Archive for August, 2010

Natural Treatments For PCOS

Many women question me if there is a natural treatment for PCOS that works.  To answer this question, it is first of all vital to explore just what exactly PCOS is.  Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) refers to multiple cysts on the ovaries. Current estimates are that approximately 1 in 8, or half a million, Australian women of child bearing age suffer from PCOS, which puts it well on the road to qualifying as an epidemic.  The excellent news is there is natural treatment for PCOS that works.

It is essential to diagnose and treat PCOS as early as possible since, if left untreated, can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol and increases the risk of endometrial cancer and coronary heart disease.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

There are a number of symptoms that indicate PCOS. You may:

  • stop ovulating, or ovulation becomes infrequent
  • have distress falling pregnant
  • experience excess hair on the face and body
  • suffer from acne
  • experience high blood pressure
  • suffer from high cholesterol
  • develop elevated insulin levels, or insulin resistance
  • gain weight steadily for no real reason
  • suffer mood changes
  • find that your periods stop, become irregular or painful and your hair thins.

Click here to take my free hormonal health test and see if you are suffering the effects of PCOS, hormonal imbalance and weight gain.

Why does it occur?

PCOS occurs when a woman doesn’t ovulate, which causes a disruption in the normal, cyclical interrelationship among her hormones, brain and ovaries.

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. In the past, it was thought that PCOS was caused entirely by excess production of androgens. More recent research has shown that Metabolic Syndrome associated with insulin resistance and high levels of insulin play key roles in PCOS.

Metabolic Syndrome may be the condition which best illustrates the long-term effects of our Western lifestyle habits. The usual suspects are responsible: high calorie/high carbohydrate diets, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalances and chronic stress are a few of the major causes of metabolic dysfunction.

Although genetic and environmental factors contribute to Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and physical in-activity are the most vital.

The problem is, often women with PCOS try hard to lose the weight only to find that they either can’t lose it – or it rebounds once they complete their diet.

Some possible causes of PCOS

  • High consumption of processed foods
  • High saturated stout intake
  • Genetics
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Lifestyle factors including stress, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition
  • Birth control pills and contraceptive medications

The diet connection to PCOS

By far the largest lifestyle contributor to PCOS is poor diet. Research supports that high consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates cause an unhealthy rise in insulin levels. Insulin stimulates androgen receptors on the outside of the ovary, causing the typical PCOS symptoms of excess hair (on the face, arms, legs), thin hair (on the head), and acne. Eventually this type of diet will cause obesity, which will cause insulin resistance (the inability of the cells to take in insulin) which will aggravate the PCOS even more.

What is the best natural treatment for PCOS?

Doctors tend to prescribe two treatments, both of which affect symptoms only, and neither of which is particularly successful. One treatment is direct manipulation of reproductive hormones using birth control pills, androgens, androgen blockers and synthetic oestrogens. The other is prescribing oral drugs for Type II diabetes, which reduce insulin resistance.

Losing weight is one of the best natural treatments for PCOS, yet it is one of the toughest treatments to achieve. Whether obesity is a cause of PCOS or obesity is a result of PCOS is unclear. PCOS is not ‘cured’ by weight reduction, but the symptoms of PCOS tend to be lessened by weight loss or increased by weight gain.

One of the most vital things to remember is that we are all different – what foods to eat vary according to what your individual hormonal influences are.  The best approach is to adopt a lifestyle system that improves hormonal balance resulting in metabolic health, allowing you to lose stout and keep it off.

Natural treatments for PCOS

It is vital to:

  • Identify hormonal imbalances
  • Implement a diet that reflects your hormonal needs
  • Exercise regularly
  • Implement nutritional and herbal support

A qualified naturopath can help you manage PCOS naturally using natural supplements, herbs to balance hormones and advising on diet and lifestyle improvements to lose weight. 

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How to Get Rid of Dust Mites Once and For All

Dust mites can’t be seen by the naked eye but they are disgusting small creatures that lurk in our home.  Did you know that on average there may be anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites living inside your mattress!  They live in warm places which includes your pillows, bedding, upholstery, drapes, carpets, stuffed toys and other surfaces.  In this article you will learn how to get rid of dust mites once and for all.

In the past, getting rid of dust mites from your home for excellent has been no simple task.  Since they live in so many things, washing all of those items had to be done once a week.  It was imperative that the water was at least 130 degrees.  Feather and down pillows are very hard to wash so it was best to toss those out and get either foam pillows or ones with synthetic filling.

You also had to remember that the bedding and blankets also needed to be washed as well.  That can be a hard task if you have that type of bedding that can’t be washed that often.    

