Health Archives

We all want to be able to have a flat stomach. Once summer comes around, everyone is out on the beach or at the pool wearing their bathing suits. Both men and women are sporting their flat tummies. You have probably dreamed of having a flat stomach, but you reckon that it would take too much work to really achieve it. If you are serious about slowly having a flat stomach, there are a few things you can do to get you started.

One of the best things you can do is drink more water. The first ingredient of this flat belly diet is water. You have probably had friends and family urge you to drink a lot of water each day, but do you drink enough? Are you consuming water consistently each day? If you want to have a flat stomach, you have to get into the habit of drinking at least eight glasses of water each and every day. From this day forward, water should be the liquid you are consuming the most. Don’t quit drinking eight glasses after a couple of weeks, do it for years, if not longer. Water can only help not harm you!

The second ingredient of the flat stomach diet is fiber. You have probably heard hundreds of myths about fiber. But, science has been able to prove that it is very helpful when it comes to losing weight. Fiber is able to help your digestive system work how it should. This will help you lose your extra belly weight quick. After eating more fiber, you will probably notice results in just a few days. Fiber is just another step towards your flat stomach.

The third ingredient is a probiotic formula. This is a certain must. With water and fiber, you are on the perfect path to losing belly weight and building a flat stomach. Your digestive system will be working much more and much better. This means that your metabolism will be working more, which also helps to burn away all of the extra stout you have built up. Starting off your day with fiber and probiotic diaries is the best thing you can do for your body.

These are the basic three things you can eat and drink in order to help you achieve a flat stomach. While we are probably adding things to your diet, there are also things that we have to take away. Many people like eating junk food, but junk food only makes it that much harder to getting that flat stomach. You don’t have to stop eating these foods, but it is best that you reduce how many of them you eat daily. You should cut back on trans fats, junk food, processed foods, beer, sodas, white flour, and foods that contain a lot of sugar.

Lastly, after all of this, you have to exercise. If you are looking for results to come even quicker, exercise is the key. You don’t have to strenuously work out for hours each day. A simple 30 minute work out will help you achieve the flat stomach you’ve been wanting. Any type of physical activity will work. Just make sure that you are doing something!

Though this flat belly diet may be a new experience, you are sure to have the best stomach you have ever had in your life. Follow the diet and you will have results.

If you really want a flat stomach find more tips from quickest and healthiest, Visit the author’s website for for information:

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Truly speaking, there are many unique features of your print banner. For example, they do have valuable designs for all time. Generally they keep hold of customized designs which are made by qualified graphic designers online. Though there are lots of striking impressions of print banners designs but the animated nature is the most elementary trait of them. Secondly tailored banners are well-known banners due to their all-around graphics, colossal logos, and inventive pictures. Thirdly they contain appealing colors, catching your eyes instantly.

Fourth most sparkling feature of your vinyl banners is that they retain gorgeous prints. In reality, banners are shaped due to a perfect ink which is called as a CMYK. Remember print banners are manufactured in a classy manner but they cannot be improved by lamination in any way. Next most fundamental trait of your printed banners is their affordability due to which they can certainly be printed within lowest price rates. That is why vinyl banners printing have become the most challenging job for the businesses these days.

Another most all-around feature of your print banner is its dynamic and self motivated nature due to which you will be of course able to prop up your business brand. Bear in mind printing banners are very extremely large banners. That is why full color banners can be certainly used for effective outdoor marketing purpose. In addition to this, vinyl banners are very luscious banners due to which you will be certainly able to get done all your corporate targets productively. That is why the value of your own printed banners is beyond description because they are highly gigantic posters certainly.

One thing is at this point in time clear about your own luxury designer banners that they are the finest outdoor marketing banners in the world most recently. Therefore vinyl banners would of course play an immense role in your advanced business identity development. Next most exclusive attribute of your own customized vinyl banners is that they keep hold of valuable logos and mottos which would certainly play a vital role in your longer term outdoor promotion. Further online printing banners are very fruitful banners regarding your fundraising campaign at all. Besides banners printing, stickers printing will be certainly a lucrative job for you by any means.

