Allergies Archives

We spend an extraordinary amount of our lives sleeping. When you have received enough sleep you are able to function at your peak potential, but when you have not gotten the amount of sleep you need you productivity starts to suffer. The better bedding you have the better you will be able to sleep. Many sleep experts believe that in order to get the best possible sleep, you should be using organic bedding.

Organic bed linens can be used in a variety of climates. The bedding is available in cotton for warm climates and flannel for cool environments It is even possible to find organic wool and satin bedding. The fantastic thing about bedding that is made out of organic material is that you know it is all natural. Sleeping tucked between these organic sheets means that you can reap from several health benefits.

When you use sheets that are organic the only thing you are giving up is the residue left behind from pesticides and chemicals that were used to grow non-organic materials These residues can cause a slew of problems and even compromise and individual’s immune and respiratory system. Not only will you feel safer when you are sleeping on organic sheets but you will also find that the your bed looks stunning when it is covered in the organic material

Anyone who finds themselves waking up feeling itchy and tired will defiantly want to give bedding made out of organic materials a shot. The residues left behind on the non-organic materials is extremely irritating to anyone who has sensitive skin. When you have made the switch to organic you will no longer spend the night scratching at hives and rashes.

Asthmatics find that switching from non-organic sheets and blankets to organic sheets and blankets makes a huge difference in how well they sleep. If you are struggling to manage your asthma you also want to make sure that your pillow is organic. The more residues from pesticides, chemicals, and perfumes that are in the pillow case, the more likely you are to have an asthma attack.

Doctors who specialize in asthma and other respiratory problems have noticed a significant improvement when their patients have made the change to organic sheets and pillow cases. The breathing problems decrease and the individual was finally able to get a excellent nights sleep. The more diligent the asthmatic was about making sure they always used the organic linens the less likely they were to set off and attack that could last for several nights. Changing the bedding from non-organic to organic is a major step in the prevention of future asthma attacks.

Sometimes people are surprised at how much better they sleep when they switch to organic linen. Since they have never been diagnosed with either allergies or asthma they assumed the type of bedding they used did not matter. After making the change to organic bedding they quickly learn that their overall health seems to be better and that they feel more rested then ever before.

In the past organic bedding has been hard to find. That is no longer the case. Demand for the organic linen is going up which means the availability is also increasing.

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Why Do I Keep Getting Nasal Polyps?


I have had nasal polyps several times. These always cause infections and breathing difficulties, which get worse as winter approaches. 


Polyps are small fleshy growths attached by a stalk to the surface they spring from. They can occur in different parts of the body, including the lining of the nose where, as you say, they affect the respiratory process. The nose is primarily a passage for air to enter the respiratory system. It also functions as an air-conditioning system so that air reaching the alveoli in the lungs (the end branches of the respiratory tree) is the same temperature as the body and has  sufficient moisture so the alveoli don’t become dehydrated and unable to function properly. If the nasal tract is blocked by polyps or other factors (eg, a cold or sinus discharge), this system is affected and the mouth and throat dry up and feel sticky. 

The air we inhale must also be filtered to remove particles. Smaller particles – pollen, dust, mites allergens are filtered by microscopic hairs called cilia in the moist mucus that covers the nasal lining. Large particles – sand, sawdust, small insects -are trapped in the chambers behind the nostrils. It’s uncertain how nasal polyps are caused, but since they are more common in people who have asthma or rhinitis  (inflammation of the mucus lining of the nose and throat), one possibility is that the mucus lining of the nose is reacting to trapped allergens and particles. The body tries to expel them by producing mucus and sneezing, as in hay fever. If the allergy is chronic, rhinitis develops, with blocked nose and chronic congestion.

This long-term discharge of mucus under the external layer of cells makes the surface inflate like a water bed. As the trapped fluid grows, it forms polyps, which are tiny fluid-filled balloons. Although polyps are benign grounds (ie, not carcinogenic), they are annoying and can, as in your case, worsen in winter or  during the hayfever season. Once formed they generally wont shrink unless treated.

