A right alcohol intolerance refers to someone’s liver being unable to fully break down the alcohol in the blood stream. About eight percent of the world’s population has this genetic condition where the body lacks an enzyme that properly breaks down alcohol.  In Asians the percentage is very high, about 50% which is why allergy to alcohol is referred to as Asian Glow or Asian Flush.

The symptoms of allergy to alcohol…

  Alcohol allergy symptoms may also include an increase in the blood flow to different parts of the body especially to the skin. The face and/or body experiences flushes or blotches, due to an accumulation of acetaldehyde.  As it turns out, whether or not someone gets a red face after drinking, and a slew of other symptoms including nausea, vomiting, increased heart beat and dizziness – is dictated by your genes.

The long term risks if you get these symptoms when drinking alcohol…

When you drink, the alcohol turns into acetaldehyde, which is a chemical that causes DNA hurt and has cancer-promoting effects. The main cancer risk be esophageal and stomach cancer. Most people can metabolize correctly sometimes (produce or have the necessary enzyme) and other times not which is why the allergic reaction to alcohol can be sporatic.

What can you do to cure your alcohol allergy and its symptoms…

 No Red Face Formula provides a step by step guide on how to avoid your face from turning red after drinking alcohol.  The No Red Face Formula has been made to help sufferers of Asian flush and Asian glow overcome their embarrassing red faces when drinking alcohol. Reports indicate that something around 99.73% of people currently using this allergy to alcohol cure are very satisfied with the results.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/allergies-articles/alcohol-intolerance-alcohol-allergy-asian-flush-do-you-get-red-faced-when-drinking-alcohol-3099132.html

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