If you are running fashion and modeling industry and going to launch an upcoming new fashion campaign, then you would absolutely need a banners printing job in order to get done your job efficiently. Likewise customized vinyl banners are very valuable banners for all other types of businesses and industries at all. Therefore if you are on the lookout for a best outdoor marketing thought, please do not hesitate to pay money for print banners of online printing company at all as they would certainly help you a lot in your business promotion. Besides, it offers you matchless sticker printing.

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How to Unblock Blocked Ear, Methods That Work

waste your time searching for methods how to unblock blocked ears all over the internet any longer. The ways how to unblock blocked ear described on the internet as free tips from regular public and the methods described in the forums do not work and some of them will even cause you ear infections. The best ways to unblock your ears is by sticking to the methods that have being proven to work for decades and are safe to perform from the comfort of your own home.

There are indeed a lot of ways how to unblock blocked ear that I will share with you, I have tried different methods to unblock my ears over the time and I now know what works best for me and will work just as well for you also! You do not need to see a doctor to have your ears unblocked, just follow a couple of simple steps that work for me and you will know how to unblock blocked ear yourself.

I am going to describe one of the methods to help you unblock your ear that works well for me.

* Try using your jaw muscles and open your mouth as wide as you possibly can, this slightly stretches the sinuses open and helps release some of the pressure from your ear. Do not stick those cotton tip ear cleaners in your ears to try and clear out the ear wax, this will push the ear wax a lot deeper in your ear and will cause you a lot more distress that can later develop in to an infection. There is a saying, do not stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear! Obviously this means that do not stick anything in your ears, this is the incorrect way to clean out the ear wax and trying to unblock your ears. There are certain methods you should use to unblock your ears safely and they are certainly not by sticking things in your ear to try and unblock it.

Get All My Natural Methods To Unblock Ears Here…

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Pimples are nothing but a blockage in your skin. These blockages are caused due to various reasons. The main causes of pimples are dust and hormonal change. It’s a quick growing world and people cannot avoid using cars, bikes, bus etc.

Each and everyday pollution is increasing in air and it affects people in many ways. There are pores in skin through which dust can enter a body. It gets accumulated in the skin thus resulting in the cause of pimple.

There are various cells in our body which will be affected because of these dust and all these dead cells combine together and forms a blockage. These blockages generally become thicker at puberty. Even stress is one major cause which causes pimples.

Teenagers face major problem in removing pimples. Pimples are common among teenagers. People who get pimples have sensitive or oily skin and it is really necessary for people who have oily skin to wash their skin properly and use prescribed cream.

How to remove pimples is a common question.

There are different types of treatments available to remove pimples. They are Allopathic, Homeopathic, Home remedies for pimples etc. There are herbal products available which uses natural ingredients to cure pimples. There are various home remedies which can be followed to remove pimples.

They are drinking lot of water and juices, eating healthy food. Tea tree oil and papaya help in the removal of pimples. It is advised to use preventive measures rather than taking pills and cream after you are affected with pimples.

It is advised to clean your face with clean water, drink lot of water and maintain proper diet. It is suggested to start medication as soon as you find a pimple rather allowing it to grow to the fullest and then treating it.

People who have oily skin must make sure they clean their face regularly with mild soap and keep it clean without oil formation. Applying fresh lemon juice over the pimple and then cleaning with warm water is also one suggested method to remove pimples.

Toothpaste can also be used to get rid of pimples. People can apply it over night over the pimple and wash it the next morning.

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Having acne on your back can be humiliating and embarrassing. When people stare at your back and joke about it, it could hurt your feelings. Also, trying to get rid of it can be a hassle and frustrating. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some tips on how to get rid of acne on your back.

That way, you will have clean skin and more confidence in yourself.

So, the tips to get rid of acne on your back within 3 days are:

1. The first tip is to wash your back. When washing your back, use a scrubber. By using a scrubber, you will be able to clean off the oil and dirt from your back. Also, you will be able to unclog the pores on your back. The type of soap you should use is a salicylic acid type soap. This soap will help get rid of excess oil that is on your back.