Breathing through your nose is vital for general wellbeing. It’s thought that the electromagnetic wave made by the to-and from passage of air molecules tones up the pituitary-hypothalamic area of the brain above the back of the nasal passage. This controls the body’s hormonal and immune functions, so a blocked nose makes you fed tired and unable to concentrate.

If polyps can’t be seen by the naked eye, a doctor may question for a nasal endoscopy (when a viewing instrument is inserted into the nasal tract) and/or a CT scan. The most common medical treatment is a corticosteroid spray, which shrinks the polyps over several weeks. Larger polyps may be removed by an endoscopic procedure, followed by a steroid spray or a course of oral corticosteroids.

I suggest the following


* Reduce mucus production by avoiding cheese, milk yoghurt, ice cream, ice cubes, chilled drinks, yeast-containing foods, coffee, alcohol, mushrooms, spicy foods and excess sugar.

* Take one teaspoon of freshly juiced root ginger with a small manuka honey, once daily for a month, to help dry mucus and reduce allergic reactions.


* Sinus Oil : Place two drop in each nostril and try to sniff it up; this helps to decongest, the nasal tract and sinuses. Do this daily for two months.

* Lauq sepistan: half a teaspoonful twice daily for one month; alternatively, take Peppermint and Pipali Formula : four daily for three months  to help dry up the excess mucus.

Nasal douching

*Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a neti pot filled with lukewarm water. Breathing gently through your mouth, tilt your head to the left, insert the nozzle into the right nostril and slowly pour in the water, which will trickle down the right nostril and pour out of the left. When half the pot is empty, stop and tilt the head to the other side, repeating the routine. With large polyps, the water may not come out smoothly, but twin improve as you do this daily for two months. Blow your nose afterwards to dry the nostrils and practise a cleansing breath exercise: sit or sand comfortably, close your mouth and look straight ahead. Inhale fully through your nose, then exhale quickly, snapping your stomach in. Pause briefly, then inhale slowly. Repeat 25 times.

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Based on more than a year of customer use and input, Philips Respironics is delivering an even higher level of sophistication in an intelligent therapy device. The industry leading PR System One is now poised to offer CPAP patients the highest satisfaction levels of any CPAP machine in the industry. Through advancements in software algorithms and the marriage of proven patient-centric technologies, System One thinks for itself, carefully monitoring patients and recognizing when therapy needs are changing. It then arms providers with the intelligent data needed to make informed patient-care decisions. A few of the improvements most notable include:

Reduced sound levels
They’ve enhanced System One to make it one of the quietest devices on the market when it matters most: when patients are breathing on it. But don’t take our word for it: testing by an independent, third-party laboratory shows that the System One REMstar Auto is, on average, 25% quieter than the ResMed S9 AutoSet during simulated breathing conditions.

See the results

A CPAP Machine Breakthrough Technology that Dramatically Reduces Rainout
System One Humidity Control has been designed to establish optimum patient comfort and device performance. Patients select one of five dial settings to receive a consistent delivery of relative humidity at the mask to meet their personal needs. For additional comfort, System One CPAP machine now has improved absolute humidity and target relative humidity levels across all humidifier dial settings. In addition, a new “classic” mode provides the ability to shut off humidity control, if desired.

Even in changing environmental conditions, consistent humidification levels are preserved throughout each night. System One Auto CPAP machine closely monitors room temperature, room humidity, and flow to determine what is required to maintain the patient-selected humidity level. By controlling relative humidity output at the mask, rainout can be prevented, under most circumstances. With such intelligent control, our other comfort technologies, such as Flex, perform at their peak, providing maximum comfort and encouraging long-term compliance.

The enhanced System One CPAP machine features a host of other innovative technologies and features that improve both the patient and provider/clinician experience.

Dual modes with remote switching: Now, System One BiPAP Pro and BiPAP Auto devices come equipped with both bi-level and CPAP capabilities and can be easily switched between modes – including remotely via computer – when clinicians and providers need to adjust patient therapy. The convenience of having both options in a single unit is another innovation designed to save providers from having to make additional trips to patients’ homes.