As far as your mattress goes, you could pay someone to come in and professionally clean it but then afterwards a plastic cover would need to be placed on the mattress to prevent dust mites from entering it ever again.  If you had any other bedding, that would need to be covered as well after a thorough cleaning.

Let’s not forget your children’s stuffed toys.  More weekly washing with those as well.

They also live in your carpets so that needs to be vacuumed once a week too.  If you have wood floors you can use a damp mop to dust those so that nothing will go flying up into the air and land on your bed or furniture.

If you have curtains, those will also need to be washed weekly which can be another major chore.  Replacing those with vinyl shades is the simplest route to take.  

And let’s not forget our four legged furry friends.  Not only do dust mites eat off the loose scales that are formed on our skin but our pets too.  Because they lay on the carpet a lot, jumping up in your bed will just bring those nasty small creatures with them.  

That seems like an dreadful lot of work just to get rid of something so small you can’t even see with the naked eye.  But because they can multiply as time goes by, they start to cause allergy problems which might be another reason you wake up every morning with a stopped up head or a headache.  It’s not just because you didn’t get a excellent night’s sleep.  You have to remember that you aren’t sleeping alone.

Dust mites are nasty small creatures that don’t belong inside our home.  I hope this article was helpful with how to get rid of dust mites once and for all.

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The Idea Around Hearing Loss

Studies show that three million children in the US alone have some form of hearing problems. The distress with these statistics is that they tell us how many but not whom. A lot of doctors have a hard time targeting those that really need help with these statistics. According to the American Hearing Society they got the figure by applying the total of children who were tested in certain areas only to the whole school children population. The children in the remaining 24 states which do not have laws that obligate the doctor to screen them for hearing problems might never know if they have problems or not.

Due to the lack of knowledge with the illness that they have, many children will do their best to be part of the normal society. They are often called inattentive, unmanageable, and even stupid. A lot of time children will feel like they are nothing incorrect with them or that frightened to tell anyone. This one case follows a boy and how he was unable to tell people about his condition. Suffering from scarlet fever at age three made him a bit reserved.

It is for this reason that his boy was unable to listen to what his parents wanted from him. As for not following orders this boy would then be spanked. On the other hand his mother would just say he was not a disobedient boy but an absent minded one. One time when his mother questions him to do something she had to shout. Finally his son heard her and did the errand. This lead the mother to believe that when you give emphasis on something the boy will be able to obey.

When school came along, the boy did not have so many friends. Since he was a bright lad he managed to do passing work in his overcrowded class. In the state that the boy lived in it was really up to the people if they wanted to get hearing tests or not. Audiometer tests were given in their school when he turned 9.

Due to the scarlet fever the boy had when he was younger he now had serious hearing problems. He now had a hearing aid which he uses so he can hear what people are telling him. There is hope too that proper medical care will improve his natural hearing.

Often cases will end up not having resolutions. There are some cases that will be hard to treat once the problem is found. Usually the problems lie with the treatment of the hearing loss says a head from the New York League for the Hard of Hearing. Most of the time, getting tested is simple sine all you really need to do is stay for a few minutes then leave. The problem is really the lack of follow up on the people. Permanent impairment will plague many because of this. The person most likely to spot this problem is the mother. They should also do this even before the child goes to school. The best way to go about it is to leave the child in another room and from a distance speak to them and she how they react. Sometime it is hard for parents to accept the truth. One doctor who’s a pioneer in hearing conversation, and helped invent the audiometer more than 30 years ago suggests some tests for mothers to use in simple home checks every few months. With the many sounds of the environment a baby will be able to react to these entire if they can hear well. There is something incorrect when a baby will only show reactions when they see something. If your child has discharges or odors from your child’s ear, or deformities or swellings in or about the external ear canal then they might have a hearing problems. There are no hearing problems for children who are able to hear even if you are not in the same room and you call them. When they start talking it is because they can hear many things or other people talking. A child will not be able to talk if they are not able to hear.


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Pregnancy And Ovulation

Of the two phases of a women’s monthly cycle, ovulation is the shortest phase, yet the most crucial for those looking for to get pregnant and individuals looking for to avoid pregnancy all together. Occurring on the 14th day of a common 28-day cycle, the ovulation period usually lasts from 24-72 hours. Lets go over the different ways to test for your ovulation cycle. As the ovulation phase approaches, your blood supply to your ovaries increase and the ligaments contract, pulling the ovary closer to the fallopian tubes and allowing the egg, once released, to find its way into the tube. Pregnancy And Ovulation

Just before ovulation, a woman’s cervix secretes a lot of clear “fertile mucous” which is always stretchy. Some women use daily mucous monitoring to help determine if they’re fertile. Mucous monitoring consists of physically testing the discharge from your vagina. By using two fingers, you take a sample from your vaginal area and look at the mucous. If it’s thick, creamy or white in color, and if it breaks apart easily as you spread your fingers apart, you’re not quite at your ovulation cycle. If it looks like egg whites and is extremely thin, allowing you to separate your fingers dramatically without breakage, chances are you’re at your small window of opportunity and ovulation has arrived.