2. After washing your back, the next tip to get rid of acne on your back is to use tea tree oil. Apply the tea tree oil on your back right after you’re done washing it. The tea tree oil will help you get rid of the bacteria that are on your back.

3. Another way to get rid of acne that’s on your back is to use apricot juice. Rub apricot juice on your back for ten minutes a day. Be sure to do this everyday or until you’re satisfied with the results.

4. Using aloe vera juice is another way to get rid of acne on your back. Use aloe vera juice twice a day to help speed up the process of getting rid of your acne.

5. Another way to get rid of back acne is to eat healthy foods. You should try to limit or avoid eating foods that have high contents of sugar and saturated fats. Examples of these foods are sugary sodas, quick food burgers and fries, cookies, cakes, chips, and other junk foods.

Eating those foods will cause your back to become oily. Also, it spikes your insulin and causes a hormonal imbalance. This will cause you to breakout.

So, the foods you should eat are fruits, nuts, whole wheat foods, lean meats (tuna, lean beef, turkey, chicken breast), veggies, and other health foods.

These are some tips on how to get rid of acne on your back. Use these tips now to get clean and clear skin. If you have acne, you should do something about it now. If you don’t, it could possibly spread over your entire body, including your chest and face.

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Surviving the 2010 Ragweed Season

Ragweed Season in the US is mid August to end of October.

This fall season brings one of the worst allergens into full swing. The culprit is hay fever caused by Ragweed pollen.  The 2010 season is upon us and for the 36 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies Ragweed can be one of the worst.

Ragweed is a member of the sunflower family. The pollen from the male ragweed plant is an extreme allergen. Each ragweed plant produces about a billion pollen grains each season and these tiny grains travel in the wind for up to 400 miles because they are very light.

There are seven steps you can take to help make the Ragweed season more tolerable:

1)      Start allergy medications now- Most allergist recommend taking your allergy medicine before symptoms start, be proactive.

2)      Keep doors and windows closed in your home and car-this limits air exchange with the outdoors. Run the air conditioner to decrease humidity and filter the air.

3)      Change air filters weekly-During allergy season keep your air filter as clean as possible.  If you have allergies be sure to question someone who doesn’t to remove and dispose of the filter for you.img 4 wole Surviving the 2010 Ragweed Season

4)      Install a whole house air cleaner-Whole house air cleaners can be installed in your homes air conditioning and heating system. These air cleaners can remove up to 99.9% of airborne pollens. They can provide right relief from allergy symptoms. Consult a local air conditioning contractor for a free estimate.

5)      Bathe pets-Any pets that spend time outdoors may track in pollen in their fur and on their feet.  Regular bathing will help to reduce the amount of pollen they bring indoors.

6)      Save the yard work for low pollen days-Be aware of the daily pollen counts and avoid doing outdoor work on extreme pollen count days.

7)      Wear a face mask-If you must be outdoors, especially on windy days wear a pollen mask.

There is no way to completely eliminate Ragweed allergies, but with a small forethought you can make it more bearable.


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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) occurs in 5-10% of women of reproductive age. The condition is characterized by abnormal ovarian function (irregular or absent periods, abnormal or absent ovulation and infertility), androgenicity (increased body hair or hirsutism, acne) and increased body weight/body mass index or BMI. The ovaries of women with PCOS characteristically contain multiple micro-cysts often arranged like a “string of pearls” immediately below the ovarian surface (capsule), interspersed by an overgrowth of ovarian connective tissue (stroma).

PCOS women often have a family history of diabetes and demonstrable insulin resistance (evidenced by high blood insulin levels and an abnormal 2-hour glucose tolerance test). This underlying diabetic profile could play a role in the development of PCOS and contribute to the development of obesity, an abnormal blood lipid profile, and a predisposition to coronary vascular disease. Women with PCOS are also slightly more at risk of developing uterine, ovarian and possibly also breast cancer in later life and accordingly should be evaluated for these conditions on a more frequent basis than non-PCOS women.