Mask fit and seal monitoring: With the Mask Fit feature, System One Auto devices give patients the ability to check the seal of their masks in real time and lets them and their clinicians know what leaks may result when pressures increase from baseline throughout the night.

Simple night-time viewing: A back-lit screen ensures patients will be able to see System One’s interface even in the dark.

Enhanced filtration design: Packaged with each device, a white, ultra-fine filter provides filtration that may enhance comfort without increasing noise or changes in efficacy.

15 mm tubing option: System One now features both 15 mm and 22 mm tubing options that may provide greater patient comfort and customization of therapy.

Multilingual show: System One devices can be set to show different languages, depending on the country of use. U.S. models show English or Spanish; Canada models show English or French.

The PR System One Auto and Auto BiPAP have established themselves as effective and reliable Auto CPAP machine providing direct results to CPAP patients suffering from sleep apnea. Learn more about CPAP machine innovation by visiting a CPAP machine provider on the web.

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Recently, quite a few states have reported an upswing in the numbers of the dust mite and bed bug populations. One must be properly educated to help in preventing dust mites and mold, and bed bugs.

Dust mites are a part of the spider family, having eight legs. Their bodies are blue-gray in color. The usual places that mites infest are kitchens and bedrooms because these are the rooms in an average home that tend to be dry and warm. Mites, aside from the occasional human bite, feed mostly on decomposing organisms and other particles.

Bed bugs are a part of the insect family and have just six legs. They are not as tiny as mites, are really visible to the human eye, and are known for their red appearance. The rooms of choice for a bed bug are bedrooms and bathrooms. This is because these rooms are usually the most warm places in the home. Their obvious favorite place is on a bed, or a mattress more specifically. There they can feast on the dead skin of humans and occasionally feed on the person. Bed bugs moult six times during their lifespan, and a usual sized clan can shed over fifty pounds of skins and feces during any five year span. This is why mattresses seem to gain weight over the years.

Black Mold is a typically greenish black fungus that feeds on moisture. It must be a continuous moisture like that of homes that have been hurt by flood waters. The spores of Black Mold can have quite damaging effects if one breathes them. This can lead to many different ailments.

Buying a new mattress is never an simple choice, but bed bugs tend to force one to make that choice. To remedy the situation, aside from buying a new mattress set, involves the usage of pesticides and round the clock, comprehensive cleaning. Following are ways to control dust mites as well as mold.

Comprehensive cleaning of contaminated areas will be required in order to remove a pesky dust mite situation. This will remove all feces, but only ninety percent of the mites, that is why it is so vital to continuously clean. Any contaminated areas that are machine washable may be place inside the dryer on high heat for at least ten minutes. Utilizing a dehumidifier also helps with all three of these common household pests.

Mattress and pillow protectors are a wonderful way to help control a pest problem. Health wise, this is one of the best ways of fighting the pest problem. These protectors are one hundred percent machine washable. They also help in controlling asthma symptoms.

Asthma is a very serious condition, and any steps to ratify potential problems are worth the hassle. Especially when dealing with Black Mold, death is a possible outcome if no steps are taken to rectify the current problem.

Fresh bedding and carpeting in one’s bedroom does wonders. There are major health benefits such as better, more breathable air, lower instances of asthma attacks, and living longer.

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Psoriasis recurring skin disease



What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic, recurring skin disease. Its scope can vary considerably; from mild outbreaks, where the person may not even be aware they have psoriasis, to severe cases, which can be socially disabling and, in rare instances, life-threatening.


Psoriasis vulgaris is the most common form. The first signs of an outbreak are:

  • Red spots or patches.
  • The patches grow larger and become scaly.
  • The upper scales fall off in large quantities, while the lower layers of scales are firmly fixed.
  • When the scales are scraped off, a number of small, bleeding points can be seen underneath.
  • Psoriasis of the nail often manifests itself as small indentures in the nails. The outbreak can be so severe that the nail thickens and crumbles away.
  • Flexural psoriasis occurs in skin folds (flexures). Red, itchy plaques appear in the armpits, under the breasts, on the stomach, in the groin or on the buttocks. The plaques are often infected by the yeast-like fungus candida albicans.
  • Guttate psoriasis is a special variant which primarily occurs acutely in children and young people due to a streptococcal infection of the throat. Drop-like, scaly patches appear on the entire body. In many cases, the condition disappears by itself after a few weeks or months.


