It is no secret that eating the right flat stomach foods is a huge part of getting that flat stomach you want.  If you merely do crunches or sit ups you may gain some lean muscle tissue in your abs, but that will only push the stout out further making your stomach bulge increase–sigh!  So in conjunction with exercises whether it is yoga for a flat stomach or crunches for a flat stomach we need to add flat stomach foods to our war chest.

Flat Stomach Foods: Bread

  1. Look at the ingredients. The word whole whould be there.  Either whole wheat or whole grain.  Avoid anything else.  Do not fall for just wheat flour.  That is not the same as whole wheat.
  2. Don’t be fooled with the term “made with whole grains”. It needs to be just whole grains or whole wheat.
  3. Make sure whole wheat or whole grain is the first thing on the ingredient list.
  4. Check how many calories there are per slice.  Keep it 100 or less.

Flat Stomach Foods: Cereal

  1. Whole grains or whole wheat listed as the first item in the ingredients is vital!
  2. Keep the stout content around 2.5 grams per serving.
  3. Make sure the cereal is lablede “no sugar added”.  Second best is “low sugar” cereals
  4. Sweeten your cereal with fruit instead of sweeteners.  If you just have to use sweeteners use zero calorie sweeteners like Stevia.

Flat Stomach Foods: Meat

  1. Avoid red meat as much as you can.  If you must question for select cuts which are leaner than choice cuts.
  2. Never fry your meat.  Grill, roast, broil or bake your meat. It really reduces the stout.
  3. Use turkey as a substitute for beef.  You can get it ground, in hot dogs and in sausage.  It is just a better all round choice than beef is.

Flat Stomach Foods: Fruits

Make smoothies or just eat plain the following fruits:
bananas, apples, blueberries, grapefruits, oranges, apricots, strawberries, prunes, cherries, black berries and raspberries.

A word of warning, eating too much of these fruits at one time can result in cramping and diarrhea.

Flat Stomach Foods: Vegetables

  1. Eat your vegetables steamed rather than boiled.
  2. Leafy green vegetables are the best.
  3. Starchy vegetables like corn and beans are not as excellent.
  4. Below is a list of the best vegetables to eat.

broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach,celery, onions, greens artichokes and cauliflowers.

If you eat these foods and exercise you will get a flat stomach. Another trick is to avoid mixing a lot of carbohydrates with stout in your meals.  Either keep them carbohydrate centered or healthy stout centered and you will avoid setting your body up to gain weight.

There is also a number of supplements and things you can do each morning that will take you about 7 minutes to do that will set your body up to lose weight for the rest of the day.

An example of one of these things is taking 1000 mg of vitamin D3.  Researchers have found that people who take 1000 mg of vitamin D3 each morning burn an average 220 mor calories a day with out doing anything else.  You can find out more about that in the ebook The 7 Minute Diet.

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  1. The Best Way To Get Flat Stomach Workouts – 10 Tips That Work Fast
  2. How To Get a Flat Stomach, How to get a flat stomach made easy..
  3. Know All About Flat Stomach Exercises And Diets
  4. How To Get A Flat Stomach The Easy Way
  5. Do You Really Want a Flat Stomach? – Follow These Flat Belly Diet Tips

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