Most women with PCOS either do not ovulate at all or they ovulate irregularly. As a consequence, they usually experience delayed, absent or irregular menstruation. In addition, an inordinately high percentage of the eggs produced by PCOS women following ovulation induction tend to be chromosomally abnormal (aneuploid). Rather than being due to an intrinsic egg defect or being inherent in PCOS women, the poor egg quality is more than likely the result of overexposure to male hormones (predominantly testosterone) produced by the ovarian stroma. These two factors (ovulation dysfunction and poor egg quality) are the main reasons for the poor reproductive performance (infertility and an increased miscarriage rate) in PCOS women.

PCOS patients are also at an inordinate risk of severely over-responding to injectable fertility drugs such as Follistim, Puregon,Bravelle, Gonal F and Menopur. In such cases a very large number of ovarian follicles are formed and blood estrogen levels go sky high. In some cases this can lead to life endangering complications. When this happens, the condition is referred to as severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). In addition, PCOS women receiving fertility agents followed by the “hCG trigger” shot, they often release several eggs at a time (i.e multiple ovulation). This can lead to about a 40 % chance of a multiple pregnancy and a 10-20% chance of high order multiples (i.e. triplets or greater) with often devastating consequences.


1) Hypothalamic-pituitary-PCOS: This is the commonest form of PCOS. It is often genetically transmitted and is characteristically associated with uncharacteristically high blood Luteinizing Hormone (LH) levels. In such cases the LH is usually much higher than the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) level. In non PCOS women, the FSH is usually higher than the LH concentration. PCOS is also associated with high-normal blood androgen (male) hormone concentrations e.g. androstenedione, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone – (DHEA). Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian PCOS is commonly associated with insulin resistance (in about 40%-50% of cases).

2) Adrenal PCOS: Here, the excess of androgen (male) hormones is derived from overactive adrenal glands rather than from overactive ovaries. Blood levels of testosterone and/or androstenedione are raised, but with this variety of PCOS, characteristically the blood level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS), only produced only by the adrenals is also raised, thereby clinching the diagnosis.

3) PCOS associated with severe pelvic adhesive disease: here the multiple ovarian cysts are thought to be due to prolonged ovarian engorgement with blood…the result of severe pelvic adhesions. The condition is sometimes seen with severe endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and/or extensive pelvic surgery: In contrast with ovarian or adrenal PCOS, these women tend not to hyperstimulate with fertility drugs. In contrast they are often even “poor responders”.


Hypothalamic-pituitary-/ovarian PCOS: Ovulation induction [with or without intrauterine insemination (IUI)] is often successful in establishing pregnancies in PCOS women. But, it has one significant draw back , namely that it is associated with an inordinately high risk of multiple pregnancies (often triplets or greater). IVF, by allowing purposeful limitation of the number of embryos reaching the uterus, prevents this risk and at the same time is several times more effective than IUI in resulting in pregnancy. It is in my opinion that IVF represents the treatment of choice (see below).

The oral diabetes medication, Glucophage (syn. Metformin) administered to PCOS women who have hyperinsylinism will within 3 months of startingtreatment result in a significant drop in blood insulin and a 40% reduction of the blood testosterone level. This can lead to an improvement in ovulatory function, and es a degree of suppression of androgenous symptoms and signs.

Surgical treatment:

  1. 1.”Ovarian drilling”: In this process multiple holes are made in the ovarian surface, ostensibly to drain the micro-cysts. Unfortunately this is usually wishful thinking because if there is any benefit at all, it will certainly be very small lived.
  2. Ovarian Wedge resection: This traditional surgical “aproach” designed to remove androgen hormone producing tissue fro the ovaries often at times result in reinstatement of regular ovulation and can result in pregnancies. But it notoriously also often results ibn the development of extensive post-surgical adhesions adding an anatomical barrier to fertility to an existing ovulatory dysfunction.

Adrenal PCOS: This form of PCOS is often successfully treated with cortisone-like steroids such as prednisone or dexamethasone to reducing the realease of male hormones by the adrenal glands. Over a period of several weeks, regular spontaneous ovulation often is reinstated. In some cases the additional use of fertility drugs will be needed.