Another and more well loved way to track your ovulation cycle is to write it down manually on a calendar. Any calendar will do. This is the simplest way to track your ovulation. The day you start ovulating, the very day, count backwards 14 days and mark it on your calendar. This is because no matter how inconsistent your period is (starting on this day, then completely different the next month) your ovulation date will always remain the same. You start your period exactly two weeks after you ovulate. So don’t forget, count backwards, not forward. Another common way to track your ovulation cycle is to check your basal body temperature. This can be tough for some, and flat out complicated for others.

This method is only useful for women who have a regular 30-day menstruation cycle. The test is the one that measures a change in your body’s temperature that occurs after ovulation, making it simpler to predict when ovulation will start on your next cycle. Day one of your chart is the first day of your menstruation cycle. You should take your body temperature right then, record it and then save the thermometer because using the same thermometer each time will help to gain accurate information. The next morning and every morning after that, before, yes before you get out of bed take your temperature again and record the information. Your basal body temperature will rise just after ovulation by about .4F-.6F.

So, the day ovulation occurs you will see a rise, then over the next two days your temperature should climb even higher, making it very simple to see when you are peaking. Peaking is excellent. Now, the tough part about charting your temperature is noticing that your post-ovulating temperature will remain at the new, higher level. When the temperature drops, your cycle starts over again. Like with most fertility charting methods, you’ll need to plot and test in advance, at least 3 months to give you a excellent thought of your exact ovulation date. Pregnancy And Ovulation

The Luteinizing Hormone, also known as LH is what triggers ovulation to start. During ovulation a mature egg is released from a woman’s ovaries and travels to the fallopian tubes. The egg, regardless if its fertilized then makes its way into the uterus. If it is fertilized, conception happens. Besides the Luteinizing Hormone, there are two other hormones that play a crucial role during this phase; Estrogen and Progesterone. During ovulation these hormones are produced, or increase and when they combine together, they make many dramatic changes in your endometrium, because these changes are needed in order for an embryo to implant and start growing.

Ovulation kits are available over the counter in nearly any local pharmacy or grocery store. The best thing you can get from an ovulation kit is a better understanding of your monthly cycle. If you are trying to conceive, these kits could be a fantastic tool. The kits themselves are meant to track your Luteinizing Hormone. A high amount of LH is released throughout your body just before ovulation. Most professionals will tell you to stock up on ovulation kits and test multiple times per day, since the amount of LH in your system fluctuates during this time.

Once you test positive for increased amounts of LH, it’s vital you’re either constantly intimate over the next 72 hours if you want to get pregnant, or avoiding intimacy all together if you don’t. Be careful not to confuse pregnancy tests with ovulation tests since they search for different hormones. Pregnancy tests look for the hormone hCG, while again, ovulation tests look for LH. Monthly supply’s of ovulation kits can become slightly costly, averaging around forty dollars per month. But if you’re striving to get pregnant, it’s well worth the money. There can be complications with a woman’s ovulation cycle.

It can be delayed by stress, illness, medication or heavy increased activity. When women say things like “my period is late” it’s really the ovulation cycle that is late, not their menstrual cycle. This can be confusing if a woman is not charting her cycles. Start charting, you’ll see what I mean. icon smile Pregnancy And Ovulation   How Ovulating Leads to Pregnancy Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting Pregnancy And Ovulation ebook now!

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Secrets To Winning Back An Ex

When someone who you have a lot of feelings for decides to end your relationship you will probably try anything to win back an ex. You still like this person, but you don’t want to seem desperate, though. Dont spend all your time calling or buying your ex expensive things, this will just push them farther from you.

The first secret to win back an ex is to make sure you are cool and relaxed. Try not to look desperate, this will just be a turnoff to your ex.

Take some time off so you can both cool down after all the drama of the breakup. You want to be cool and thinking straight when you try to win back an ex. Too often people don’t take this time out and instead just panic and believe they have to win back an ex by going straight in hard from day one.

Go out and delight in yourself. Do things that make you pleased and make you feel excellent about yourself. Spend a lot of time with friends, don’t just sit in the house all alone. Have some fun! The last thing you want to do is probably go out, but this will really make a difference when you try to win back an ex.

