieve the same look as an engraved business card but at a much lover cost.

Printing your own card. When you really want to save money on your business cards, then consider self printed cards. There are pre-scored business cards sheets sold today that you can use to print your card on an inkjet or laserjet printer. This method is especially applicable if you only desire to print your card in black and white. One quick tip: if you truly want to save money, instead of buying pre-scored sheets, you can buy a excellent quality card stock. Use excellent templates to layout your card and cut them yourself to make a professional looking business card that doesn’t have the perforation marks of the pre-scored sheets.

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