PCOS due to Pelvic Adhesive Disease: This is an atypical variety of the condition because unlike other varieties of PCOS it is often associated with reduced ovarian reserve, a raised FSH blood level and a reduced response to fertility drugs. In such cases, high dosages of gonadotropins (FSH-dominant) with “estrogen priming” will be needed to induce appropriate follicle growth. Neither steroids nor Metformin are helpful in most such cases.


As stated above, there is an inordinate propensity for women with PCOS to hyper-respond to gonadotropin fertility drugs and in the process produce large numbers of ovarian follicles and dangerously high blood estrogen (estradiol) concentrations. If left unchecked, this can lead to OHSS, a potentially life endangering condition.

So, the onset of OHSS is signaled by the development of a large number of ovarian follicles (usually, > 25 in number) accompanied by rapidly rising plasma estradiol (E2) levels, often exceeding 3,000 pg/ml within 7 or 8 days of initiating ovarian stimulation. The E2 level will usually peak above 6,000 pg/ml prior to hCG administration (In fact I have often encountered blood E2 levels rising to more than double this level). When the E2 rises above 6,000 pg/ml, the risk of OHSS occurring (with life-endangering complications) is above 80%.

Symptoms and signs of OHSS include: abdominal distention due to excessive fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (i.e. ascites), fluid in the chest cavity (i.ehydrothorax), rapid weight gain (of a pound or more per day) due to tissue fluid retention, abdominal pain, lower back ache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, visual disturbances, a rapidly declining urine output, vascular collapse and failure of blood to clot resulting in severe bruising (echymosis) etimes frank bleeding and multiple organ failure. These symptoms and signs usually start developing even before pregnancy is diagnosed.

Once pregnancy occurs, the OHSS condition will rapidly worsen progressively over a period of 3-5 weeks whereupon it will suddenly resolve spontaneously over a few days. If no pregnancy occurs the condition is self-limiting with symptoms and signs usually all disappearing spontaneously within 10-12 days of the “hCG trigger” shot.

When the amount of fluid collecting in the abdominal cavity gets so severe as to make breathing hard or it causes a lot of discomfort, some or all of the fluid can readily and safely be drained through sterile needle introduced into the abdominal cavity (usually via the vagina), thereby improving the situation significantly. Fluid drainage might have to be repeated intermittently.

In all cases of OHSS, the ovaries will invariably become markedly enlarged. Unless the ovary twists on its axis, cutting off the blood supply (ovarian torsion) the ovarian enlargement is temporary and somewhat inconsequential. Ovarian torsion is fortunately an extremely rare complication of OHSS, but when it occurs, it represents a surgical emergency.

It is vital to know that because the symptoms and signs of OHSS are aggravated by rising hCG levels, such patients should never be given additional hCG injections.

Does PCOS cause poor egg/embryo quality?
It is undeniable that women with PCOS undergoing IVF commonly produce a disproportionate number of poor quality eggs with reduced fertilization potential and which upon fertilization can produce embryos with poor developmental potential. But, rather than being due to the eggs of PCOS women having an intrinsic defect, such poor embryo quality is much more likely to be the consequence of excessive local varian production of androgen hormones, aggravated by severe ovarian hyperstimulation.

Increased androgen hormone production can be limited through the selective use of customized low-gonadotropin dose ovarian stimulation protocols. This will reduce exposure of developing follicles (and the eggs they harbor) to excessive ovarian androgens. Such protocols should be designed to suppress the woman’s LH production throughout the duration of ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins. This in turn will reduce androgen hormone release by the ovarian stroma. At the same time, administration of high LH-containing gonadotropins such (e.g. Menopur) should kept to a minimum. Finally those women at imminent risk of developing OHSS must be treated by “prolonged coasting” (see below).

In the past, even a threat of the dreaded development of OHSS often prompted the treating physician to abruptly cancel the cycle or prematurely administer the “hCG trigger” in an attempt to arrest the process and so limit the risk to the patient. But, while premature administration of hCG does abruptly arrest progression of follicle growth, there is always the risk that if hCG is given too prematurely the eggs might not have have had sufficient time to develop adequately beforehand. In such cases, very premature administration of the “hCG trigger” will increase the risk of numerical egg chromosomal abnormalities (aneuploidy) and thereby set the scene for poor embryo quality.