What is the treatment?

The treatment, which should be carried out in close collaboration between the patient and the GP or the dermatologist, consists of various treatments used locally on the skin and taken by mouth. It depends on the patient’s age, state of health and on the nature of the psoriasis.

Moisturisersare an vital factor in treatment for psoriasis and may be all that is needed for mild psoriasis. They reduce dryness, cracking and scaling of the skin.

Special lotions are available for scalp treatment. These often contain salicylic acid, coal tar, sulphur or corticosteroids.

Phototherapy (ultraviolet B, UVB) and photochemotherapy (psoralent ultraviolet A, PUVA) are both used in specialist dermatology centres for widespread psoriasis. Many patients find that natural sunlight also helps.

Intensive research is being carried out to find better treatments for psoriasis and new treatments are regularly introduced which improve the condition in some people.


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Enlarged Uvula

If you are facing with uvula enlarge problem then don’t panic more than 95% of cases its normal.

These are the reason which make your uvula enlarged. (Most of the times)

1) Alcohol Abuse (You drink like a pig last night)…:)

2) Spicy food or too much salt

3) You have tried to eat something new.

4) Dehydration can also cause uvula swell.

5) Keeping the mouth open while sleeping, or breathing through the mouth (Breathing through the mouth dries up the oral cavity, again forcing the uvula to soak saliva and swell.)

6) Snoring ( Many times, snoring can too contribute to uvula swelling. When a person snores, his or her throat and tongue meet the uvula and the soft palate, which can cause this small organ to enlarge. Canker sores that commonly affect the oral cavity can sometimes, develop on the uvula. Such a condition can too cause enlarged uvula. )

What should I have to do now?

1) Gargle with salt water.
2) Avoid eating spicy food for a week.
3) Drink lots of water.
4) Avoid alcohol for some time (This is vital…:)

If size of eluva not getting to its normal size for more than a week then please see a doctor. In most cases it gets to normal in 3-4 days and does not pain(you may feel uncomfortable).

If you are facing frequent eluva enlargement problem then this may be a sign of some serious problem that your body trying to show you.

let me know what you reckon.

Visit News Mantra for more health related articles

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Dust mites live in our home where it is warm and humid.  They live in places like our carpets, bedding, sofas, mattresses, pillows, curtains and even our children’s stuffed animals.  They are microscopic organisms that feed on the dead cells of our body.  In this article learn how to identify dust mites allergy symptoms.

Dust mites produce a lot of waste material which we inhale on a daily basis.  We aren’t even aware this is happening.  At times you may find that your nasal passage has become very irritated and that’s due to the type of protein that their waste produces.  Our immune system becomes very susceptible to this protein, because of this.  Our body reacts by irritating the nasal passage making us sneeze whenever we inhale this waste material from the dust mites.

Also accompanying the sneezing may be a runny nose.  If not treated in time, severe breathing problems may occur.  On top of all of this we still may have to worry about dust mite allergies reacting to the skin which can cause dust mite bites.

Other symptoms may include rubbing of the nose, nasal congestion, hay fever, swollen skin under the eyes, pain in the face, pressure in the facial muscles, a cough and itchy watery eyes.  If left untreated, all these symptoms can lead to asthma.  

Asthma can occur because the protein in the waste materials of the dust mites cause continuous irritation in the nasal passage.  If this happens, the symptoms that occur are tightness in the chest, chest pains, breathing problems, flu, inability to sleep, bouts of wheezing and shortness of breath.

If you are constantly exposed to areas with dust mites or if there is a history of allergies that runs in your family, then you are at a higher risk of suffering from these types of allergies.  Although they might not necessarily become severe, it cannot be ruled out.  If you have any of these types of symptoms they need to be treated immediately.

As far as children are concerned, they are also at risk of suffering from dust mites allergies.  In order to prevent them from dealing with the repercussions of the severe symptoms that may happen later on, it’s best to have them tested at an early age.