Another way to keep you in a excellent mood is to make sure you take care of your body. Take time to cut your fingernails or go get a haircut. When you stay focused on something it will help you deal with what you are going through. You don’t have to become a body builder, just stay with a plot that works for you. This could be something as simple as walking the dog around the block or walking to the park with the kids. Get that blood moving!

A excellent diet can go a long way too. Don’t be one of those people who easts everything in the fridge to deal with a breakup. Even if it makes you feel better now, in the long run this is not going to help you win back an ex.

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What is one thing cavemen knew much better than we know now? How to survive in the wild? Yes. But more importantly, they knew how to survive in the healthiest way possible. There were no diet programs in those days nor were there shelves full of diet books. What cavemen knew instinctively was exactly what the best diet that works for them.

Let’s all take a quick lesson from our ancestors and see which elements of their diet are tips we can start to incorporate right way to lose unwanted body stout and improve our health.

  1. Cavemen only ate what they could kill or find in the wild. By no means am I suggesting you start to kill and hunt for your own food (we do have grocery stores now a days, thank goodness) but we still would benefit greatly by following this method in our own 21st century kind of way. If the food on your plate is not something your fellow caveman friend could have hunted, gathered and found himself, chances are you shouldn’t be eating that food. For example, a plate of lean hamburger and vegetables, followed by fresh fruit is perfect (for you and your new friend) but add a piece of bread or some pasta and now you have confused your fellow cave friend. These are not foods that existed during those times and are foods we are much healthier without.
  2. Cavemen only drank what they could find. Do you know what people have been able to find for centuries? That’s right, excellent ancient fashioned H2O (water that is). Water is truly the magic potion to weight loss and increased health. Unfortunately a fantastic majority of people are walking around severely dehydrated and suffering from many negative side effects which could all be easily resolved by drinking more water. Hunger, headaches, constipation, and digestive discomfort are just a few of the many symptoms that can easily be resolved by a few cups of water. Make sure to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (i.e. 200 lbs should drink 100 ounces).
  3. Cavemen stayed active for a majority of their day. I know this isn’t exactly part of their Best Diet but it is an essential and integral part of stout loss and optimized health. Tell your new caveman friend that he has to sit in an office chair all day and then go home and sit on the couch for the rest of the night and he will look at you like you are crazy (not that he doesn’t already reckon you are crazy but this would make matters worse). Go, go, go. Movement doesn’t always mean formal exercise. Take the stairs to your office, walk the parking lot a few extra times, get up and walk around the office a minimum of once per hour, anything to prevent you from sitting all day long. Today if modern man even tried to keep up with the daily activity and regimen of a caveman, they would quickly fall over in exhaustion.

The Best Diet and the Best Lifestyle plot can be easily established by just modeling the daily activities and food choices of cavemen. Use this question today to establish your own caveman habits “Is this food or drink something I could have found in the wild thousands of years ago?” If the answer is no, don’t eat it and find yourself a food that is more natural. Of course, don’t forget to share with your new caveman friend!

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There are no fixed jawline acne causes which normally affect persons in their adulthood and not in the adolescent years of their life. This problem comes as a surprise to most people who thought that their problems of pimples and acne are over with their teenage days and that they could now forget about skin problems.

Jawline acne appears on the jaw line, cheeks, chest, back and buttocks of the person, mostly in women who are past their teens. Unlike the acne in the teenagers, this is a painful problem and has many factors contributing to it. Jawline acne is also deeply embedded in the tissue and not like the acne that bothered the teenager and was only on the surface of the skin. This is a deep lying one and leaves scars that are much deeper too. This is referred to as cystic acne and if not treated immediately can leave terrible deep lying scars which will take a lot of invasive methods to get rid of.

Jawline acne cause in adults and especially in women is because of hormonal problems and hormonal inactivity. This could be brought on by consuming too much of dairy products which contain a lot of hormones. If the jaw line acne cause is diagnosed because of hormonal inactivity, then taking a course of pills for birth control would help it. On the other hand if dairy products are the culprit it is better to avoid them for a while and see if the acne subsides.

Sometimes certain cosmetics can bring this on, so it is better to check them out and see what the reason could be. Jaw line acne cause is sometimes a moisturizer that is too rich and greasy and clogs the pores on the face. Hair sprays and other hair products that are used too close to the face are another cause of Jaw line acne as they clog the pores and cause acne eruptions. Using oil on the hair and especially when it falls over the face for some women is another cause of clogged pores which bring on jawline acne. The base and pancake make up which are sometimes used by women should be avoided if there is a tendency for acne. It is best to avoid using stuff on the face which can bring on the problem of jawline acne and more so when one is prone to it.

Unlike other forms of acne the jaw line acne is not simple to treat and needs more aggressive treatment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics along with external ointments and medications for this problem.

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