In women with PCOS, the connective tissue that surrounds the follicles (ovarian stroma) is often characteristically overgrown (stromal hyperplasia). It is this stroma that produces androgen hormones (mainly testosterone) in response to LH stimulation. PCOS women who often have elevated blood LH concentration are thus predisposed to have excessive production of androgen hormones (mainly testosterone) and as a result, compromised egg/can also impair endometrial response to estrogen, leading to poor endometrial thickening (often seen in association with ovarian stimulation of PCOS women).

The obvious remedy to such adverse effects on egg/embryo and endometrial development is to prescribe a stimulation protocol that regulates and limits ovarian over-exposure to LH and at the same time allows sufficient time for the follicles/eggs to develop optimally, prior to administering the “hCG trigger” shot. It is in regard to the latter, that the precise timing for initiating “Prolonged Coasting” (PC) becomes a critical consideration.

What is Prolonged Coasting and how does it work?

In the early 90’s, we were the first to report on “prolonged coasting” (PC), a novel approach that helps to protect egg quality while preventing the development of OHSS. PC has since gained universal acceptance as a method of choice for preventing OHSS.

Prolonged coasting involves withholding gonadotropin therapy while continuing the administration of the GnRHa and then waiting until the plasma estradiol concentration drops low enough to insure that the woman is out of danger. Only then is the “hCG trigger” initiated. In such cases, the right application of PC will prevent severe OHSS, regardless of the number of prior developed follicles or the number of eggs retrieved.

Some have suggested that PC leads to poor quality eggs that upon being fertilized produce poor quality embryos. This, is not so! PC itself is not a cause of poor egg quality unless the timing with which the “coasting” process is implemented is incorrect. If PC is initiated too early, follicle growth and development may stop. If started too late, the follicles will become over-ripe (often cystic) leading to poor quality eggs/embryos. Thus, precise timing of the initiation of PC is critical.

Prolonged coasting virtually eliminates the risk of OHSS. When properly implemented, it will not significantly compromise egg development and maturation. Because of this, it prevents canceled IVF cycles and with it……..“canceled dreams”.

Please visit the SIRM Website for more information:

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One of the most vital concerns of women is that of their reproductive health. Considering that ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of cancer death in women, regular checks for possible symptoms associated with ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer should be a top priority, especially as a woman approaches their fifties. The following contains information on ovarian cysts, PCOS and how to diagnose and treat these gynecological issues.

What is an ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac which forms on the surface of an ovary. These cysts are really incompletely developed follicles that have not been fertilized, normally disappearing within a couple of menstrual cycles. These cysts are known as “functional cysts”, relatively benign cysts which are the result of the release of an egg from the ovary. The vast majority of these cysts often show up as non-cancerous forms, but there are some ovarian cysts that can turn cancerous. Women over the age of 50 are the most susceptible for ovarian cysts and should seek the advice of a doctor if they suspect that these cysts are cancerous.

What is PCOS?

PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition that effects between 4 percent and 10 percent of women who are of childbearing age. The word “polycystic” alludes to the condition of having an accumulation of cysts within the ovaries. The cysts involved in PCOS are not perilous in of themselves, but there is the possibility of a hormonal imbalance being triggered by the presence of these cysts, leading to distinctive symptoms associated with PCOS. It is not quite clear as to the certain cause of PCOS, but there are factors which can lead to this syndrome, including obesity, insulin resistance, external hormonal disruptors such as environmental or chemical pollution and genetic predisposition to such syndromes, among other potential triggers.

Are ovarian cysts perilous?

The vast majority of cysts are of the benign variety that normally does not cause any pain or discomfort. In most cases, most women do not realize that they have ovarian cysts at all. But there are cases where ovarian cysts can cause a notable amount of discomfort, especially during intercourse. Ovarian cysts may suddenly bleed or rupture, causing significant pain in the abdominal and pelvic regions. In rare cases, cysts can form within the corpus luteum, growing 3 to 4 inches in diameter while causing pelvic or abdominal pain, especially if the cysts manage to twist the ovary. For women in their fifties, ovarian cysts can turn into cancerous tumors, with the possibility of spreading to the lymph nodes and other tissues.