I hope this article helped learn how to identify dust mites allergy symptoms.  If left untreated, you can see what type of problems you will have to deal with later on.

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Lactaid Coupon – Free Printable Lactaid Coupons

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Lactaid is a brand of dairy products and dietary supplements designed to help those suffering from lactose intolerance.

People everwhere are finding that food prices and groceries are rising in price and many are using free coupons to save money on their housekeeping bills.

It’s simple to save money by using coupons on your weekly shop and you can get your Lactaid coupons by clicking on the link above or below and finding the lactose intolerance coupons that you require.

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With the credit crisis well and truly upon us, we are are looking for ways to save cash and this can be achieved by cutting down on your outgoings.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by using grocery coupons to reduce your final bill at the cashiers desk of your grocery store.

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Using coupons is simple, all you have to do is print them from your PC and take them along to your grocery store. Hand the coupons over when you pay your bill and the amount will be taken off the total.

What a fantastic way to save money on Lactaid deals with Lactaid coupons, saving you heaps on the products you need to buy.

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3 Reasons You Need an Air Purifier

We always hear about how polluted the air is and the news reports when the air quality is too terrible for people to exercise outdoors. But what about the air inside your home? Indoor air can really be more polluted than that you breathe outside! A home air purifier is the answer to cleaner indoor air for several reasons.

  1. Cleaner Air – as stated above, the air in your home could be more polluted than you find outside. This is because we spend so much time with the windows and doors of our homes closed up tight. In the summer we close them to keep the cold from the air conditioner in and in the winter we want to keep the cold out. As a result the air in our homes becomes stagnant, never exchanging with fresh from outside. Home pollutants such as smoke, pet dander, dust, mold, among others build up to make a stale and often toxic blend of air that we breathe every day. A home air purifier will help to pull the indoor pollutants out, leaving fresh clean air in return.
  2. Healthier Family – Everyone wants their family to be healthy, but they don’t realize that the air in their home could be contributing to illnesses. Toxins that we absorb into our bodies when we breathe can cause many illnesses including serious diseases such as cancer, arthritis, asthma, etc. By using a home air purifier, we can remove the harmful toxins from the air and provide a healthier environment for families to live in.
  3. Relief from Allergy and Asthma Symptoms – Many of the pollutants you find in indoors are also huge contributors to allergy and asthma attacks. Pet dander, smoke, and mold are major allergy and asthma triggers. By using an air purifier you can help to remove those elements from the air and help bring relief to people who suffer from these conditions. You can buy small purifiers that are perfect for personal use. Place one of these in the bedroom of the person who has allergies or asthma to clean the air in their personal space. You will find that they feel better and can breathe better when they sleep with a purifier.

A home air purifier is beneficial in any home and even at the office. You feel healthier when the air you breathe is clean. You can find purifiers at most large department and home improvement stores in a wide variety of sizes and prices. There is a purifier that is perfect for you home.

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How to find a suitable cream for Eczema

Having a child of thirteen years of age who has had Eczema from an early age I can attest to the fact that there are many creams for Eczema on the market. Some are better than others at soothing the effects of Eczema. Having tried various creams such as Betnovate over the years without a long lasting effect we started to believe that we would never find a suitable cream for Eczema. Having exhausted the majority of the more established treatments for Eczema and psoriasis we chose to look at natural remedies.

We had been advised that Aloe Vera could be used for Eczema by our grandparents. This advice fell on deaf ears as we had always believed in medical science.As there is no actual cure for Eczema we thought that we would try a natural alternative.

Many case studies have shown that Aloe Vera is a natural nutrient for revitalising the skin.It has been used for thousands of years for this purpose.It has the natural ability to penetrate the skin and nourish the developing skin cells in the lower layers which promotes healthy skin. it seems to be the perfect cream for eczema with its ability to moisturise and heal the skin. Aloe Vera has been proven to be a much safer alternative to using Steroid cream as they have been known to cause harmful side effects.

The natural antiviral, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera have convinced me that it is a excellent source for a cream for Eczema.


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