What are the types of cysts?

As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of cysts are “functional” cysts which normally go away on their own in about 1 to 3 months after ovulation. These cysts are products of the ovulation process and are usually so small and unobtrusive that you may not even realize you have one. Another type of ovarian cyst which is normally benign is a cystadenoma, which develops from the cells on the surface of the ovary. In some cases, these particular cysts can grow large, placing pressure on the abdominal organs resulting in some pain. Dermoid cysts consist largely of stout tissue, while also containing a mix of other tissues. This kind of cysts is normally small and relatively benign, but there are rare cases where dermoid cysts can grow to large sizes and eventually burst. This causes abdominal bleeding and is serious enough to warrant an emergency hospital visit.

Endometrioma is another type of cyst that could potentially grow within the ovaries. These cysts form when the endometrial tissue found inside of the uterus finds its way in the ovaries. These cysts are often called “chocolate cysts”, due to the fact that these cysts often fill with blood, giving them a brownish red color. Endometrioma can be potentially painful, especially during intercourse. Endometriosis is the presence of multiple endometrias within the ovaries.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?

The symptoms of ovarian cysts vary from case to case, although the most common symptoms have been shared by a majority of those with ovarian cysts. These include pelvic pain just before and after your period, sensations of pressure placed on your bladder or rectum, menstrual irregularities and persistent vaginal discharge. Abdominal pain is usually associated with ovarian cysts, although other conditions have similar symptoms, such as kidney stones, bladder infections and appendicitis, along with gynecologic issues such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). If any of these symptoms should appear, it is best to seek medical advice from a health professional. In the event that sudden symptoms appear, such as severe pain in your lower abdomen, fever, vomiting or signs of shock, immediately seek emergency help at the nearest hospital.

How are ovarian cysts diagnosed?

Ovarian cysts are diagnosed with a series of routine procedures, depending on the severity of the problem. Pelvic exams are used to detect ovarian cysts early on. Done annually, this is the best preventative method for detecting and treating ovarian cysts early on. If ovarian cysts are detected, a pelvic ultrasound is employed to determine the size of the cysts. Sound waves are used to produce an image of the cyst which is then analyzed by a gynecological professional. In the event that the doctor wants to closely examine the ovarian cyst, laparoscopy is employed, using a laparoscope. This thin, illuminated telescope is inserted through a small incision into the abdomen in order to closely inspect the cyst, as well as possibly remove it.

How can ovarian cysts be treated?

The methods used to treat ovarian cysts depend on the type of cysts and the severity of the symptoms associated with ovarian cysts or PCOS. If cysts are small and benign and are causing no symptoms, your doctor may advise you to wait for the cysts to go away on their own, following up with another pelvic exam and ultrasound in about six weeks. If the cysts do not go away on their own or grow even larger, other measures will be taken. One of these measures includes taking birth control pills. Birth control pills can possibly help the ovarian cyst shrink by changing the hormone levels within the body. Not only can birth control pills help shrink cysts, they also may prevent other cysts from growing.

As a last resort, the cyst may be removed if it is too large to shrink or if it is either solid or filled with debris. The cyst may also be removed if it is causing a significant amount of pain and distress or if it is continuously growing. A cystectomy may be performed, sometimes using the same laparoscopic techniques used for examining them. In most cases, the cyst can be removed without removing the affected ovary itself, although in some cases the ovary also has to be removed. In this case, the other ovary is left intact to insure continued hormone balance. In the case of PCOS, hormonal therapy may be used to not only treat the cysts themselves, but also the symptoms associated with PCOS. Metformin, a drug used to regulate insulin efficiency, is also used in most cases to treat the insulin resistance associated with PCOS. Other treatments range from better dietary habits and weight loss to ovarian drilling. Ovarian drilling consists of making anywhere from 4 to 30 holes in a cystic ovary, a treatment that has worked for some women. In the case of ovarian cancer, surgery is the most preferred route of treatment, followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In the most extreme cases, a hysterectomy, which involves the removal of both ovaries, along with any nearby lymph glands and other affected tissue, may be necessary to prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Can ovarian cysts be prevented?

Ovarian cysts are a phenomenon that cannot be entirely avoided, although they can be managed with sensible measures. A woman can minimize the frequency and growth of ovarian cysts with means as simple as increased exercise and improvements in dietary habits and overall health. Controlling your level of stress, as well as balancing your hormonal system can also make a difference in how ovarian cysts are managed. Diet is the most vital aspect of managing ovarian cysts. According to medical research, women who consumed a large amount of meat and cheese product were the most susceptible to ovarian cysts, while women who consumed green vegetables were the least vulnerable to developing ovarian cysts.

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Wrinkle in Time

Each time you look into the mirror, in your subconscious mind perhaps reckon, “Ah! Another new lines,” – “This was not here yesterday,” or the extreme one “I got more wrinkle than Chinese Shar Pei dog!”. Like everything else, of course our body is getting older through time.


Take excellent care of your skin to help combat the signs of aging. Don’t over wash your face; limit washing to twice each day. This is especially right if your tap water contains chlorine or other chemicals used in water purification. Consider having a water filter installed, or use purified water to wash your face, if you find the chlorine irritating. Never wash in very hot water, which is drying.


If you cannot wait to get rid of those firm line on the side of your mouth, of on your forehead, why don’t you have a small trip to botox woodland hills and get a small fix on the area you desired.


Antioxidants help reduce the signs of aging on your skin. These are found in food, vitamins and skin care products. The best sources are vitamin A, C, E. Antioxidants ruin free radicals, which cause cellular hurt, age the skin and cause skin cancer. There is evidence that they work best when combined. For example, vitamins C and E work better together than either vitamin alone. Vitamin A is often found in both prescription and over the counter topical ointments.


Use only mild facial cleansers that contain moisturizing ingredients. Stay away from soap, especially deodorant soaps, which are very drying to the skin. After you have washed your face, pat dry and use a moisturizer. Look for products that are oil free. Water based lotion is best for moisturizing the skin without clogging your pores.


If you need an instant result, have a visit to Los angeles Dysport to have a quick fix on your wrinkles. Now stop brooding in front of the mirror and get something done. Compared to smile, sad facial expressions can add more wrinkles on your face. So keep your chin up and place up a pleased face.


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Do you frequently find that you have gas and bloating after every meal? If so then there is a very likely chance that the cause is a problem with your digestive system that needs correcting. This problem is known as a prevalent fungus that lives in an estimated 90% of the population. It’s called candida albicans and it can cause a lot more than just gas and bloating after eating food as I’ll clarify. I’ll clarify some natural cures for gas and bloating and then how this fungus may be the real reason you’re experiencing these chronic issues.

First 2 quick natural cures for Gas and Bloating

#1. Probiotics – If you haven’t tried these before, then now is the time. These beneficial bacteria are a major reason for gas and bloating, more specifically a lack of them is the cause. You see whenever you take an anti-biotic or a drug of some kind it has a very high likelihood of destroying most of these excellent bacteria. Over time a large part of these bacteria can become killed off, this leaves room for terrible bacteria and fungus such as candida to spread.

#2. Digestive Enzymes – Very often over the course of eating a very processed and toxic diet the body will start to deplete its ability to produce digestive enzymes. These enzymes can be of a huge help to those suffering from gas and bloating, but they themselves are not the cure. In many cases the overgrowth of candida in the body will really reduce your bodies production of enzymes. This being just one of many ways in which candida is involved in weakening digestive processes in the body.

The solution to eliminating digestive problems of all kinds once and for all in an effective diet and cleanse targeted to eliminating candida and all the other contributing factors that allow for candida to ruin a healthy body. Not only does candida negatively affect digestion but also affects moods and has been linked as the main cause of ADD/ADHD and something called brain fog where it seems like concentration is always impaired. If that wasn’t terrible enough it is also a common cause of allergies and even asthma. There is a list of over 100 potential symptoms caused by candida. The best solution is to take a candida test and determine if you are at risk.

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